
zhī shí mì jí xínɡ chán pǐn
  • knowledge-intensive products
  1. 知识产权密集型产品顾客感知价值驱动要素及影响因子剖析

    Driven Elements and Impact Factor of Customer Perceived Value of the Intellectual Property-Intensive Products

  2. 建筑设计是一个多层次、多阶段、多步骤的过程,属于典型的知识密集型复杂产品设计。

    Building design is a typical knowledge-intensive complex product design which is a process including multi-level , multi-stage and multi-step .

  3. 软件是整个计算机系统的灵魂,是一种知识密集型的产品,是全体软件开发人员劳动和智慧的结晶。

    Software is the soul of computer system , is the extract of wisdom from software developers ' collective work , is also a kind of product concentrated with knowledge .

  4. 知识密集型服务企业产品定价研究

    Products Pricing of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services

  5. 我国出口商品结构存在的问题较多。工业制成品中劳动和资本密集型产品比重较大而知识和技术密集型产品比重较小。

    There are far mare labor-intensive and capital-intensive products than knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive products among manufactured goods .

  6. 在未来的国际贸易中,一方面知识、技术密集型产品的竞争会越来越激烈,另一方面知识、技术密集型产品、高新技术产品在国际贸易中的比重将不断提高。

    In the future international trade , on the one hand knowledge , technology-intensive products will become increasingly fierce competition .

  7. 人们已经意识到知识密集型产业对缄默知识的高度依赖性,但有针对性地、系统地对知识密集型产业新产品开发过程中缄默知识流转问题进行的研究还不多见。

    The dependence of knowledge-intensive industry to tacit knowledge has been awared , but there is few research paying attention to the issue about tacit knowledge transferring in new product development in knowledge-intensive industry , pertinently and systematically .