
  • 网络knowledge productivity
  1. 但在特定条件下,高校及教师对科研价值的追求,往往容易单一化,这不利于高校提高知识生产率以适应知识经济的需求。

    But in given situations , these institutions and their teachers often pursue a certain single value in their research , which does no good to the promotion of knowledge productivity so as to meet the needs of knowledge economy .

  2. 知识共享能够使知识在一定范围内自由流动和使用,节约知识获取成本,提高知识生产率,有利于知识的应用与创新。

    Knowledge sharing ( KS ) can make organizational knowledge freely flow in definite range and save the cost of knowledge acquisition to enhance knowledge productivity and benefit for knowledge application and innovation .

  3. 对此,一方面要大力提高知识生产率、协调产学研之间的关系,另一方面要进一步改善劳动就业管理体制,以促进我国经济持续增长和实现就业有序扩大。

    An increase of knowledge production rate from a balanced of production-learning-research relationship and an improvement of labor and employment management system will help to materialize the sustained growth of economy and regulated expansion of employment .

  4. 知识工作生产率问题正日益成为管理学研究领域的主要内容,被德鲁克(Peter·Drucker)视为21世纪管理的最大挑战。

    Knowledge work productivity , which was regarded as the biggest challenge in the 21st century by Peter ? Drucker , has increasingly become the core of management research areas .

  5. 他阐明了人们关于知识工作者生产率之所获知并提出它的各项主要因素。

    He addresses what people know about knowledge worker productivity and six major factors that determine it .

  6. 知识工作生产率是现代知识经济社会中,个人、组织乃至国家竞争优势的决定性因素。

    The productivity of knowledge work is the determinants of competitive advantage form individual to the nation .

  7. 德鲁克强调,知识工作者生产率是21世纪管理的最大挑战。

    Drucker emphasises that knowledge worker productivity is the biggest of the 21 st century management challenges .

  8. 知识工作生产率的问题,被德鲁克称为21世纪的难题。

    The problem of knowledge work productivity , was considered as " the21 century problem " by Drucker .

  9. 为此,本研究引入了距离函数技术,并应用距离函数对知识工作生产率变化的测量进行了研究。

    As a result , this study introduces the distance function and applies this mathematical tool to analyze how to measure the changes of knowledge work productivity .

  10. 接着,在第二章本文运用信息经济学中的委托-代理思想和模型,对知识员工生产率实现过程中激励机制的一般模型进行了描述。

    Then , in the second chapter this paper describes the general model of incentive mechanism in knowledge workers ' production process by using the principal-agent thought and model in Information Economic .

  11. 要提高知识工作的生产率,必然牵涉到不同岗位的知识含量的量度问题。

    To improve the productivity of knowledge works , the knowledge amount of positions must not be avoided .

  12. 这一趋势使得知识工作者的生产率问题成为21世纪管理的最大挑战,也是维系国家竞争力的关键。

    This trend has marked the knowledge worker productivity problem the biggest challenge in the 21st century s management and also key elements to national competitive forces .

  13. 知识工作的生产率这一课题涉及的内容非常广泛,本课题就是基于这一长期而复杂的研究任务所进行的一些基本问题的研究。

    The research on knowledge work productivity is long-term and complicated , involving very extensive subjects , while this thesis sets out from some foundation problems about it .

  14. 如今,在发达国家,人们已经充分掌握了体力工作生产率的基本规律,现在,知识工作的生产率问题日益显现出来。

    Nowadays , in developed countries , people have fully grasped the basic law of physical strength work productivity , while the productivity of knowledge work is appearing .

  15. 在此基础之上,构建知识工作及其生产率的模型和分析理论,为知识工作及其生产率提升的理论研究和实践指导提供新的思路。

    Besides this , models and relevant theory of knowledge work and its productivity was built to provide a new train of thought for theoretical research and practical guidance .

  16. 知识工作的生产率问题已成为21世纪管理的最大挑战。

    The productivity of knowledge work , the study of which is just a fresh start , is increasingly becoming the biggest challenge of management in the 21st century .

  17. 中国知识产权论文科学生产率的研究

    The approach of scientific productivity of papers on intellectual property in China

  18. 企业重组后知识员工激励及其生产率关系实证分析

    An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Stimulation and Productivity of Knowledge Workers after Reshuffle of the Enterprises

  19. 现代经济增长理论认为,人力资本投入是现代社会经济迅速增长的重要因素,知识是提高劳动生产率和实现经济增长的主要驱动力。

    Modern economy growth thinks theoretically , manpower capital investment is the main factor that contemporary socioeconomy grows quickly , knowledge is the main driving force that increases labor productivity and implementation economy growth .

  20. 如果一个国家决定以休闲的形式,享受知识进步带来的生产率上升的部分成果,而不只是消费越来越多的商品,那么我们是否应该在衡量表现方面,对其加以惩罚呢?

    Should we punish a country – in terms of our measure of performance – if it decides to take some of the fruits of the increase in productivity from the advancement of knowledge in the form of leisure , rather than just consuming more and more goods ?

  21. 显然,对知识工作本质的认识是把握知识工作及其生产率规律、解决知识工作生产率提升问题的前提和基础。

    Obviously , understanding the intrinsic quality of knowledge work is the premise and foundation to grasp the regular pattern of knowledge work and enhance its productivity .

  22. 因而本文选取了一个新的视角:基于员工行为,对知识服务企业进行研究,构建知识服务企业的生产率测度体系并进行实证检验。

    Therefore , the article selects a new angle of view to study the core level of the service industry , that is knowledge-based service industry enterprises , and to set up its productivity model , and to give an illustration .

  23. 他把知识工作者看成一个系统,并指出知识工作者与知识工作者生产率的出现对公司治理的意义。

    He sees knowledge worker as a system and shows what the emergence of the knowledge worker and of knowledge-worker productivity means for the governance of the corporation .

  24. 知识的创造和运用是由知识工作者完成的,因此知识工作者的生产率就成为企业和国家竞争优势的决定因素。

    With the creation and usage of knowledge accomplished by knowledge worker , the productivity of them will be the determinant in competitive preponderance in enterprises and countries .

  25. 如果仅从知识工作的一个侧面或几个侧面出发去分析和研究知识工作及其生产率,势必使知识工作及其生产率的研究见木不见林。

    If only analyzes part the aspects of knowledge work and its productivity , this will make the research cannot see the wood for the trees .

  26. 连续的知识工作效用函数的存在性和唯一性,为数学方法应用于知识工作测量、知识工作生产率计量的理论研究和实践指导架起了一座桥梁。

    This bridges the mathematical methods and knowledge work measurement , also provides a foundation for the theoretical research and practical guidance of knowledge work productivity measurement . 4 .

  27. 针对数据采集及分析的具体情况,提出了运用决策树分析进行岗位知识含量特征发现的构想,为适应大规模调查和分析方法的改进,从而深入研究知识员工生产率问题指出了一条途径。

    In research , decision tree analysis is also assumed as an innovation in future data processing and knowledge discovery work , in order to make out a suitable way to large-scope questionnaire investigation and productivity research .