
  1. 知识产权资本化的法律缺陷及完善

    On the Legal Defects of Intellectual Property Rights Capitalize and Its Perfection

  2. 在知识产权资本化与流动化之强劲需求推动下,一种融合知识资本与金融创新的新型融资工具&知识产权证券化诞生了。

    Driven by the anxious demand of capitalization and commercialization of IPR , an innovative financial instrument which integrates knowledge potential and innovative financial power emerges .

  3. 由于知识产权在推动经济发展方面日益重要,因此知识产权资本化已成为不可抗拒的趋势。

    Since intellectual property become increasingly important in pushing economic development nowadays , capitalization of intellectual property has become irresistible tendency .

  4. 知识经济的到来预示着一场资本革命,知识产权资本化将成为21世纪一种格外引人瞩目的法律和经济现象。

    The arrival of the knowledge economy indicates the revolution of capitals . It becomes a kind of extremely noticeable law and economic phenomenon in the 21st century that the intellectual property rights capitalize .