
  • 网络SKIN;skin infection;cutaneous infection
  1. 不同护理干预对预防新生儿脐部皮肤感染的影响

    Different Nursing Intervention on the Prevention of Neonatal Umbilical Skin Infection

  2. 偶然分支杆菌皮肤感染59例的临床观察

    Skin infection by M. fortuitum : report of 59 cases

  3. 实验采用8wk龄C(57)BL/6小鼠,每鼠经腹部皮肤感染日本血吸虫尾蚴25条。

    Eight-week-old C57BL / 6 mice were infected with 25 cercariae of Schistosoma japonicum .

  4. MRSA可以引起从皮肤感染到肺炎以及血液感染的一系列疾病。

    MRSA can cause a range of illnesses from skin infections to pneumonia and bloodstream infections .

  5. 体内实验中,外用ALA对HSV-Ⅰ型豚鼠皮肤感染仅进行一次PDT治疗,对皮肤病变就产生了剂量依赖性的治疗效果,中、高剂量组疗效显著。

    The results of animal experiments showed that ALA-PDT had significant therapeutic effect on guinea pigs model of cutaneous herpes virus infection , the effect was dose-related .

  6. 术后1例伤口表浅皮肤感染并皮缘部分坏死,为Hawkins型。

    One case had the complication of superficial infection of wound and skin edge necrosis after operation , which was Hawkins type ⅲ .

  7. 结论:用PCR-RFLP方法可以快速鉴定皮肤感染性肉芽肿中的分支杆菌,可协助临床进行疾病的早期诊断和及时治疗。

    Conclusion : The results above indicate that PCR-RFLP analysis is rapid and reliable in detection and identification of different Mycobacteria species from skin tissues . Application of this method will be helpful for early diagnosis and treatment of Mycobacteria skin infections .

  8. 分支杆菌既可以引起系统性感染,也可以引起皮肤感染。

    Mycobacteria can cause both systemic symptoms and cutaneous infection .

  9. 由于排泄物更加干燥,因而家禽的皮肤感染也较少。

    Due to dryer litter the birds suffer less from skin lesions .

  10. 皮肤感染和灌喂人工感染实验狗。

    The experimental dogs were infected with infective larva from skin and mouth .

  11. 对兔破损皮肤感染有良好的治疗作用。

    It also cure staphylococcus infection of the rabbits .

  12. 细菌性皮肤感染对抗生素类药物的抗药性呈上升趋势。

    An increasing number of bacterial skin infections are resistant to antibiotic medicines .

  13. 老年糖尿病患者康复治疗中发生严重皮肤感染38例分析

    Investigation of severe skin infection of 38 elderly diabetic patients during the rehabilitation

  14. 用于治疗跌打损伤、淤血肿痛,以及各种皮肤感染疾病。

    For bruises , bruising , swelling and pain and various skin diseases .

  15. 海洛因依赖者罹患皮肤感染性疾病的临床调查

    Clinical investigation on dermopathy infection among heroin addicts

  16. 非结核性分支杆菌皮肤感染63例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 63 cases of skin and soft tissues infections by mycobacterium chelonae

  17. 您更容易发生皮肤感染。

    You are more prone to skin infections .

  18. 59例偶发分支杆菌皮肤感染的外科处理

    Surgical management of skin infection with mycobacterium fortuitum : a report of 59 cases

  19. 偶然分支杆菌暴发皮肤感染的分子流行病学研究

    Study on Molecular Epidemiology of an Outbreak of Dermatic Infection Caused by M. fortuitum

  20. 两组均无局部皮肤感染发生。

    And no local skin infection was found .

  21. 含克拉霉素的治疗方案能使大多数局限于皮肤感染的患者成功治愈。

    Clarithromycin-containing regimens should be successful in most patients with infection limited to the skin .

  22. 用兔烫伤皮肤感染抑菌实验来观察久灵膏的体内抗菌作用。

    To observe the antibacterial action of Jiulinggao in vivo in scalded rabbits'skin with infection .

  23. 青黛粉联合庆大霉素治疗糖尿病皮肤感染疗效观察

    Effect Observation of Qingdai Powder Combining with Gentamycin on Skin Infection of Patients with Diabetes

  24. 儿童常见皮肤感染

    More common skin infections in children

  25. 红肿皮肤感染或发炎处周围红肿的区域。

    An area of redness on the skin surrounding the primary site of infection or irritation .

  26. 灰黄霉素是一种选择性的抗真菌剂用于治疗动物和人类的皮肤感染。

    Griseofulvin is a selective antifungal agent used to treat skin infections in animals and humans .

  27. 湿性疗法治愈狗咬伤小腿皮肤感染坏死1例

    A case of dermatic infection and necrosis of leg skin by dog bite cured with moist therapy

  28. 皮肤感染蜂蜜加肉桂粉可治愈湿疹、轮癣及其他皮肤感染。

    Skin infection : - cinnamon and honey can cure eczema , psoriasis and other skin infections .

  29. 目的:观察氦氖激光照射治疗皮肤感染的疗效。

    Objective : To observe the curative effect of He-Ne laser in the treatment of skin infection .

  30. 目的探讨青黛粉治疗糖尿病皮肤感染的临床疗效。

    Objective To explore the clinical effectiveness of Qingdai powder on skin infection of patients with Diabetes .