
  • 网络Knowledge ecosystem
  1. 基于Agent的知识生态系统动力学机制研究

    Research on dynamics mechanism of knowledge ecosystem based on agent

  2. 本文通过构建知识生态系统,将生态系统的进化、竞争、共生等动力学机制引入组织的知识管理。

    This paper builds Knowledge Ecosystem and uses the dynamics mechanism to carry the knowledge management .

  3. 知识生态系统的共享机制研究

    Research on Knowledge Sharing Mechanism in Knowledge Ecosystem

  4. 它是知识生态系统的一部分。

    It was part of the knowledge ecosystem .

  5. 第三部分是论文的核心部分,详细阐述了如何构建与知识生态系统发展相适应的知识共享机制体系;

    In this part , the author discusses in detail how to construct the knowledge sharing mechanism in knowledge ecosystem .

  6. 第二部分主要分析了知识生态系统共享机制形成的机理,包括形成的可行性分析、动力分析及运行的障碍因素分析;

    In the second part , the thesis analyses the formation mechanism of the knowledge sharing mechanism in knowledge ecosystem . The third part forms the main body of the thesis .

  7. 其次,根据知识生态系统中各节点之间关系的强弱,在讨论对知识共享关系的影响因素时首次提出了其他关系对其有影响作用的假设,并通过实证加以验证。

    Secondly , based on the strength of the relationship between each node , in the discussion of the impact of knowledge sharing relationship factors , this paper proposes that the ties between nodes could be the influencing factor of the knowledge-sharing .

  8. 如果没有早期的失败教训,这些投资者能具备接下来投资未来市场领导者所不可或缺的洞见、市场知识和生态系统吗?

    Would those investors have developed the insights , market knowledge and ecosystems critical to their becoming investors in the eventual market leaders without those early experiences ?

  9. 综合已有的生态学数据和知识,对生态系统进行科学的评估,以确保对生态系统的保护和合理利用,是人类福利及其可持续发展的重要保障。

    Bringing the data and new findings in ecology to bear on ecosystems assessment , which can contribute to the protection and reasonable use , and can make human well-being progress toward sustainable development .

  10. 知识社会的城市生态系统复杂性探讨

    Discussion on the Complexity of City Ecosystem in Knowledge-based Society

  11. 你已经被邀请成为以开放的观念,资源和知识为基础的生态系统的一部分。

    You have been invited to become part of an ecosystem which is based on the open exchange of ideas , resources , and knowledge .

  12. 对知识复杂性的考察,有助于我们以整体主义的知识观指导社会实践,以批判的态度构建知识生态系统。

    It also puts forward the study about complexity of knowledge which benefits us in social practice in an holistic viewpoint .