
xiānɡ duì wēi xiǎn dù
  • relative risk
  1. 血清胆红素水平越低者,患CHD的相对危险度越高。

    Those with lower bilirubin levels showed a higher relative risk in CHD onset .

  2. 加碘后人群甲亢发病率的相对危险度(RR)亦增加。

    The relative risk of iodine supply to hyperthyroidism incidence is also high .

  3. Zn,Ca含量升高,发生消化系癌相对危险度降低.结论对消化系癌患者适量补Zn,调节和改善宿主抗肿瘤免疫力;

    CONCLUSION Suitable Zn supplementation for digestive system cancer patients can enhance cell mediated immunity against neoplasms .

  4. 随访资料中总的相对危险度的Poisson回归模型估计

    Estimates of Summarizing Relative Risk in follow-up Study Using Poisson Regression Model

  5. HIV感染是心功能衰竭的重要的独立的危险因素,相对危险度1.81。

    HIV infection is a significant independent risk factor for incident HF , with an adjusted HR of1.81 .

  6. 基于人时的相对危险度分布的Monte-Carlo模拟估计

    Monte-Carlo simulation estimation of rate ratio based on person year

  7. 绝经期妇女危险因素以BMI和家族史,以及饮酒为主,且随BMI增加相对危险度提高。

    The snoring of menopause women was related with BMI , family history and drinking .

  8. 目的应用Monte-Carlo模拟进行基于人时的相对危险度的分布估计。

    Objective To estimate the distribution of person-year based rate ratio by using Monte-Carlo simulation .

  9. 用Cox比例风险模型计算相对危险度(RR)。

    Cox proportional hazards model was used to estimate relative risks ( RR ) .

  10. 采用相对危险度(R)大小,作为衡量叶酸补充治疗在降低卒中发生危险有效性的指标。

    Relative risk ( RR ) was used as a measure of the effect of folic acid supplementation on the risk of stroke with a random effect model .

  11. 华支睾吸虫病与HBV感染和华支睾吸虫病与饮酒之间呈正相加交互作用,其交互作用超额相对危险度分别是110.43和18.23;

    HBV infection , alcohol consumption and clonorchiasis showed an additive interaction in the development of HCC , with a relative excess risk of interaction of110.43 and18.23 ;

  12. 混合相对危险度(RRs)通过随机效果模型进行估测。

    Pooled relative risks ( RRs ) were estimated by random effects models .

  13. 肺癌、胃癌、肝癌、肠癌、食道癌、乳腺癌相对危险度(RR)均高。

    The RR of lung , stomach , liver intestine , esophagus and breast cancer all were high .

  14. VEGF阳性患者手术后死亡的相对危险度是VEGF阴性患者的2.10倍(似然比检验,P<0.05)。

    The risk ratio of death was 2.10 fold of patients with VEGF positive expressed compared with those with VEGF negative expressed ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 在3个近视组中VDT指数与其相应相对危险度OR值之间存在剂量效应关系。

    A dose-effect relationship existed between VDT Index and its responsible odd ratio ( OR ) .

  16. 目的以脑血管血流动力学综合评估指标,评估高血压患者卒中的相对危险度(RR)。

    Objective To evaluate the relative risk ( RR ) of stroke in patients with hypertension using synthetic indexes of cerebrovascular hemodynamics .

  17. 计数资料的效应尺度以相对危险度(RR)及其95%CI表示。

    Treatment effects on these outcomes were summarized as relative risk ( RR ) with 95 % confidence interval ( CI ) .

  18. 结论未成年期(18岁以下)非吸烟人员受ETS暴露,肺癌相对危险度明显增大。

    Conclusions Excess risks of lung cancer are limited to ETS exposure in childhood ( ≤ 18 years of age ) .

  19. 以非条件性logistic回归模型计算比值比(ORs)及其95%可信区限(CIs),估计相对危险度。

    Computation on the Shortest Confidence Interval The odds ratio ( OR ) and 95 % confidence interval ( CI ) were estimated by logistic regression .

  20. 方法:对1503名中年知识分子进行SCL-90测试和影响因素的调查,用广义相对危险度模型分析危险因素的作用大小及相互作用形式。

    Method : The mental health of 1503 middle aged intellectual was measured by SCL-90 . The risk factors were analyzed with general relative risk model .

  21. N组糖代谢异常患病率与T组、正常对照组(C组)相比较,相对危险度(RR)分别为4·19和2·86。

    Compared with that in T group and normal control group ( C group ), the relative risks ( RR ) for prevalence of abnormal glucose metabolism in N group were 4.19 and 2.86 respectively .

  22. 血清HCMV-DNA阳性的孕妇发生HCMV先天感染的相对危险度为4.75。

    The relative risk of congenital HCMV infection among the pregnant women with positive HCMV-DNA in sera is 4.75 .

  23. 治疗效应的测量,对于二分变量使用相对危险度(RR)及其95%可信区间进行综合表示。

    For the treatment effects measurement , the relative risk ( RR ) and95 % confidence interval were used for dichotomous variables and comprehensive representation .

  24. CT早期缺血改变及较低的ESS评分是脑动脉溶栓术后脑出血的主要危险因素,它们的相对危险度分别为8.33和11.35。

    CT early ischemic changes ( EIC ) and low ESS scale were the main risk factors of cerebral hemorrhage after intraarterial thrombolysis , representing a risk of 8.33 and 11.35 , respectively .

  25. 配对设计下相对危险度的Wald检验

    Wald Test of Relative Risk in Paired Design

  26. 分娩的新生儿未感染HCV的孕妇22例(对照组)。多因素分析显示,孕妇有输血史与转氨酶异常为新生儿HCV感染的危险因素,估计相对危险度分别为317.15和2.60。

    There was a significant correlation between HCV intrauterine transmission and maternal history of blood transfusion and abnormal serum alanine aminotransferase ( ALT ), and the relative risk was 317.15 and 2.60 , respectively .

  27. [方法]通过建立空气污染及雾与每天哮喘急诊人数间的GAM模型,估计暴露于污染空气及雾的相对危险度(relativerisk,RR)。

    [ Methods ] RR ( Relative Risk ) in the exposure of air pollutant / fog was estimated by GAM based on each air pollutant / fog in relation to asthma hospital emergency room visits .

  28. 对于随访结果,首先对有关变量进行单因素非条件Logistic回归分析,然后将单因素分析中有显著性意义的变量进行多因素非条件Logistic回归分析,以估计各危险因素的相对危险度。

    For the result , first of relevant variables to single factor unconditional Logistic regression analysis , then , will the single factor analysis of meaningful variables , more factors unconditional Logistic regression analysis to estimate various risk factors .

  29. 结果:(1)对判别是否符合冠心病诊断进行二元logistic回归分析:结果显示血瘀证系数B为1.108,其相对危险度为3.029;而气滞证系数B为-1.157,其相对危险度为0.315。

    Results : ( 1 ) determine whether coronary artery disease by binary logistic regression analysis : The results showed that blood stasis syndrome stasis syndrome coefficient B is 1.108 , the relative risk was 3.029 ; and Qi stagnation coefficient B is-1.157 , The relative risk of 0.315 .

  30. 而营养不良及动脉粥样硬化性心血管病发病率高(P<0.05、0.025),住院率高,两组间有显著性差异(P<0.05),CRP升高导致住院的相对危险度(RR)为3.0139(R>1)。

    The prevalence of malnutrition and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and the occurrence rate of hospitalization of patients were much higher . The relative risk of high level CRP leading to hospitalization was 3.0139 ( R > 1 ) .