
  • 网络Intellectual property securitization;Intellectual Property-Backed Securitization;Securitization of Intellectual Property
  1. 第四章分析了我国为什么要开展知识产权证券化以及法律和政策上的一些建议。

    The fourth chapter focuses on why our country should develop the securitization of intellectual property and provides some suggestions for the law-making and policy-making .

  2. 目前国内理论界对知识产权证券化研究还只是停留在对基本原理的介绍,系统且深入的研究还比较少。

    At present the domestic theorists ' researches on the securitization of intellectual property rights mostly are introduction to the basic principle , systematic and deep-going researches are quite few .

  3. 台湾可参考海外近几年兴起且蓬勃发展的『智慧财产权证券化J成功经验,以为台湾推动知识产权证券化之借鉴。

    Taiwan can consult rising in recent years abroad and vigorous successful experience of the proprietary securitization of intelligence ' .

  4. 知识产权证券化中资产池的构建不动产证券化初探

    Construction of the Assets Pool in the Securitisation Intellectual Property Right

  5. 我国知识产权证券化的法律障碍与对策

    Legal Obstacles of Intellectual Property Securitization in China and Its Solutions

  6. 药品知识产权证券化资产池构建的理论探析

    Construction of the asset pool of pharmaceutical intellectual property securitization

  7. 知识产权证券化在中国企业的应用研究

    Study on Application of IP-Backed Securitization in Enterprises of China

  8. 知识产权证券化的国际借鉴与路径依赖

    International Reference and Path Dependence of Intellectual Property Securitization

  9. 知识产权证券化:知识资本与金融资本的有效融合

    Intellectual Property-Backed Securitization : the Efficacious Integration of Knowledge Capital and Financial Capital

  10. 知识产权证券化是西方国家金融创新的产物。

    The intellectual property-backed securitization is a new product of the financial innovation in western countries .

  11. 第二部分将知识产权证券化与资产证券化相比,揭示知识产权证券化风险来源的特殊性。

    Compared to the risk of asset securitization , the source of intellectual property securitization is special .

  12. 在知识产权证券化的过程中资产池的构建是相当重要的。

    The construction of the assets pool is quite important in the course of intellectual property right securitisation .

  13. 知识产权证券化融资是将金融创新与知识产权开发相结合的新型融资方式。

    Intellectual property securitization financing is a combination of financial innovation and intellectual property development of new financing methods .

  14. 随着信用评级市场的发展,反过来又能促进知识产权证券化的发展,实现双赢。

    Along with the development rating market , it is also can accelerate the development of IP-backed securitization market .

  15. 知识产权证券化提升了知识资本与金融资本的融合效率,推动了科技进步。

    Intellectual property securitization promotes knowledge capital and financial capital effective integration , thus promoting the technology and social progress .

  16. 第三部分通过对国外典型案例的整理,对已发生的成功或失败的案例进行分析,为我国发展知识产权证券化提供借鉴意义。

    The third part analyses some typical case from foreign country , summarizes the successes or failure of securitization of intellectual property , and figures out a successful progress for China .

  17. 全文分为四章,第一章介绍了知识产权证券化概况,包括知识产权证券化的概念、分类、特点及其基本流程等内容。

    The first chapter is an introduction of the securitization of intellectual property , including the concept , classifications , features and the basic flow of the securitization of intellectual property .

  18. 作为一项金融创新技术,知识产权证券化有助于充分挖掘知识产权的内在价值并促进知识产权向现实生产力的转化。

    As a technique of financial innovation , intellectual property securitization helps to extract the intrinsic value of the intellectual property and accelerates the transformation of intellectual property into realistic productivity .

  19. 知识产权证券化涉及会计、金融、法律多重领域,是一项兼风险与机遇于一体的复杂金融工程。

    The securitization of intellectual property rights is a complex financial project combining risk and the opportunity in a body , which involves accountant , the finance , and the legal domains .

  20. 知识产权证券化属于资产证券化的范畴,是一种新兴的融资方式,已经为发达国家的文化产业和高科技产业的发展起到了巨大的推动作用。

    As a new way of financing , the securitization of intellectual property belongs to the asset securitization , and it has make great contributions to the development of the cultural and high-technological industry in the developed countries .

  21. 第二部着重论述知识产权证券化的风险隔离机制问题,对真实销售的认定标准,特殊目的机构采取的形式以及特殊目的机构如何进行破产风险隔离进行了研究。

    The second part focuses on the problem about risk isolation , research the standard of measuring true sales , study the form of special purpose vehicle ( spv ) and discuss how the SPV isolate from the bankruptcy .

  22. 知识产权证券化是资产证券化的一种,它巧妙的将知识产权与金融工程相结合,深化了企业的融资渠道,拓宽了投资者对于知识产权这种高风险高利润的投资品种的需求。

    Intellectual property rights securitization is a kind of asset securitization ; it artfully combines the intellectual property rights and financial engineering , and deepens the enterprise financing channels so as to broaden the investors ' demand for the intellectual property rights with high risk and high profit .

  23. 世界知识产权组织将知识产权证券化视为知识产权未来发展的趋势。

    World intellectual property organization considered that knowledge property securitization is the future development tends of intellectual property .

  24. 由于其基础资产知识产权具有无形性等特点,使得知识产权证券化的风险更具有复杂性。

    The intellectual property rights is intangible assets , making the risk of intellectual property securitization more complexity . However , intellectual property securitization is not water without a source .

  25. 在知识产权资本化与流动化之强劲需求推动下,一种融合知识资本与金融创新的新型融资工具&知识产权证券化诞生了。

    Driven by the anxious demand of capitalization and commercialization of IPR , an innovative financial instrument which integrates knowledge potential and innovative financial power emerges .