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  1. 百达翡丽(patekphilippe)是另一个伟大的手表品牌,它的calatrava系列自1932年推出以来已在全球范围内拥有众多追随者。

    Patek Philippe is another great watch name , and its Calatrava range has had worldwide followers since its introduction in 1932 .

  2. 百达翡丽(Patek)或爱彼(AudemarsPiguet)怀表的价格也快速上涨。

    special escapements or perpetual calendars . The prices for those Patek or Audemars Piguet pocket watches have escalated exponentially as well .

  3. 百达翡丽(PatekPhilippe)上月翻修了其新加坡专卖店,该店重新开业后成为该品牌在东南亚最大的专卖店。盟可睐(Moncler)去年在新加坡开设了其第一家精品店。

    Patek Philippe refurbished its Singapore store last month , reopening as the brand 's biggest outlet in Southeast Asia , while Moncler opened its first boutique in the city last year .

  4. 这家店位于中心商业区一条狭窄的小街上,距离卡地亚(Cartier)、江诗丹顿(VacheronConstantin)和百达翡丽(PatekPhilippe)奢华的旗舰店仅几步之遥。

    The boutique , nestled on a narrow street in the central business district , is a few steps from the luxurious flagship stores of Cartier , Vacheron Constantin and Patek Philippe .

  5. 据称,即便是奢侈表制造商百达翡丽(PatekPhillipe)的老板在滑雪时也佩戴一块斯沃琪。

    Even the boss of luxury watch maker PatekPhillipe reportedly wears one while skiing .

  6. 这只手表是原装百达翡丽机芯,镶嵌在一个全新精工打造的表壳。

    This watch has an authentic patek movement fitted with a new custom made case .

  7. 多年来,百达翡丽针对其产品营造出了一种政府债券式的“可投资”氛围。

    Over the years Patek has created an atmosphere of government bond-like " investability " around its products .

  8. 在一家大银行,与一块镶钻的百达翡丽一样,一块塑料表同样令人生畏。

    At a big bank , a plastic watch is as intimidating in its own way as a diamond-studded PatekPhillipe .

  9. 如果你以投资之心态购买,只有两个品牌不会受到潮流左右,长时间过后不会贬值,那就是百达翡丽和劳力士。

    If you buy with an investor 's mindset , only two brands are immune to fashion and depreciation in the long term : Patek Philippe and Rolex .

  10. 这对百达翡丽表迄今生产的最复杂的手表,世界表回夜空图第一次显示整个表。

    This table for the Patek Philippe has so far produced the most complicated watches , the world first in the table back to the night sky map shows the entire table .

  11. 当然,苹果手表将于明年以349美元起售,就算它会推出价格昂贵得多的玫瑰金版本,想必也不会达到百达翡丽的价位。

    Of course , the Apple Watch will start at $ 349 when it goes on sale next year , and even presuming that the rose-gold version will cost a whole lot more , it probably won 't reach the Patek pricing league .

  12. 典型的百达翡丽三问表在20世纪80年代的巅峰时期能卖到两万美元左右,然后价格回落至6000美元,现在同一块表的价格又回升至两万至三万美元。

    A typical minute repeater by Patek Philippe was in the $ 20000 range in the 1980s at the peak , then went down to $ 6000 , and now is back up to in the upper - $ 20000 to $ 30000 category for the same watch .