
  • 网络knowledge reorganization
  1. 期刊双重效益与期刊知识重组

    Academic Journals ' Dual Effects and Knowledge Reorganization

  2. 图书馆知识重组技术方法

    The Methods of Knowledge Reorganization in Library

  3. 创造性理解的灰知识重组及整合

    The recombination and the integration of grey knowledge of the creative understanding

  4. 主要讨论灰消息分析及灰知识重组的形式化方法、灰知识的合适度、理解子系统刷新以及知识整合等创造性理解的基本问题。

    The basic problems of the creative understanding , such as the formalization ways of grey message analysis and grey knowledge recombination , the well becoming factor of grey knowledge , the renewing of understanding subsystem , the knowledge integration , and so on , are mainly discussed .

  5. 中学科学教师知识结构重组优化的师训策略

    Training Strategy on Recombination and Optimization of Middle School Science Teachers ' Knowledge Structure

  6. 在分析传统业务流程的基础上,提出了以客户知识流重组企业业务流程,以达到企业业务流程的不断改善和优化。

    On the basis of analyzing the traditional business process , this paper puts forward a reengineered business process based on customer knowledge current to reach constantly improvement and optimization of business process .

  7. 金门民间道教仪式的知识流动与重组

    Circulation and Recomposition of Ritual Knowledge in Quemoy ( Jin-men ) Local Cult

  8. 本文选取本专业主干课程《多媒体课件制作》进行设计开发,在知能课程理论指导下,构建完整的能力体系与知识体系,重组课程内容,并以此设计知能教材。

    This paper selects the professional core course named " multimedia coursework design " . with the guidance of curriculum theory , it creates a complete ability system and the system of knowledge and restructure course content to design the knowledgeable teaching materials .

  9. 要加强职业需要的实践能力的锻炼,根据职业和社会发展的具体要求,将已有的知识科学地重组,构建合理的知识结构,为将来的职业发展打下良好的基础。

    In addition , they are also supposed to develop their career-needed skills , reorganize their available knowledge and form a rational knowledge structure according to the specific requirements of social development and professional progress so as to build a solid foundation for their future careers .

  10. 科技期刊与知识经济图书馆知识重组技术方法

    Sci-tech journals and intellectual economy The Methods of Knowledge Reorganization in Library

  11. 论知识管理与企业重组

    On Knowledge Management and Business Reorganization

  12. 网络学习、实现创新的过程不是抽象的、难以寻求规律的,它实际上是行为主体在网络中积极互动,实现知识的聚合、重组和激活的过程。

    Third , the process of network learning and innovation is not abstract There are some rules in this process .

  13. 中间层是支撑上述两个阶段的三个团队创新子过程:知识分工、知识重组以及新知识的筛选和施行。

    The middle tier includes three sub-process of team innovation : the division of knowledge , the recombination of knowledge and the selection and implementation of new idea .

  14. 本文首先探讨了知识管理在企业重组中的作用,然后着重论述了重组企业的知识管理变革,并提出了重组企业在开展知识管理时应注意的几个重要问题。

    This paper first discusses the function of knowledge management in business reorganization , and then stresses to deal with the knowledge management of reorganized enterprise , puts forward some important questions needing attention when reorganized enterprise dose knowledge management .

  15. 建构主义认为学生在学习的过程中,是根据自己已有的知识经验对知识进行重组。

    Constructivism holds students in the study of the form , according to their knowledge and experience of the existing knowledge reorganization .

  16. 学习不是简单的信息积累,而是将已有知识经验与从学习环境中吸收的知识重组的过程。

    Learning is not only a simple information accumulation , but also a process of restructuring existing knowledge from experience and the knowledge from the environment .

  17. 详细分析知识组织的7种方法:知识表示、知识重组、知识聚类、知识存检、知识编辑、知识布局和知识监控;

    In addition , it analyzes seven approaches to knowledge organization , namely , knowledge representation , knowledge reorganization , knowledge clustering , knowledge storage and retrieval , knowledge editing , and knowledge distribution and supervision .