
  • 网络magnetic method;magneting
  1. 用磁选法进一步去除锌精矿中铁杂质的研究

    Study on further recovering iron from zinc concentrate by magnetic separation method

  2. 磁选法回收硼泥中的铁精矿

    Recovering Iron Concentrate from Boron Muds by Magnetic Separation

  3. 梅山高磷铁精矿磁选法降磷现状

    Present State of the Phosphorous Reduction of Meishan High-phosphorous Iron Concentrate by Magnetic Separation

  4. 铁矿石常用的选矿方法有重选法、磁选法和浮选法。

    The common processes for the concentration of iron ore include gravity separation , magnetic separation and flotation separation .

  5. 从钛精矿制取富钛料(或人造金红石)及铁粉的新工艺&原磁选法

    A new technology for producing titanium-rich material ( or synthetic rutile ) and iron power from ilmenite concentrate by Reduction-Magnetic separation process

  6. 通过磁选法获得铁精矿后,再用浮选法脱除铁精矿中的硫,可获得含铁65.35%、含硫0.39%的铁精矿。

    The conclusion is that an iron concentrate containing iron of 65.35 % and sulfur of 0.39 % can be got by magnetic separation and then desulphurization .

  7. 试验证明:脉动高梯度磁选法可大幅度提高细粒黑钨、锡石的分离效果,它的脱锡效率甚至比振动高梯度磁选法更高。

    The tests showed that the separation efficiencies for fine grain tungsten and cassiterite are greatly enhanced and the removal efficiency of tin is even more better than that of the vibrating high gradient magnetic separation .

  8. 某地石英矿砂通过磁选分离法、稀酸浸泡法处理后,矿砂不同程度地降低了铁、铝、钙镁的含量;

    Iron , aluminium , calcium and magnesium in the quartz sand of a certain place are reduced more or less after has being separated by magnetic separation method and treated by submerging in diluted acid .

  9. 在锌浸出渣化学物相分析的基础上,采用浮选-还原焙烧-磁选联合法对其中银、镓及其它有价元素的综合回收进行了研究。

    Based on the chemical phase analysis of zinc leaching residue , the comprehensive recovery of silver , gallium and other valuable elements from the residue was investigated using the process combining flotation , reduction roasting and magnetic separation .

  10. 并介绍了磁力、浮游力力场结合的磁选-浮选分选法的应用前景以及铁矿石磁选的发展方向。

    The application prospect of magnetic separation - flotation method that combines the magnetic force field with that of floating and the development orientation of the magnetic separation of iron ore are pointed out .