
kuàng quán
  • mineral spring
矿泉 [kuàng quán]
  • [mineral spring] 含大量矿物质的泉水,一般是温泉,有些可以用来治病

矿泉[kuàng quán]
  1. 磁化矿泉浴配合无氧体育训练对飞行员抗G效果的研究

    Study of the action of magnetic mineral spring bath and anoxia physical training on pilots'anti G effect

  2. 磁化矿泉浴对正常人血清免疫球蛋白及补体C3C4的影响

    Observation of magnetic mineral spring water effect on immunoglobulin and C 3 , C 4 of normal human being

  3. 请给我来杯矿泉水。

    A glass of mineral water , please .

  4. 这家矿泉疗养浴场极尽奢华,功效极高。

    The spa is the last word in luxury and efficiency .

  5. 每天至少饮用2升无气矿泉水以帮助身体解毒。

    Drink at least 2 litres of still mineral water throughout the day to aid detoxification .

  6. 优质矿泉水已通过国家级鉴定。

    The high quality mineral water has passed the state-level test .

  7. 瓶盖砰地一声打开,喷得他满眼都是矿泉水。

    The bottle cap popped off and he got an eyeful of seltzer .

  8. 矿泉水是解渴的最好材料。

    There is nothing like mineral water to quench one 's thirst .

  9. 他正在一家疗养院里作矿泉疗养。

    He is taking the waters at a sanatorium .

  10. 让我们喝一点矿泉水吧。

    Let 's drink the waters .

  11. 他们饮用矿泉水。

    They drank mineral waters .

  12. 阴暗的天空,矿泉中的硫黄味,这一切对这里的居民来说似乎预示着灾难降临。

    The gloomy skies and the sulphurous odors from the mineral springs seemed to bode evil to those who settled in the area .

  13. B:是的,我还要一瓶矿泉水。

    B : Yes , I 'll have a mineral water , please .

  14. X矿泉水公司基于服务的关系营销策略

    Relationship Marketing Strategy of X Mineral Water Inc. Based on Service

  15. PVC矿泉水瓶粒料的开发

    Development of PVC Pellets for Mineral Water Bottles

  16. 本文报导了Ca-Zn复合稳定PVC矿泉水瓶粒料的开发研制及应用过程。

    The development and manufacturing process of Ca-Zn stabilized PVC pellets for mineral water boules are reported .

  17. 应用HACCP系统查验瓶装矿泉水不合格成因实例分析

    Analysis of Causes of unqualified Mineral Water with HACCP Method

  18. 我们认为矿泉水中医疗体操治疗RA的康复疗效是满意的。

    The authors considered that the medical exercise in mineral water is an effective therapy for RA patients .

  19. HACCP在矿泉水生产中的应用

    Application of HACCP to mineral water production

  20. He'sstudiedintheUSandhasagoodcommandofEnglish.他在美国读过书,英语很好。钟先生说农夫山泉的重大突破是在1999年,他宣布公司不再销售纯净水,而是专注于矿泉水,因为前者对于人体没有益处。

    Mr. Zhong said Nongfu Spring 's major breakthrough came in 1999 when he announced the company would stop selling purified water to focus on mineral water as the former offered no health benefits .

  21. 应用ICP-MS同时测定矿泉水中22种微量金属

    Synchronously Determination of 22 Trace Elements in Natural Mineral Drinking Water by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometer

  22. 结果矿泉水组小鼠的心匀浆GSH-Px活力较纯净水组高,有显著差异(P<0.05);

    Results GSH-Px activity in heart homogenate of mineral water group was higher than pure water group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  23. 同时,在磷酸根的存在下可以减弱Hoechst33258与DNA的非特异性作用.矿泉浴通过矿泉水对人体的特异性和非特异性作用,起到按摩、收敛、消肿和止痛的作用;

    The main interaction sites of Hoechst 33258 is between base pairs of A and T. Mineral bath make impacts on massage , restrain , repercussion and acesodyne by the specificity and non-specificity of mineral water on human body ;

  24. 另外,碧昂斯还签下了大批代言合约,其中包括日本矿泉水品牌CrystalGeyser、任天堂DS主机游戏、美国运通卡、化妆品牌欧莱雅以及萨曼莎·撒乌萨高级手袋等。

    She also added Crystal Geyser and Nintendo DSi to a lengthy list of endorsement deals that already included American Express , L'Oreal and Samantha Thavasa handbags .

  25. 本文提出用简易氢化物发生系统与ICP光谱仪联用,测定自来水和矿泉水中痕量砷的简易、快速的方法。

    A simple and fast method for the determination of the trace arsenic in tap and spring waters by ICP emission spectrometry with a simple hydride generation system is presented .

  26. 认为富含Sr矿泉水的形成与不同含水介质岩性和Sr的丰度等地球化学环境密切相关。

    The results have shown that forming of the mineral water which have rich Sr is closely related with such geochemistry environments as different lithology of aquifer medium and abundant degree of Sr etc.

  27. 本文经过深入研究提出了用HNO3H2O2消化样品,以钯盐作基体改进剂,用石墨炉原子吸收测定矿泉水的Pb,Cr的分析方法。

    A method of determination of lead and chromium in mineral water by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry has been advanced . HNO 3 H 2O 2 was used to digest the samples and the palladic salt as a matrix improver .

  28. 北美地区之所以独特,一是因为其成熟度(碳酸饮料销售停止增长),二是因为可口可乐的软饮料、果汁和矿泉水业务与装瓶商coca-colaenterprises(cce)是独立经营的。

    The region is unique both because of its maturity ( fizzy drink sales are not growing ) , and because Coke developed its soft drink , juice and fountain businesses separately from bottler Coca-Cola Enterprises .

  29. 矿泉水厂沟的翡翠泉是典型的酸性岩溶冷泉,含水层水的径流较珍珠泉慢且滞留时间相对长些,含有一定的CO2,系一深部含水层地下水的露头。

    The Jadeite Spring is a typical acidic karst water cold spring . The flow velocity of the water in the Jadeite Spring aquifer is slower than that in the Pearl spring , and its water hence has relatively long detained time .

  30. 比什努库马尔尔基,一个在KUKL技术官员表示,他宁愿喝瓶装矿泉水,但不供水。

    Bishnu Kumar Karki , a technical officer at the KUKL , said he would rather drink bottled mineral water but not the supplied water .