
  • 网络Magnetorheological elastomer;mr elastomers;mre
  1. 在磁流变弹性体的工作模式上对磁流变隔振缓冲器的结构设计进行讨论。

    The structural design of MRE isolation buffer is discussed on the basis of MRE working model .

  2. 本文对磁流变弹性体流变机理、磁流变隔振缓冲器设计、力学性能测试、磁流变隔振器动力学特性、控制策略以及控制系统的设计和实现进行了研究。

    In this paper , rheology mechanism of the MRE material , MRE isolation buffer design , mechanical property test , dynamic characteristics , control strategy and control system design and implementation are studied .

  3. 利用改进的动态机械分析仪(DMA)对磁流变弹性体样品进行了不同磁场、不同频率的剪切储能模量、损耗模量和损耗因子的测量,实验结果验证了粘弹性模型的合理性。

    By using the improvement dynamic mechanical analyzer , the magneto-induced shear storage modulus , loss modulus and loss gene of MRE sample are tested at different magnetic field and frequency and the experimental results implicate the rationality of viscoelasticity model .

  4. 磁流变弹性体剪切性能的动态实验研究

    An Investigation on the Shear Property of MR Elastomer by Dynamic Experiment

  5. 基于链化分析的磁流变弹性体剪切模量模型

    Analysis on the shear modulus of MR elastomer based on chain-like model

  6. 基于链化模型的磁流变弹性体磁致效应影响因素分析

    Analysis on influencing factors of MR elastomer magneto-induced effect based on chain-like model

  7. 系统研究了基体的交联密度对磁流变弹性体阻尼可控性能的影响。

    The effect of crosslink density of the matrix on the controllable damping properties was firstly studied .

  8. 基于偶极模型分析了磁流变弹性体的磁致压缩弹性模量的机理。

    The mechanism of magnetic field induced compressive modulus of magnetorheological elastomers was analyzed by dipole model herein .

  9. 结果表明:当磁流变弹性体受到压缩变形时,其内部的颗粒链发生弯曲变形或在弯曲的同时被拉长;

    The results show that particle chains are curved or curved and elongated simultaneously when magnetorheological elastomers are compressed .

  10. 本文研究了磁流变弹性体基体中增塑剂对材料磁流变效应的影响。

    In this paper , the influence of the contents of plasticizer on the MR effect is studied through the experiments .

  11. 磁流变弹性体是一种新型的智能复合材料,属于磁流变材料的一个新的分支。

    Magneto-rheological elastomers ( MRE ), a new type of smart materials , belong to a new branch of magneto-rheological materials .

  12. 在提高磁流变弹性体的磁致剪切模量方面,层状结构优于柱状结构。

    From the point of increasing the magnetic-induced shear modulus , the layered structures exhibit better result than the columnar structures .

  13. 对磁流变弹性体夹层结构悬臂梁在不同磁场强度和几何尺寸下的动力学特性进行仿真研究,分析了夹层梁的固有频率和损失因子的变化规律。

    The numerical simulations are made to investigate the dynamic characteristics of a MR elastomer sandwich beam subjected to different magnetic field and configuration parameters .

  14. 研制了几种用还原铁粉制备的磁流变弹性体,应用在剪切式磁流变弹性体阻尼器上,测试在外部磁场作用下弹性体的剪切模量。

    MR Elastomer is prepared with reductive ferromagnetic grains for a shear mode MR elastomer damper and tested for the shear modulus under variational external magnetic field .

  15. 结果表明,在基体中添加增塑剂使得磁流变弹性体的相对磁流变效应有较大幅度提高,并超过了目前文献中报道的最佳水平。

    The results indicate that adding plasticizer to the MRE would improve the relative MR effect obviously , and it has exceeded the best report in the other literatures .

  16. 发现通过改变聚己内酯的含量、温度以及外加磁场,可有效控制磁流变弹性体的阻尼性能。

    The experimental results showed that the damping properties of the MREs can be controlled by varying the PCL weight ratio , the temperature , and the magnetic field .

  17. 磁流变弹性体是一类具有流变特性的智能材料,能在磁场作用下显著改变其剪切模量,进而有效实现变刚度控制,具有无需密封、性能稳定、响应迅速等优点。

    Magnetorheological elastomer ( MRE ) is a class of new smart material whose shear modulus may be varied by application of magnetic field resulting in the changes of stiffness .

  18. 考虑了链内颗粒和相邻链中颗粒的影响,修正了磁流变弹性体的磁偶极子模型。

    Taking into account the influences of particles in the same chain and the particles in all adjacent chains , the traditional magnetic dipole model of the magnetorheological elastomers was modified .

  19. 然而目前关于磁流变弹性体的制备研究还比较少,而且还没有这方面可以实用的材料。

    However the research about the preparation and MR effect of such material was not enough . Until now , MR elastomers that could be used in reality were not reported .

  20. 但目前研制出的磁流变弹性体存在磁流变效应和机械性能上的矛盾,难以在需要高强度的变刚度器件中实际应用。

    But by now , it is difficult to use them on the practical applications , because there is a contradiction between the MR effect and the mechanical performance for the prepared MRE .

  21. 提出了一个磁流变弹性体的宏观粘弹性参数模型,计算了磁流变弹性体的磁致剪切模量、损耗模量和损耗因子。

    A macroscopic viscoelasticity parameter model described the mechanical performance of MRE is proposed , the magneto-induced shear modulus , loss modulus and loss gene of MRE are calculated on the basis of above model .

  22. 基于磁流变弹性体的隔振缓冲器与传统的隔振缓冲器相比,能耗小,结构简单,可靠性强,工作频带宽,将是今后一段时间内智能隔振缓冲器的重要发展方向。

    MRE Isolation buffer has low energy consumption , simple configuration , good reliability and wide operation bandwidth compared with traditional isolation buffer , and will be the direction of smart isolation buffer in the future .

  23. 本文选择羰基铁作为磁性粒子,在无任何外加磁场下,采用γ射线辐照法固化硅橡胶基体,制备各向同性的磁流变弹性体。

    In this paper we prepared MR elastomers containing carbonyl iron particles based on silicon rubber without using magnetic fields during curing by γ - ray radiation and the corresponding MR effect and mechanical properties was studied .

  24. 采用硅橡胶和羰基铁粉制备了有场和无场作用下的磁流变弹性体材料,并对其微观组织和力学性能进行了测试及分析。

    The MR elastomers materials are papered by mixing with silicon rubber and hydroxy iron particle in certain proportion with or without magnetic field . Their micro-structure and mechanics properties are investigated . We can make a MR elastomers sandwich beam with the prepared MR elastomers materials .

  25. 在开尔文模型的基础上,改进了表征磁流变弹性体力学特性的粘弹性模型,进而设计出一款基于磁流变弹性体的隔振缓冲器,并进行系列性能实验验证。

    On the basis of Kelvin model , the viscoelasticity model described the mechanical properties of MRE is improved .