
qì tǐ jié ɡòu
  • masonry structure
  1. 验证了采用ConcreteDamagedPlasticity材料模型模拟砌体结构力学性能的可行性。

    Verify the feasibility to use the Damaged Concrete Plasticity material model to simulate the mechanical properties of masonry structure .

  2. 用MCA方法对砌体结构在不同烈度地震作用下破坏的仿真研究

    Simulation of Masonry Structure Damage under Different Intensity Earthquake with MCA Method

  3. 嵌入式FRP筋加固砌体结构的研究现状及发展

    Current research and development status of masonry structure strengthened by embedded fiber reinforced plastic

  4. 外贴纤维增强高分子聚合物复合材料(FRP)加固技术近年来在砌体结构的修复加固中得到应用。

    FRP laminates are being successfully used for strengthening of existing masonry structures because of their superior properties .

  5. 建立了CFRP抗震加固底部框架砌体结构地震反应时程分析的方法。

    The time-history analytical method of earthquake response to hybrid masonry-concrete structures strengthened with CFRP is presented .

  6. 最后,应用该方法,对CFRP约束的底部框架砌体结构进行了罕遇地震作用下的时程分析。

    Finally , a 7-floor hybrid masonry-concrete structures strengthened with CFRP excited by El-Centro earthquake is analyzed .

  7. 同时介绍了欧洲古建筑采用FRP进行修复加固等FRP加固砌体结构工程应用情况。

    The application of such strengthening procedure to ancient masonry structures buildings with bonding FRP sheets was introduced too .

  8. GFRP加固砌体结构的应用前景

    Application prospects of masonry structure reinforced with GFRP

  9. FRP加固砌体结构可以提高砌体结构的抗震、抗剪和平面外抗弯性能;

    With the FRP strengthening system , performances of masonry structures increase obviously in terms of seismic resistance , shear resistance and flexural capacity out of plane .

  10. 通过4个芳纶纤维布(AFRP)加固砖砌墙体试件抗剪试验,研究了AFRP加固砌体结构的抗剪性能。

    Based on the test of four brick walls strengthened with AFRP , the shear capacity of brick masonry walls strengthened with AFRP is researched .

  11. 基于国家标准《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2001)对底部两层框架砌体结构房屋进行抗震设计分析。

    Based on code for seismic design of buildings ( GB50011-2001 ), the analysis of anti-seismic design on double-frame of bottom building structure is made .

  12. 近年在土木工程领域中兴起的新材料FRP(纤维增强塑料)以其高的强度质量比、施工便捷等优点为砌体结构加固开辟了新的途径,具有广阔的发展前景。

    New materials of FRP ( fiber reinforced polymers ), which becomes popular in civil engineering recently , provides a new approach to the strengthening of masonry structures due to their high strength-to-weight ratio and ease of application , and will be of great promise in the future .

  13. 国内至今仍没有一套关于砌体结构温度裂缝计算及其构造的规范化要求,《砌体结构设计规范》(GB50003-2001)关于砌体结构的抗裂措施也存在一定的局限性。

    Furthermore , methods of controlling the temperature cracks in masonry structure are incomprehensive , including those proposals in ' Masonry Structure Design Criterion ' ( GB50001-2001 ) .

  14. 砌体结构底层承重墙体的拆除改造设计

    Reform design and demolition of bottom bearing wall for masonry structure

  15. 八层大开间混凝土砌体结构模型隔震性能试验

    Quake isolation experiment of a 8-story , big-space concrete masonry building

  16. 谈对多层砌体结构房屋抗震鉴定检测的看法

    On identified detection of the multi story masonry structure house anti-seismic

  17. 理性思考汶川地震中砌体结构的抗震能力

    Rational Reflection on Aseismic Capability of Masonry Structures in Wenchuan Earthquake

  18. 我国砌体结构的发展状况与展望

    The State of Development and Suggestion on Masonry Structure in China

  19. 砖砌体结构加固中砼利用系数的探讨

    The discussion of concrete utilization coefficient in strengthened brick masonry structure

  20. 某砌体结构房屋扩建后开裂原因分析及处理

    Crack Analysis and Treatment of a Multi-Story Masonry Structure after Extension

  21. 砌体结构抗震的出路在于发展配筋砌体

    Reinforcement is the solution for the earthquake resistance of masonry structure

  22. 砌体结构墙体裂缝的成因分析及处理方法

    Cause Analysis and Treatment Measures of Wall Cracks of Masonry Structure

  23. 砌体结构毗邻既有建筑的基础设计

    Design for the foundation of existing building adjacent to masonry structure

  24. 研究了底部框剪上部砌块砌体结构的基于地震损伤性能的抗震设计方法。

    A new seismic design method based on performance are promoted .

  25. 砌体结构房屋的质量检测与抗震鉴定

    Quality Examination and Anti-seismic Resistance Appraiser for the Masonry Structure Building

  26. 汶川地震后多层砌体结构震害调查及分析

    Wenchuan Earthquake Field Reconnaissance and Analysis on Multi-story Masonry Structure Buildings

  27. 浅谈砌体结构地基不均匀沉降损害的防治措施

    Prevention Measures Of Asymmetry Settlement Damage Of Foundation With Masonry Structure

  28. 砌体结构历史悠久,应用广泛。

    Masonry structure has a long history and lots of applications .

  29. 配筋砌块砌体结构的模型试验和理论研究

    Model test and theoretical study of reinforced concrete block masonry structures

  30. 砌体结构中由温度应力引起的温度裂缝问题一直没有得到很好的解决。

    Thermal crack problem in masonry structure is not resolved yet .