
lǐ zhì
  • Etiquette system;norms of etiquette
礼制 [lǐ zhì]
  • [social institutions,set of etiquette] 礼仪制度

  1. 大夏国采用中国传统的封建礼制和职官;

    Daxia Kingdom adopted Chinese traditional etiquette system and official system .

  2. 礼制的重建:刘歆争立古文经的再认识

    Reestablishment of rites : on Liu Xin 's promoting confucian classics

  3. 红山玉文化开中国礼制文化的先河。

    Hongshan jade culture was the beginning of the Chinese moral culture .

  4. 良渚文化礼制的形成及其影响

    The Formation and the Influence of the Courtesy System of Liangzhu Culture

  5. 礼制文明的形成标志着人文意识的逐渐成熟。

    Forming of etiquette civilization marked the gradual ripening of humane consciousness .

  6. 中国传统庭院式建筑布局折射的封建礼制管理思想

    On the Feudal Etiquette Reflected by the Architecture of Chinese Traditional Courtyard

  7. 这种分布符合封建礼制。

    This distribution is in accordance with the feudal regulations .

  8. 礼制、传教与交食测验&清钦天监档案中的交食记录透视

    A Perspective into the Eclipse Observations and Records of the Qing Dynasty

  9. 论儒家礼制文化的生态思想

    On the Ecologic Ideology of Li Culture of Confucian

  10. 中国传统居室环境艺术中的礼制精神

    The Ritual Spirit of Traditional Chinese Dwelling Environment Art

  11. 论明代外交与相关礼制

    Diplomacy and Related Code of Etiquette in Ming Dynasty

  12. 太湖流域史前社会的礼器与礼制

    The Ritual Articles and Ritual System of Prehistoric Society in Taihu Drainage Area

  13. 战国时期礼制整理和规划的两大主题

    Sorting out and planning the ancient etiquette system in the period of Warring States

  14. 惯于长夜过春时,挈妇将雏鬓有丝。婚姻礼制和社会生活中的春秋妇女

    The Marriage Ceremony and the Women in Society of the Spring and Autumn Period

  15. 解州关帝庙是典型的封建礼制性建筑,采用“前庙后寝”的格局。

    The temple of GuanYu in Haizhou is a typical feudal architectures of social institutions .

  16. 从宗庙祭祀制度看北朝礼制建设

    On Sacrificial Rites at the Ancestral Shrine and the Etiquette System Construction in Northern Dynasties

  17. 儒家礼制中的和谐追求

    Pursuing Harmony in Confucianism Propriety-Norms Society

  18. 而礼制的发生,正是文明社会区别于原始社会的根本标志。

    The appearance of rites is the fundamental symbol that distinguishes civilized society from primitive society .

  19. 第二,积极参与封禅礼、禘袷礼、明堂礼、凶礼等具体礼仪的讨论与制订,在封建国家的文化礼制建设工作中发挥了重要的作用。

    Imperial College has an important function on the construction of national culture and ceremony system .

  20. 到了夏商周时期,奴隶制统-王朝的建立,礼制得到了初步的发展。

    The Xia Shang Zhou period , slavery unified dynasty establishment , etiquette got preliminary development .

  21. 进入战国时代,社会变革加速,传统的礼制被彻底破坏。

    Entering into Warring States Period , social change accelerated , the traditional ritual was completely destroyed .

  22. 儒家思想与礼制&兼议中国古代传统法律思想的礼法结合

    Confucian Thoughts and Ritual System

  23. 浅析礼制观念在中国古建筑中的体现&以北京四合院为例

    On the Embodiment of Etiquette Showed on the Ancient Building & Take Beijing Courtyard For The Example

  24. 艺术是时代的产物,盛唐人物画呈现了当时的社会风貌,政治、经济、文化、宗教、礼制在其中均有所体现。

    Political , economic , cultural , religious , and ceremony are all embodied in the paintings .

  25. 浅谈礼制思想与当代中国城市规划建设

    Discussion about the Ideological of the Norm of Li and Chinese City Planning and Construction in Contemporary Era

  26. 几千年华夏文明也随着服饰礼制的传承得以发扬。

    Several thousand years of Chinese civilization is also officiating as the costumes carrying forward the legacy system .

  27. 中国素有礼仪之邦的称誉,礼仪制度由来已久,有非常丰富的内涵和完整的体系,服装文化较为集中地反映出各种礼制礼仪规范。

    The dress etiquette , with a long history in China , has rich meaning and complete system .

  28. 本部分追溯了从先秦到宋代的女性历程,礼制的逐步严密导致了女性自由空间的渐次缩小。

    The gradual strictness of the Confucian ethical codes had caused the gradual dwindling of women 's free space .

  29. 礼制意义下中国古代建筑木雕的装饰审美

    Decoration Aesthetics of Wood Sculpture of China Ancient Architecture in the norms of Etiquette Laid down by the State

  30. 把实现群居和一的礼制作为基本组织伦理,也就是实行王道之治。

    The realization of social and ritual as the basic organizational ethics also is the implementation of benevolent rule .