
  • 网络Knowledge output;knowledge production;OUTPUT OF KNOWLEDGE
  1. 我国省域知识产出份额的演变及其影响因素

    Analysis of Chinese Provincial Knowledge Production Shares and Their Factors

  2. 加强科研资金管理提高知识产出效益

    On Strengthening the Management on Research Fund and Rising the Performance of Knowledge Production

  3. 论体育专业人才知识产出与生存的环境土壤

    The Environment of Output and Existence of Professional Talented of Athletics

  4. 知识产出与价值分配结构是有其新规则的。

    There are new rules for the output of knowledge and its value allocation structure .

  5. 加强科技创新主体间的合作将能够带来知识产出的增加。

    Strengthening cooperation between the main S & T innovation body will be able to expand the knowledge output .

  6. 而专业的设置,它必须满足社会需求和适应人才培养的知识产出的外部环境。

    The establishment of professions must satisfy the need of society and adapt to the outer environment of knowledge output .

  7. 高等学校作为科技知识产出的摇篮,是知识创新、知识传播、技术创新和高层次人才培养的基地。

    Universities as the cradle of science and technology output is the knowledge innovation , knowledge communication , technical innovation and high-level personnel training base .

  8. 大学生的英语词汇深度知识及产出性能力研究

    The Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge and College Students ' Productive Ability of Vocabulary in English Learning

  9. 如本文的最后两章所示,所有受试在这一年中意义和搭配的接受性知识和产出性知识都有很大发展。

    The results show that all subjects display great increase in meaning and collocation both receptively and productively .

  10. 在这种背景之下,如何获取更多的学术资源,如何更好地促进知识的产出成为当今大学变革的主题。

    Under this circumstance , how to seek more academic resources and how to promote knowledge production have become the themes of the current university innovation .

  11. 以往对词汇的研究主要集中在词汇的接受性知识和产出性知识的对比研究,很少涉及产出性词汇的分段性研究。

    Most of the previous researches focus on the comparison between receptive vocabulary and productive vocabulary , less studies on sectional development of students ' productive vocabulary .

  12. 本研究对英语学习过程中学生已学过的词汇深度知识及产出性词汇能力进行详细的调查。

    This paper is intended to research the relationship of the depth of vocabulary knowledge and students'productive ability of vocabulary in English learning in terms of one month 's tracking test .

  13. 词汇知识深度对产出性词汇习得的影响

    The Effect of Depth of Word Knowledge on the Acquisition of Productive Vocabulary

  14. 知识投入与产出的计量

    Measurement of the input and output of knowledge

  15. 两者之间的平均分差距已经扩展到了包括社会机构、创新产出、知识及科技产出。

    The difference in average scores between the two groups is expanding in many indicators including institutions , creative outputs , knowledge and technology outputs .

  16. 提出城市经济的知识投入和产出指标,更新传统的城市现代化指标体系;建议以工业化战略、城市可持续发展战略、面向知识经济战略三种战略思想相结合,指导城市发展战略的制定。

    The paper represented indexes of knowledge input-output in urban economy and proposed that joining of industrializing strategy , urban sustainable tactic and knowledge economy-oriented strategy to guide making up the strategy of urban development .

  17. 基于典则相关分析的制造业知识性投入与产出效率评估

    Evaluation of Production Efficiency of Manufacturing Industrial Knowledge Input & Output Based on CAN

  18. 人大学在法学知识体系中的产出量、重要学科地位有待提高。

    Science of People 's Congress is playing an increaing important role in production of law system .

  19. 而知识型员工的产出数量和质量很大程度上取决于企业对他们的管理策略。

    But the output quantity and the quality of the knowledge staff is decided by their management strategy of the enterprise .

  20. 引文回馈率指标从一个侧面反映了研究对象的知识投入-知识产出效率,是全新的思路和全新的方法。

    In essence , citation feedback rate reflect the efficiency of knowledge input - knowledge out , which is an entirely new indicator .

  21. 实验结果显示在伴随性词汇学习环境中,具有高投入的任务比具有低投入的任务无论对接受性词汇知识,还是对产出性词汇知识的习得都更有效。

    The experiment shows that tasks with high involvement in L2 incidental vocabulary learning are more effective in learner 's gains of receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge than tasks with low involvement .

  22. 结论是,中学生的动词词汇知识从接受到产出经历了一个艰难、缓慢的发展过程。

    The experiment arrives at the conclusion : the learners ' verb knowledge experiences a hard and slow developing procedure from receiving ( recognizing ) it to producing ( using ) it .

  23. 为此,本文从知识的投入和知识的产出两方面入手,建立了制造业知识密集程度评价指标体系。

    So , from the aspect of knowledge input and knowledge output , this article establishs an index system to evaluate the knowledge intensity of manufacture industries .

  24. 基于这样的背景,本文充分关注大学在知识转移视角下的知识产出和知识贡献的能力。

    Under such background , the paper pays much attention to the competence of knowledge output and knowledge contribution of universities from the perspective of knowledge transfer .

  25. 知识传递者的声誉、知识产出系数的提高,有利于推动知识转移;

    The reputation of knowledge carriers and the improvement of knowledge output coefficient , leading to promote knowledge transaction .

  26. 以上这三个企业要素通过影响知识管理行为,导致知识管理的产出,并最终影响技术创新绩效。

    All the three enterprise factors can affect Knowledge Behavior , then Knowledge Output and finally Technology Innovation Performance .

  27. 介绍了国家知识竞争力的概念,从知识经济产出、人力资本、知识资本、知识性金融资本、知识基础设施5个方面探讨了国家知识竞争力评价体系的构成。

    This paper introduces the concept of national knowledge competitiveness , and probes into the components of national knowledge competitiveness evaluation system from five aspects of the knowledge economy outputs , human capital , knowledge capital , knowledge financial capital and knowledge infrastructure .

  28. 涉及网络方面的知识扩散研究,也只是对知识扩散与产出的关系作了简单分析。

    Those that relates to knowledge diffusion in network are only simple analyses of the relationship between knowledge diffusion and following products .

  29. 建立多期博弈模型,分析表明:在风险投资家与风险企业家之间、风险企业内部成员之间,知识传递者进行知识转移的努力程度与其在知识产出中的分享成正比;

    According to multi-stage game model , it was shown that between venture capitalist and venture entrepreneur or among venture enterprise , the diligent degree of knowledge carrier was proportional to sharing proportion in the knowledge output ;

  30. 因此要深入地研究知识经济,无法回避的是怎样度量知识的投入和产出等基本问题。

    The problem of how to measure the input and output of knowledge cannot be avoided on further study of knowledge economy .