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jiānchá yù shǐ
  • official in charge of the discipline of public functionaries
  1. 宣德十年(1435),复除行云南道监察御史。

    Xuande years ( 1435 ), Yunnan Road rehabilitation in addition to the line to monitor the censor .

  2. 隋初派监察御史负责监察地方,炀帝改革监察体制。

    In the first years of the Sui Dynasty , the Emperor dispatched supervisory censors to be in charge of supervising the localities . Emperor Sui & Yang reformed the supervisory system .

  3. 1721年,增设“巡视台湾监察御史”,改“分巡台厦兵备道”为“分巡台厦道”。尔后又增设“彰化县”和“淡水厅”。

    In1721an Office of imperial supervisor of inspecting Taiwan was created and the taiwan-xiamen patrol command was renamed Prefecture administration of Taiwan and xiamen , incorporating the subsequently-created Zhanghua county and Danshui canton .

  4. 它包括的面很广,大体上看,主要有都察院、监察御史、巡按御史和督抚四大监察体系。

    It includes the surface is very broad , looked on the whole , mainly has observe the courtyard , to supervise the censor , the inspector censor and the imperial inspector four big supervision systems .

  5. 元朝在中央形成了行政(中书省)、军事(枢密院)、监察(御史台)三权并立的局面。

    Yuan Dynasty formed the situation where three parts had different rights and were not responsible for one another , which were the executive ( Zhongshu Province ), military ( Privy Council ), monitoring ( Supervisory Ministry ) .

  6. 唐前期的地方监察体制由御史和诸道使臣组成,属于朝廷派出性质的单一型监察体制。

    In the early period of Tang dynasty , the system of local supervision is made up of tour-inspection officials sent by emperor and the officials sent for supervision .