
  • 网络Zinc Carbonate;ZnCO
  1. 尼龙6/纳米ZnO、尼龙6/碱式碳酸锌纳米纤维复合材料制备的研究

    Study on the Preparation of PA6 / ZnO and PA6 / basic Zinc Carbonate Nanofibers Composites

  2. 因此我们结合共沉淀法,引入碳酸锌作包覆剂控制品粒长大,利用钛酸锌作品型促进剂,在相对较低的焙烧温度和较短的保温时间内制得到了金红石型纳米TiO2粉体。

    Hence we combined coprecipitation method , using zinc carbonate as enclosure dose causing the crystal nucleus can not grow up , Zinc titanate acts as phase-transition accelerant , thereby we can obtain rutile nanometer TiO2 powder at lower calcining temperature and in briefer calcining time relatively .

  3. 碱式碳酸锌的热分解为两步反应过程,第一步为R3,即球形对称三维相界面反应;第二步为F2,即为简单二级反应。

    The thermal decomposition of the precursor includes two steps , the first is R3 : spherical symmetry there dimensional phase inter-surface reaction with the reaction order of 3 . The second is the simply second-order reaction .

  4. 在此条件下合成的碳酸锌粉末及其在350℃煅烧2h所得到的氧化锌粉末的一次粒子的平均粒径分别约35和20nm。

    Under such conditions , the average diameter of particles for the zinc carbonate powder was about 35 nm . The nanometer zinc oxide was obtained when the zinc carbonate was pyrolyzed at 350 ℃ for 2 h , and its average diameter of particles was about 20 nm .

  5. 锌烟灰制取碱式碳酸锌及活性氧化锌

    Preparing Alkali Zinc Carbonate and Active Oxide Zinc from Zinc Smoke Ash

  6. 饲料添加剂超细碱式碳酸锌制备条件控制

    Control of Preparation Condition of a Feed Supplement Super-fine Basic Zinc Carbonate

  7. 碱式碳酸锌热分解机理及动力学

    Study on Mechanism And Kinetics of Thermal Decomposition of Zinc Hydroxide Carbonate

  8. 碱式碳酸锌在硫酸锌溶液净化除铁中的应用

    Application of basic zinc carbonate in iron removal of zinc sulfate solution

  9. 碱式碳酸锌在海水提铀中机理的研究

    Study on the mechanism for extraction of uranium from seawater by basic ZnCO_3 Process

  10. 从废盐酸溶液制备碱式碳酸锌及磁场效应影响

    Preparation of basic zinc carbonate from waste hydrochloric acid and effect of magnetic field

  11. 海水中铀与碱式碳酸锌的反应级数及活化能

    The reaction order and activation energy of basic zinc carbonate and uranium in seawater

  12. 碱式碳酸锌的热分解动力学研究

    Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Basic Zinc carbonate

  13. 本论文研究纳米碳酸锌和纳米氧化锌的制备、表征和性能。

    This thesis studied on the preparation , characterization and capability of nanosized zinc carbonate and zinc oxide .

  14. 以丙酸和碱式碳酸锌为原料,制备了食品及饲料添加剂丙酸锌。

    The synthetic conditions of zinc propionate with propionic acid and basic zinc carbonate as raw materials were studied .

  15. 微负压蒸氨法合成超细碱式碳酸锌的工艺研究低碳稻壳灰碱法活化制备活性炭的研究

    Preparation of superfine basic zinc carbonate with tiny negative pressure evaporated ammonia Production of Activated Carbon from Rice Husk Ash

  16. 制备纳米氧化锌前驱体碱式碳酸锌的热解动力学

    Research on mechanism and kinetics of the thermal decomposition of precursor basic zinc carbonate in the preparation of nanometer zinc oxide

  17. 炉甘石抑菌活性主要取决于氧化锌的含量和粒径大小,与碳酸锌无关。

    The antibacterial activity of Calamine is decided by the content and particle size of zinc oxide , and has nothing with zinc carbonate .

  18. 报道了用直接沉淀法制备碱式碳酸锌,然后用微波焙烧制备纳米氧化锌的方法。

    A method of preparing nanosized ZnO through microwave calcining of basic Zinc carbonate , which is prepared by immediate precipitation , is introduced .

  19. 碳酸锌的沉淀及分解制备活性氧化锌裂解碳五馏分选择加氢催化剂的研究

    Research on Precipitation and Decomposition Process of Zinc Carbonate for Preparing Activated Zinc Oxide Catalyst for Selective Hydrogenation of C_5 Fraction from Steam Cracking

  20. 对碱式碳酸锌的热分解行为进行了动力学计算,从理论上对碱式碳酸盐作为前驱体制备纳米氧化物的优势进行了研究。

    The reasons for the superiority of zinc carbonate hydroxide and magnesium carbonate hydroxide over other precursors was studied theoretically by calculation of the decomposition kinetics .

  21. 碳酸盐包括:碳酸锂、碳酸钠、碳酸钾、碳酸镁、碳酸钙、碳酸锌、碳酸锶、碳酸钡。

    Carbonate included : lithium carbonate , sodium carbonate , potassium carbonate , magnesium carbonate , calcium carbonate , zinc carbonate , strontium carbonate , barium carbonate .

  22. 硬脂酸锌分解产物大部分是气体状态的二氧化碳、烷烃、酮等,残余物可能是氧化锌和碳酸锌等。

    The majority of the pyrolytic production is gaseous carbon dioxide , ketones , alkyls , and so on . The rest may be zinc oxide , zinc carbonate and so on .

  23. 以柠檬酸和碱式碳酸锌为原料合成柠檬酸锌,通过正交实验探索了物料配比、反应时间和反应温度等对反应结果的影响,得到了最佳合成工艺条件。

    The zinc citrate was synthesized with citric acid and basic zinc carbonate as raw material in this paper . The effects of material ratio , reaction time and reaction temperature were examined by orthogonal experiments . and the optium reaction condition was get .

  24. 模板剂对产物的组成具有重要的调控作用,模板剂存在时得到的是碳酸锌纳米晶体,无模板剂时得到的是一种含有碱式碳酸锌与碳酸锌的混合物,但以碱式碳酸锌为主。

    Template played key role for controlling composition of the product . The product were nano-crystals of zinc carbonate with template , and mixture was got without template , which contained zinc carbonate hydroxide as well as zinc carbonate , but zinc carbonate hydroxide was in majority .