
  • 网络knowledge competence
  1. 2000~2006年国家知识竞争力实证评价研究

    Empirical Evaluation of National Knowledge Competence from 2000 to 2006

  2. 核心知识竞争力与企业多元化战略

    Core Knowledge Competence and Business Diversification Strategies

  3. 文章分析了如何围绕提高知识竞争力去优化企业的价值链。

    This paper discusses how to optimize enterprise value chain based on enhancing knowledge competence .

  4. 第三章,山西省知识竞争力实证研究。

    The third chapter is the empirical study of the knowledge competitiveness of Shanxi Province .

  5. 中国的知识竞争力状况分析

    Analysis on the Knowledge Competitiveness of China

  6. 透视上海知识竞争力铸就明天的知识竞争力&中美《科教兴国》战略的比较

    Casting Tomorrow 's Knowledge Competences : Compare Study on Science and Education Strategies Between US and China

  7. 此时,知识竞争力便以国家和地区核心竞争力的身份被提了出来。

    At this point , knowledge competitiveness of the national and regional has been put forward as the core competitiveness .

  8. 当前,学术界对知识竞争力的研究还处于起步阶段,主要是从知识竞争力的评价体系开展的。

    Currently , academic research on this area is still in its infancy , mainly conducting from the knowledge competitiveness evaluation system .

  9. 在知识竞争力理论基础的支撑下,运用定性与定量分析相结合的方法,构建评价知识竞争力的指标体系。

    Under the support of the theoretical basis of the knowledge competitiveness , using the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis to construct an index system of the knowledge competitiveness .

  10. 通过对不同产业的知识竞争力的比较,看出不同产业的知识竞争力存在差异,究其原因在于知识的差异。

    Through the comparison of the knowledge competitiveness of different industries , it finds out that there are differences in the knowledge competitiveness of different industries because of the difference of knowledge .

  11. 基于上海知识竞争力的发展现状,结合知识管理思想,提出了以知识管理提升上海知识竞争力的基本思路,并设计了知识管理系统框架。

    Based on the current situation of Shanghai knowledge competitiveness and the concept of knowledge management , a system framework was put forward by means of knowledge management to improve Shanghai knowledge competitiveness .

  12. 在对山西省知识竞争力现状分析的基础上,从战略角度提出提升山西省知识竞争力的三个战略:知识产权战略、知识创新战略、知识应用战略。

    Based on the analysis of the knowledge competitiveness present situation of Shanxi Province , formulate three strategies from the strategic angle : Intellectual property rights strategy , knowledge innovation strategy , knowledge application strategy .

  13. 知识竞争力在产业集群发展中的作用不断增强,无论是高新技术产业集群还是传统产业集群,长期持续竞争优势都依赖于知识的聚集。

    The knowledge competence plays a more and more important role in the development of industrial cluster . In both high-tech and traditional industrial clusters , long term continuous competition advantages must rely on the bunching of knowledge .

  14. 在国内,目前国内外学者对区域知识竞争力的研究刚起步,主要是对知识竞争力来源、国内外知识竞争力测评体系与模型的研究。

    In the home , the domestic and foreign scholars just started to research the regional knowledge competitiveness at present , which concentrates in the regional knowledge competitiveness ' originate , the domestic and foreign evaluation system and the model research mainly .

  15. 介绍了国家知识竞争力的概念,从知识经济产出、人力资本、知识资本、知识性金融资本、知识基础设施5个方面探讨了国家知识竞争力评价体系的构成。

    This paper introduces the concept of national knowledge competitiveness , and probes into the components of national knowledge competitiveness evaluation system from five aspects of the knowledge economy outputs , human capital , knowledge capital , knowledge financial capital and knowledge infrastructure .

  16. 不是以占有自然资源(物质资源和能源)为基础,而是以占有人力资源(知识,竞争力)为基础。

    Based on the possession of human resources such as knowledge and competitiveness rather than natural resources such as material and sources of energy .

  17. 为研究知识对竞争力的作用,本文首先对制造企业的知识进行识别,找出知识在制造企业中的基本形式和分布,并将其按照隐性知识和显性知识归类。

    In order to study the roles on the competitiveness played by knowledge , this dissertation discerns the knowledge of manufacture enterprise firstly . Then it finds out the basic forms and distribution in the manufacture enterprises , and sorts out them according to tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge .

  18. 最后重申了运用经济学知识研究学校竞争力应当注意的一些问题。

    Lastly , reclaims some problems that need to be noticed when we use the economical knowledge to do the research on school competitiveness .

  19. 知识是企业竞争力的源泉,企业的生存和发展将更多的取决于知识的拥有、创造和利用。

    Knowledge is the source of enterprises ' competitiveness . Enterprises ' survival and development mainly depend on the possession , creation and utility of knowledge .

  20. 可以促成教育培训方式的革命、实现知识管理提升竞争力、加速企业迈向学习型组织。

    Education and training can contribute to revolution in the way , to achieve knowledge management to enhance competitiveness and accelerate business into a learning organization .

  21. 在日益剧烈的国际竞争环境中,培育和提升基于隐性知识的核心竞争力是高校获得持续竞争优势的关键。

    In unstable international competitive environment , cultivating and promoting the core competence based on tacit knowledge is the key to acquire sustaining competitive advantage for universities .

  22. 教师不仅是作为高校发展壮大的因素,而更加是一个社会和国家的知识水平和竞争力的体现。

    The teacher is not only the factor which makes the university grow strong , but even more a manifestation for the social and the national knowledge level and competitive power .

  23. 企业知识管理提升企业竞争力的作用机制研究

    Study on the Function Mechanism of Knowledge Management for Enterprise Competitiveness

  24. 基于知识资本的企业竞争力的评价及实证分析

    The Appraisement and Analysis for Enterprise Competence Based on Knowledge Capital

  25. 知识联盟对区域竞争力影响的探讨

    On the influence of intellectual alliance upon regional competition power

  26. 汽车大集团应培育基于知识管理的核心竞争力

    Big Automotive Group Should Cultivate Core Competitiveness Based on KM

  27. 基于隐性知识的高校核心竞争力分析

    Analysis on the University Core Competence Based on Tacit Knowledge

  28. 企业知识资本与核心竞争力的整合研究

    Conformity Study of Enterprise Episteme Capital and Core Competition

  29. 基于隐性知识的企业核心竞争力分析与提升策略

    Analysis on the Enterprise Core Competence Based on Tacit Knowledge and Its Promoting Strategies

  30. 在市场经济条件下,知识已经成为企业竞争力的源泉。

    In the market economy , knowledge has become the source of competitive force for enterprises .