
  1. 知识资本运营审计、彩色审计、多维责任审计都将兴起。

    Knowledge-capital operating , green audit and multi-dimensional audit are booming .

  2. 作为知识资本运营的发生器一一城市,在知识资本的推动下朝知识城市的方向发展,知识城市的构建又反过来推动城市知识资本的运营和积累,城市知识资本与知识城市相互促进,共同发展。

    As a generator for the operations of knowledge capital , city is gradually turning to the knowledge city by the driving of the knowledge capital . And the construction of the knowledge city in turn pushes the operation and accumulation of the knowledge capital .

  3. 青岛海尔集团对知识资本成功运营的实例充分说明了这一点。

    The Qingdao Haier group explained this point fully by the successful operation example to the knowledge capital .

  4. 建立企业知识理论促进企业知识资本运营

    Creating the Knowledge - based Theory of the Firm and Improving the Operation of Corporate Intellectual Capital

  5. 知识经济时代,知识管理与知识资本运营已经成为了企业新型的经营管理模式。

    At the knowledge economy age , knowledge management and the operation of knowledge capital have become a new pattern of enterprise management .

  6. 以专利权出资参与公司的设立是一种技术资产转化为产业资本的重要形式,是知识经济时代的内在要求,是知识产权资本运营的重要组成部分。

    Patent funded system as an important form of technology capitalization is an inherent requirement of the era of knowledge economy , and an important component of capital operation .

  7. 这有助于增强城市管理者对知识资本的认识和理解,强化城市知识资本的运营手段,建立城市知识资本市场,打造知识城市,从而赢得未来城市的核心竞争地位。

    This will deepen the understanding of knowledge capital , strengthen the management means of running knowledge capital , establish powerful knowledge capital market , and set up the knowledge city for keeping the core competitive position of city in the future .