
  • 网络Destination selection;Destination choice
  1. 在本文中,目的地选择以及给定目的地条件下的交通工具选择分别使用了广义logit模型和二项式logit模型。

    In the current dissertation , the destination choice and mode choice given destination is modeled by using generalized logit model and binary logit model separately .

  2. 旅游者目的地选择的影响因素及其实证研究

    The Empirical Research on the Factors That Influence Tourists ' Destination Choice

  3. 该模型可以实现消息准备和目的地选择的分离。

    This model achieves separation between message preparation and destination selection .

  4. 不同转移动机的企业在目的地选择上明显不同。

    Different enterprises of different transfer motives selected different destination obviously .

  5. 影响大学生旅游目的地选择的因素分析&以桂林为例

    Tourism Destination Choice of College Students & taking Guilin as an example

  6. 游客安全感知对其目的地选择的影响研究述评

    Review on the Effect of Travellers ' Perception of Safety on Destination Choosing

  7. 旅游者在旅游目的地选择中的感知风险研究

    The Study on Tourist 's Perceived Risk in the Process of Tourism Destination Choice

  8. 旅游目的地选择是游客选择行为研究中研究较为广泛的领域之一。

    Tourist destination choice is one of wider areas to study tourists choice behavior .

  9. 旅游者目的地选择影响因素分析

    Affecting Factors on Choice of Tourist Destination

  10. 目的地选择服务系统中的智能逻辑推理

    Intelligent Logic Inference in Destination Decision System

  11. 目的地选择问题是一个热点问题,以客源市场为对象探究意义重大。

    Tourists destination choice is considered a complex process due to the complicated and interactive influencing factors .

  12. 他能够有目的地选择这两个数据库之间他认可的修改/区别。

    He is able to selectively choose which changes / differences between the two and reconcile them as he sees fit .

  13. 从奖励旅游客源市场倾向、目的地选择倾向以及奖励旅游专业机构等角度比较了国内外奖励旅游的发展特征;

    Secondly , the article compares the domestic and overseas incentive travel on passengers market trend , destination choosing and professional agencies etc.

  14. 景区形象对旅游者出游前的目的地选择、游中的体验评价和游后行为倾向都有影响。

    On the other hand , destination image is found to have significant impacts on tourists'destination choice , experience quality and behavioral intention .

  15. 交通成本在旅游者目的地选择中的重要性,取决于交通成本在旅游总成本中所占比例的大小。

    The importance of transportation cost in tourists ' choice of destination depends on the rate of transportation cost in the total tourism cost .

  16. 假如其它的旅游费用相对于交通费用较高,那么,交通费用在目的地选择中的重要性就被大大地减弱了。

    If other tourism costs are higher than transportation cost , the importance of transportation cost in the choice of destination are comparatively reduced .

  17. 本文设计了一种具有尺寸小,高透光率,高隔热率,且可以有目的地选择透过隔热管的光谱范围。

    We design a new insulated pipe that it has a small size , a high transmission , high heat insulation and the optional special spectrum .

  18. 再次,建立基于出行链的居民出行前选择模型。主要从出行时间选择、出行方式选择、出行目的地选择层面建立离散选择模型。

    Thirdly , travel choice behavior model based on trip chaining , destination choice model , go-off choice model , mode choice model included , are put forward .

  19. 此外,在构建嵌合抗体时,我们有目的地选择了抗体的类型,使之能更有效的发挥抗体的效用。

    In addition , with construction of chimeric antibodies , we purposely chose the type of antibody , making it more effective to play the effectiveness of antibodies .

  20. 该部分主要涉及到旅游市场信息流动模式的变迁、旅游目的地选择过程的理论系列模型和旅游者消费决策框架模型等旅游消费者行为学理论的应用。

    This part mainly includes some tourism consumer behavior theories : the transition of tourism market information flow pattern , Tourism destination choice process theory model and Tourist consumption decision-making framework model .

  21. 旅游目的地选择是旅游需求与旅游供给双方互动的过程,必须从旅游目的地属性与旅游者属性两个方面予以分析。

    The choice of tourism destination is a process in which tourism demand and tourism production effect each other , so we should analyze it from the attribute of tourism and tourist .

  22. 21世纪以来,随着世界由工业社会向后工业社会进化,游客在旅游目的地选择、旅游线路的确定等行为方式上也产生了较大的变化。

    Since 21st century , With the post-industrial society by the evolution of industrial society , Tourists ' behavior pattern like destination choice and determine the travel route also produced a greater change .

  23. 文学作品的风格是指作家在各种静态因素和动态因素的制导下有目的地选择使用语言表达手段进行交流时在作品中所形成的独特特征,它具有浓厚的主观独创色彩。

    Literary style refers to the distinctive features resulting from the linguistic choices made from a repertoire of a particular language by the author under the constraint of both static and dynamic factors .

  24. 增量方式的一个优点是能够立马看到投资的回报,并且可以有目的地选择转换的顺序来最好地适应学校的短期和长期目标。

    One advantage of the incremental approach is an immediate return on investment and the ability to select the ordering of conversions to best meet the short and long terms goals of the University .

  25. 旅游活动,尤其是旅游目的地选择,因其异地消费、生产与消费同步进行等特点,被认为是受口碑影响最大的领域之一。

    Tourism , especially destination choice is considered as one of the biggest industry that may be influenced by word of mouth , owing to tourism characteristics as intangibility , heterogeneity , and simultaneous production and consumption .

  26. 本文通过借鉴相关理论及现有的研究成果,归纳得出影响旅游者旅游目的地选择的主要因素,包括限制因素、旅游动机、旅游经历在内的旅游者个人因素、目的地因素、群体因素和情境因素。

    This paper analyzes the main factors that influence tourists ' destination choice , including inhibited factors , motivation , traveling experiences , destination attractiveness , social influence and contextual factors according to related theories and researches .

  27. 第三,本文对操作框架进行了研究,提出了操作框架状态图表示法,这样可以有目的地选择检测实例,使系统在检测环境下有更多的失效出现。

    Third , operational profile is study in this paper , and operational profile states graph description is purposed . So that , the test cased selection became easily , which made more failure present under testing .

  28. 西部地区在承接东部地区产业转移时,不能对转移产业盲目乐观而不加以选择,而是要有重点、有目的地选择承接产业。

    Western region in the process of the eastern region industrial transfer , but not for transferring industry optimistic blindly and not to choose , and but to have the key point and purposefully choose to undertake industry .

  29. 结合旅游者目的地选择过程分析,对各影响因素作用于旅游者目的地选择进行机理分析,由此提出旅游者选择目的地的概念模型。

    Through the combination with the analysis on tourists ' destination selection process , the paper also gives some perspectives on the system which can demonstrate how the factors influence tourists ' destination choice and offers the theoretical model about the system .

  30. 首先,以尚力精神作为体育教学的阿基米德支点,可以使体育教学在有目的地选择和传递体育文化的过程中,不至于偏离育人的航向。

    First of all , it can makes athletics teaching , in the process of taught athletics culture , not deviate the direction at which students are cultured that the spirit to worship the power is " Archimedes fulcrum " of athletics teaching .