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lǐ yù
  • courteous reception;treat with courtesy
礼遇 [lǐ yù]
  • [courteous reception; treat with courtesy] 以礼相待

  • 受到礼遇

礼遇[lǐ yù]
  1. 不光是你啊,任何人到这儿来呢都会受到同样的礼遇。

    Not just you , any visitor here would be given the same courteous reception .

  2. 中国船长受到的礼遇

    Chinese captain greeted in courteous reception

  3. 他在白宫受到贵宾的礼遇。

    He was received as an honoured guest at the White House .

  4. 我们受到了君王般的礼遇。

    We were treated like royalty .

  5. 我们将给予她贵宾级礼遇,并且为她铺设红地毯。

    We 'll give her some VIP treatment and roll out the red carpet

  6. 走红地毯的礼遇让他感到很局促。

    He is embarrassed by the red carpet treatment .

  7. 但持外交、公务、礼遇、C字签证入境不受影响。

    However , entry with diplomatic , service , courtesy or C visas will not be affected .

  8. 奥巴马(BarackObama)本月早些时候访问亚洲时,在各个国家都受到了礼遇。这引起了一位中国官员多少有些凄艾的反应。

    As Barack Obama was visiting Asia earlier this month , his friendly reception in country after country provoked a somewhat forlorn response from one Chinese official .

  9. 外交人员、需扶助人员、持APEC商务旅行卡人员可选择“外交礼遇和需扶助人员通道”办理边检手续;

    Diplomatic persons , people who need assistance and who hold APEC cards could choose D / P lane for inspection .

  10. Rhapsody开创了付费音乐订阅服务的先河,现在理所应当站在聚光灯下享受万众瞩目的礼遇。

    For all its work in pioneering paid music subscriptions , Rhapsody should be enjoying a moment in the digital limelight right now .

  11. 该机构的巴尔特(LaurenceBalter)在给客户的报告里写道:炒作令我们担忧。他认为眼下这股投资苹果的热潮有点像微软和思科系统(CiscoSystems)登顶市值冠军宝座时受到的礼遇。

    The hype concerns us , Oracle 's Laurence Balter wrote in a note to clients , as he compared the current frenzy to when Microsoft and Cisco Systems previously were market-cap kings .

  12. 我想斯图尔特受到这种礼遇完全应在意料之中。

    I assume this obeisance is simply par for the course .

  13. 我们给(这个)临时演讲人以贵宾礼遇。

    We give the red carpet treatment to the temporal lecturer .

  14. 来宾对这种破格礼遇感到高兴,但并没有受宠若惊。

    The guest was pleased By the distinction But not overwhelmed .

  15. 红色骏马纹章向来受奔流城欢迎礼遇.

    The red stallion was always a welcome sight at Riverrun .

  16. 承蒙阁下的关怀和礼遇,至此表示感谢。

    Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy .

  17. 这种礼遇是我们希望获得的。

    The treatment is which each of us would like to receive .

  18. 有些人得到了礼遇,而其他人却被忽视了。

    Some were given the full treatment , while others were ignored .

  19. 这似乎是头一回有外国领导人受到如此礼遇。

    Apparently it was a first for a foreign leader .

  20. 默克尔在华盛顿受到了亲密盟友的礼遇。

    Ms Merkel gets the honoured ally treatment in Washington .

  21. 还从来没有一个普通人受过如此礼遇。

    Never had such great respect been shown to any common man .

  22. 但是,在大多数情况下,人口普查员会受到礼遇,得到协助。

    Most often , though , census takers are politely received and assisted .

  23. 我是第一次受到这样的礼遇。

    This was the first time I had been treated with such respect .

  24. 我不应再忍受好如此的礼遇。

    He will not sit down under such treatment .

  25. 新大使受到了隆重的礼遇。

    The new Embassador was received with solemn ceremonies .

  26. 载着英雄和遗物的飞机接受了“过水门”的最高礼遇,

    and the plane carrying heroes and their belongings received a water salute ,

  27. 我此地期间受到礼遇。

    I enjoyed the courtesy during my stay here .

  28. 鲜有外国领导人在美国获得如此礼遇。

    Few foreign leaders are honored by the United States in this way .

  29. 你对他的任何礼遇,都将被视为对我的关照。

    Any courtesy you may show him will be considered a personal favour to me .

  30. 君华会贵宾楼层所提供的专属服务与优惠礼遇,也能满足高要求的商务宾客。

    For discerning business executives , the Meritus Club floors offers exclusive services and privileges .