
  • 网络Knowledge classification
  1. 文中运用粗糙集在知识分类上的优势,从Agent的静态和动态属性入手,划分基本等价类。

    The advantages of rough set were used in classification and the agent was partitioned by its static and dynamic attributes .

  2. 在研究了基于OWL的本体构建方法后,按照面向模具生产的知识分类框架建立概念树,并借助本体建模工具Protégé建立了基本的本体库。

    Research is conducted on the methods of constructing ontology based on OWL , the concept tree is established on the basis of knowledge classification framework of mold production , then the basic OWL ontology is set up by modeling tools Prot é g é .

  3. 信息技术背景下的知识分类与课程设计

    Classification of Knowledge and Curriculum Design in the Age of IT

  4. 认知理论的知识分类思想与英语写作教学

    Knowledge Taxonomy of Cognitive Theory and the Teaching of English Writing

  5. 面向加工过程的工艺知识分类和表示方法

    The Scheme of Process Planning Knowledge Taxonomies and Representation for Sup

  6. 智能控制知识分类表示与获取新方法

    New method of knowledge classifying expression and acquirement based on intelligent control

  7. 基于分割的知识分类快鸟影像城市信息提取

    Extraction of urban information from Quick bird images of segmentation-based knowledge classification

  8. 基于知识分类观的高中语文有效教学

    Efficient Chinese Teaching in Senior High School Based on Knowledge Category Theory

  9. 知识分类学说在古诗词教学中的应用研究

    The Applied Research of Theories of Knowledge Classification in the Ancient Poems Teaching

  10. 核心功能包括:知识分类、知识模板、知识维护的实现。

    The core function implement include knowledge classify , knowledge template and knowledge maintain .

  11. 知识分类思想与小学教育学的教学

    Knowledge Classification Thought and Primary Pedagogical Teaching

  12. 建立了宗教知识分类体系。

    Research on religious knowledge classify system .

  13. 土壤自动制图中的知识分类

    Knowledge Classfication on Soil Automatic Mapping

  14. 从知识分类到知识地图:一个面向组织现实的分析

    From Knowledge Taxonomy to Knowledge Map

  15. 基于知识分类基础上的学科分类再思考微生物在分类学上的分布是很广泛的。

    The Study on Discipline Classifics Based on Knowledge Classifics ; Microorganisms have a wide taxonomic distribution .

  16. 从知识分类研究解析高中数学新课程目标

    An Analysis on the Objectives of the New Senior High School Mathematics Curriculum Based on Knowledge Taxonomy

  17. 粗合集合理论现在已成为数据库知识分类的一种强有力的工具。

    Rough sets theory is emerging as a powerful tool as inducing knowledge classification knowledge from database .

  18. 根据知识分类学习论,提出了培养学生能力的途径和方法。

    According to the Knowledge Classification Learning Theory , we proposed the ways and means to train student ability .

  19. 现代文献分类法主要来源于三个方面:哲学知识分类体系、学科分类体系和以往的分类法。

    Modern documents classification has three sources : philosophy knowledge , branch of learning classifying system and former classification .

  20. 知识分类、学科分化是现代高等教育产生的重要基础之一。

    The knowledge classification and subject differentiation is one of the important foundations of the modern higher education 's emergence .

  21. 研究结果表明:顾客知识分类对顾客-企业之间的知识协同有正向影响,并对企业成长的不同阶段的重要性不同。

    Research results show that : the importance of customer knowledge classification in different stages of business growth for different .

  22. 而合理、科学的知识分类、组织方法对知识检索又起着决定性的影响。

    The rational , scientific schemes of knowledge classification and organization have decisive effect on the solution of this issue .

  23. 在开发系统中,先采用知识分类方法把知识分为两大类,一是设计过程知识,包括经验知识、设计规则等,主要来源于经验等;

    One is the design process knowledge , which the main including experience knowledge , design regulation and design general knowledge .

  24. 传统方法多是基于知识分类的相对知识约简研究,算法较为复杂;

    Traditional measures are relative knowledge reduction based on knowledge classification , which makes it difficult to find out the reduction .

  25. 可以通过知识分类、知识螺旋、知识转移、业务流程和组织学习来整合图书馆知识。图3。参考文献6。

    In this paper , the author discusses the strategies for the integration of library knowledge . 3 figs . 6 refs .

  26. 在知识分类理论指导下,先采用过程任务分析得到每个教学环节的使能目标。

    Under the guidance of Knowledge Classification Theory , we first use Process Task Analysis and get enable-targets of each teaching steps .

  27. 本文从语音、语法、语义和知识分类等方面讨论了计划语言对自然语言处理研究的意义和益处。

    This paper discusses the value and signification of planned languages to NLP from phonetics , grammar semantics , and knowledge classification viewpoints .

  28. 第三章重点从理论上并结合一定的实践操作探讨高中语文知识分类教学的策略。

    The third chapter discusses the classified Chinese teaching strategy in senior middle school period from the theoretical and practical point of view .

  29. 在对传统的知识分类观点进行综合分析比较的基础上,批判性地提出了关于知识分类的三分法和灰性知识概念。

    Based on the generalized analysis and comparison to the traditional knowledge classification viewpoint , has critically proposed tri-classification methodology and grey knowledge concept .

  30. 分类是人类认识世界的最基本的思维方式,文献分类起源于知识分类且不同于知识分类。

    Classification is the basic thinking manner to realize the world . Literatures classification was originated from knowledge , but was different from it .