
  • 网络corrective action;Action;Remedial Action
  1. 它需要中国当局采取矫正措施——不是外科手术,而是针灸。

    It requires corrective action from Chinese authorities - not surgery , but acupuncture .

  2. 详细描述所出现的偏差和记录后来的矫正措施。

    Provide sufficient detail to fully describe the deviation and subsequent corrective action / resolution .

  3. 与过去依赖监管者自主选择权的行为方式相比,PCA的强制性监管,在发现问题银行并采取矫正措施方面,显然更有效率。

    Compare with actions were up to the discretion of supervisors in the past , PCA is reasonably effective mandatory sanctions for identifying troubled banks and taking corrective actions .

  4. 探讨了H型钢焊接变形控制的工艺设计,介绍了焊接的方法及难点,论述了焊接变形的控制与矫正措施,提出了预防变形的方法,取得了明显的效果。

    It discusses process design of wedding deformation control of H structural steel and introduces method and merits of wedding , illustrates control & correct measures for wedding deformation , and puts forward prevention method and obtains good effect .

  5. 纵向税收竞争理论认为,在分税制下,除非中央政府能够采取有效的矫正措施(correctivepolicies),否则其集中财政收入的过程可能导致实际的均衡税率过高。

    According to the vertical tax competition theory , under tax division system , the process of concentrating financial revenue will lead to the extremely high equilibrium tax rate unless central government takes effective corrective policies .

  6. 独立审计行业低价竞争陷阱及其矫正措施研究

    Low Price Competition and Solution in Certified Public Accountants Trade

  7. 大学生行为失范现象及矫正措施

    The phenomenon of college students ' behavior without models and its remedies

  8. 中学生不良品行的成因及矫正措施

    Analysis on the cause of Middle school students'Non-performing Behavious and Correction Measures

  9. 谈大学生心理健康问题及矫正措施

    On Psychological Health Problems of College Students and Correctional measures

  10. 我国证券市场的结构性缺陷及矫正措施浅析

    On the Structure Defect of the Stock Market of our Country and Rectifying Measures

  11. 桥式起重机主梁变形矫正措施

    Rectifing Measure of Bridge Crane Main Beam Deformed

  12. 总裁和市长是奇怪的一对,需要采取矫正措施。

    They were an odd couple , he and the mayor ; corrective measures were needed .

  13. 应用各项控制,以确保矫正措施被执行且有效。

    Application of controls should ensure that corrective action is taken and that it is effective .

  14. 跟踪供应商的相关矫正措施。

    Follow up supplier corrective action .

  15. 于后续追踪稽核活动中,应查证并记录所采矫正措施的执行情形与效果。

    Follow-up activities shall verify and record the implementation and effectiveness of the corrective action taken .

  16. 我将采取矫正措施。

    I am taking corrective action .

  17. 但即便是这样,目前尚不清楚如若情况并非如此,该网站的矫正措施又是如何。

    But it remains unclear what form of redress exists if that ever proves not to be the case .

  18. 矫正措施程序应包括有效处理顾客的抱怨与产品不符合的报告。

    The procedures for corrective action shall include the effective handling of customer complaints and reports of product nonconformities .

  19. 本文拟对影响财政、货币政策效应的干扰因素进行分析,并提出矫正措施。

    In this paper , impact of fiscal and monetary policy effect of interfering factors analysis and proposed corrective measures .

  20. 该单位之管理者对稽核所发现之缺失应适时采取矫正措施。

    The management personnel responsible for the area shall take timely corrective action on the deficiencies found during the audit .

  21. 它有助于查明导致死亡的因素,使卫生系统能够采取矫正措施。

    This can help to identify the factors leading to death to allow the health system to take corrective measures .

  22. 后续跟催活动应包含已采取矫正措施的查证和查证结果的报告(见8.5.2)。

    Follow-up activities shall include the verification of the actions taken and the reporting of verification results ( see8.5.2 ) .

  23. 必须采取适当的矫正措施来消除这些障碍物,例如对管道镗圆锥形孔或安装间隔垫片。

    Suitable corrective measures must be taken to remove these obstructions , such as taper boring the pipe or installing a spacer .

  24. 供应商有执行随机抽查进货质量的适当办法在运作中,以确认外包商实施的矫正措施的有效性。

    Supplier has a procedure in place to conduct random incoming quality audits to verify effectiveness of the corrective actions implemented by a sub-supplier .

  25. 在监管过程中,监管机构可以采取一些非正式的矫正措施,矫正银行不符合监管要求的行为。

    In the regulatory process , regulators can take some informal corrective measures , correction of bank does not meet the regulatory requirements of behavior .

  26. 根本的矫正措施应当是完善产权制度,健全企业文化,并且对企业年金进行有效的制度安排。

    The essential measures to rectify the deviation include perfecting the property right policy , making the enterprise culture healthier , and consummating effective occupational pension system .

  27. 如果公司确信员工无意改善其绩效问题,各矫正措施可能会加速进行,而解雇处分也可能较正常的渐进程序为快。

    If the company believes the employee is making no attempt to rectify performance problems , corrective action may be accelerated and discharge may occur sooner than the normal progression .

  28. 本文通过阐述体校学生不良品行形成的原因及矫正措施,探讨对体校学生的教育和管理规律。

    The paper represents through the reason of forming bad manners and correct methods of the students in the sports school , inquires into the education and management of sports school 's students .

  29. 实现以人为本的矫正措施,加大对罪犯的宣传教育力度、加大对罪犯的分级处遇力度、加大劳动改造的创新力度;探寻监狱执行工作新手段。

    Realize the people-oriented corrective measures to enhance the publicity of criminals and increase the education efforts for criminals in the classification in strength , increase the labor reform of innovation ; Explore prison execution work new means .

  30. 第三部分讨论的主要是管制性破产制度的措施体系,主要分成非正式矫正措施、正式矫正措施和许可证撤销及随后的行政主导的清算三个阶段来进行研究。

    The major topic of the third part is the measure regime of this " Regulatory Insolvency " . It was discussed in three phases that are the informal remedial measures phase , the formal remedial measures phase and the regulated liquidation phase .