
yán xī
  • salting out
  1. 用盐析法从苹果皮中提取果胶

    Extraction of pectin from skin of apple by salting out method

  2. 方法盐析法、低温冷冻法、尿素包合法等方法的综合应用。

    Mothods : Comprehensive utilizing Salting out method , Hypothermic Freezing method and Urea Covering method .

  3. 这种物质需要多长时间来盐析?

    How long will the substance take to salt out ?

  4. 花了半个小时这种物质才盐析出来。

    It took half an hour for the substance to be salted out .

  5. 超临界CO2/盐析法制备聚乳酸多孔支架材料

    Preparation of porous PLA scaffold materials by supercritical CO_2 / salt-leaching method

  6. 快速盐析法提取DNA在HLA基因分型中的应用

    A rapid salting out precedure for extracting DNA used in HLA genotyping

  7. 通过研究确定了硫酸铵盐析法提取牛初乳中免疫球蛋白G的最佳工艺。

    Determine the best technology of using ammonium sulfate-extraction to extract the immunoglobulin G in colostrum through studies .

  8. 方法:SOD的分离纯化采用加热变性、盐析和凝胶过滤的方法;

    Methods : Heating denaturation , salting out and gel filtration chromatography were used to extract SOD ;

  9. 盐析法是全血基因组DNA提取常用的方法之一,具有简便快捷、经济安全、稳定可靠的特点。

    Salting out method is a commonly used method for genomic DNA extraction from blood , which is characteristic for its lots of advantages .

  10. 玻璃珠-盐析法提取常见致病真菌DAN的研究

    Glass Beads - Salting out Procedure for Extracting DNA from Common Pathogenic Fungi

  11. 利用盐析/超临界CO2复合方法制备了一系列的PDLLA/HA三维多孔支架材料。

    The salt-leaching / supercritical CO_2 combined method is applied to the fabrication of highly porous interconnected PDLLA / HA scaffold materials .

  12. 运用浸提、超滤浓缩、硫酸铵分级盐析、透析脱盐、冷冻干燥,对纤溶酶进行提取和纯化,最终的比活力为1588.03U/mg,纯化了329.47倍,达到了电泳纯。

    The enzyme was purified with ultrafiltration concentration and ammonium sulfate fractionation . The specific activity was 1588.03U/mg with 329.47 times purification .

  13. 方法用快速盐析法抽提样本DNA,用PCR检测C/c基因型。

    Methods Genomic DNA was isolated from buffy coats using fast salting-out method , the Rh Cc genes were typed using polymerase chain reaction .

  14. 通过盐析、分子筛层析和色素吸附层析获得了部分纯化的大鼠IL-2。

    The partially purified rat IL-2 was obtained through ammonium sulfate precipitation , gel filtration and chromatography .

  15. 对直接耐晒翠蓝GL传统生产工艺中的盐析进行了彻底改革。

    The production of Direct Light Turquoise GL has thoroughly improved .

  16. 脱脂和盐析是一种简便有效的IgY抗体制备方法。

    Degrease and saltingout are simple and convenient methods in preparing IgY .

  17. 经硫酸铰盐析、柱色谱分离得到纯化的鸡胆汁免疫球蛋白A(IgA)。

    Ammonium sulfate salting out and column chromatogra-phy were used to separate and purify IgA in chicken bile .

  18. 经硫酸铵盐析沉淀、柱色谱分离纯化得到鸡血清IgG。

    Immunoglobulin G ( IgG ) in chicken serum was separated and purified by salting-out of ammonium sulfate and column chromatography .

  19. 方法:利用盐析及亲和层析等方法对BSP蛋白进行纯化。

    Methods : We purified the BSP protein by precipitation and affinity chromatography .

  20. 方法提取DNA采用饱和盐析法,避免经酚氯仿抽提导致8OHdG的产生。

    DNA was extracted by saturated salting out method to avoid the formation of additional 8-OH-dG by the method of phenol / chloroform extraction .

  21. 采用盐析法从全血中抽提DNA,采用PCR和GeneScan技术进行β模块配型。

    DNA was extracted from whole blood by salting-out method , β block matching was performed by PCR and GeneScan technique .

  22. 盐析法从利福霉素SV钠废渣中回收蛋白质的研究

    Study of retrieving protein from the waste dregs of rifamycin SV sodium by salting out method

  23. 实验以新鲜蜗牛肝脏为材料,经匀浆、盐析、氯仿-乙醇处理、透析和SephadexG-75柱层析等步骤、纯化得到超氧化物歧化酶。

    Superoxide dismutase was isolated and purified from snail liver by salting out , chloro-form-ethanol treatment dialysis and Sephadex G-75 column chromatography .

  24. 方法盐析法提取淋巴细胞白血病患者外周血白细胞DNA,TCR-γ基因重排通用引物和降落式PCR扩增基因重排。

    Methods The DNA of peripheral blood leucocytes from lymphoid leukemia patients were extracted for amplification of the TCR - γ gene rearrangement with the consensus primers and touch-down PCR .

  25. 方法采用盐析法提取可溶性膀胱癌抗原,联合卡介苗在体外诱导正常人外周血单核细胞,产生细胞毒T淋巴细胞(CTL)。

    Methods Soluble cancer antigen ( SCA ) was extracted from bladder carcinoma by salting out method .

  26. 萃取温度、水解pH、盐析温度、盐析时间、盐用量及料液比对鱼油提取率及品质有显著影响。

    Extraction temperature , hydrolysis pH , salt precipitation temperature , salt precipitation time , salt dosage and solid-liquid ratio had a significant influence on extraction rate and quality offish oil .

  27. 方法:实验样本DNA的抽提采用快速盐析法,HPA基因分型采用PCR-SSP方法。

    Methods : Sample DNA is adopted the quickly salting out method , the HPA genotyping with PCR sequence specific primers .

  28. 对分离到的血清用饱和硫酸铵盐析法提取IgG,并用DEAE纤维素离子交换层析法对提取的IgG进行纯化。

    IgG was extracted by salting out with ammonium sulfate and purified by ion exchange chromatography with DEAE cellulose .

  29. 实验结果表明,K2CO3对KCl和KHCO3有强烈的盐析作用。

    K_2CO_3 had strong saltingout effect no KCl and KHCO_3 in the solution .

  30. 方法:盐析法粗提抗体,用蛋白A-琼脂糖柱纯化IgG,ELISA法检测多克隆抗体水平。

    Methods : The antibody was extracted by salting method , the IgG was purified with protein A-agarose column and the polyclonal antibody was detected by ELISA .