
shè huì dǎnɡ
  • socialist party
  1. 她信仰社会主义,但不是社会党人。

    She 's a socialist with a small ' s ' .

  2. 公众舆论已倒向社会党人一边。

    Popular opinion has tilted in favour of the socialists .

  3. 去年12月在地区选举中(就在那次最严重的袭击发生之后),法国主流选民有策略地投票支持社会党和共和党候选人,以防反移民的法国国民阵线(NationalFront)在任一选区获胜。

    In regional elections last December , just after the worst attack , the French mainstream voted tactically for Socialist and Republican candidates to prevent the anti-immigrant Front National from winning a single region .

  4. 然而,奥朗德“御用”理发师的雇佣合同——只能辨认出理发师的名字为奥利维耶B——被调查性报纸《鸭鸣报》公开后,法国公众对这位社会党总统的奢侈花费十分不满。

    However the publication of the contract of his hairdresser , identified only as Olivier B. , by the investigative newspaper had the French public bristling over such extravagant spending by a Socialist president .

  5. 更令人惊讶的是,他们把左翼的领导权交给了温和的、奉行社会民主主义的社会党(socialistparty),而没有选择极左翼的“我们可以”联盟(UnidosPodemos)。

    In an even greater surprise , they gave the leadership of the left to the moderate , social-democratic Socialist party in preference to the far-left Unidos Podemos movement .

  6. 他的名字通常被简写为DSK,是法国社会党成员。

    The Frenchman widely known as DSK is a member of France 's Socialist party .

  7. 据说,《星球大战》在伊拉克的首映是1980年3月在萨达姆·侯赛因阿拉伯复兴社会党(BaathParty)总部的一次私人活动上。六个月后,两伊战争爆发,15岁的乌代参战。

    is believed to have been held at a private event at Saddam Hussein 's Baath Party headquarters in March 1980 , six months before the start of the Iran-Iraq war , and the 15-year-old Uday attended .

  8. AhmetTurk是主要的支持库尔德的政党——民主社会党的领导。他说,这次屠杀发生的主要原因是国家养了数千人武装部队。

    Ahmet Turk , the leader of the country 's main pro-Kurdish Democratic Society Party , said the massacre was a result of the state arming thousands of people .

  9. 打破35小时工作制——就连尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)也未能实现的任务——会分裂社会党(Socialists),而当前社会党的重中之重是与党内不满的左翼派系重修于好。

    Tearing up the 35-hour week , which even Nicolas Sarkozy failed to do , would be divisive for the Socialist party , at a time when its priority is rebuilding bridges with disaffected factions on the left of the party .

  10. Hollande先生的社会党政府的上任使他们有了强大的朋友,或至少表明了这一点:文化部长AurelieFilippetti出现在工厂外用香槟向抗议者敬酒。

    The accession of Mr Hollande 's Socialist government has brought them powerful friends , or at least demonstrative ones : Aurelie Filippetti , the minister of culture , turned up outside the mill to toast the protesters with champagne .

  11. 如今排在最前的竞争者是社会党的挑战者FrancoisHollande,不过萨科齐正努力赶上。

    The narrow front runner is Socialist Party challenger Francois Hollande , although President Sarkozy is closing the gap . Mr. Hollande wants to raise taxes on the wealthy and invest education , research and employment as a way to grow the economy .

  12. 莫斯科维奇也承诺说,法国社会党会把公共财政支出控制好。

    Moscovici also gave assurances that the Socialists would keep public finances under control .

  13. 匈牙利社会党人领导的政府还准备暂时停止向国企雇员发放奖金。

    Hungary 's Socialist-led government also wants to suspend salary bonuses for state employees .

  14. 他领导的社会党政府还通过了一项法律,实际上将UberPop定性为非法。

    His socialist government has also passed a law that in effect declared UberPop illegal .

  15. 印度社会党在由543人组成的议会下院占有39席。

    The Samajwadi Party controls 39 members of parliament in the 543 lower house of parliament .

  16. 在12月最近的地方选举中,执政的社会党击败了反对派。

    In the most recent municipal elections in December , the ruling socialist parties bested the opposition .

  17. 法国占多数席位的社会党表示将于下周提交提案,加快自愿离婚案件的办理速度。

    The majority socialist party says it will present a proposal to speed up divorces of consenting couples next week .

  18. 这些措施增加了希腊的社会动荡,为执政的社会党带来巨大的政治压力。

    Those measures are adding to social unrest in Greece and putting major political pressure on the leading Socialist party .

  19. 印度社会党表示,这项核协议符合印度的国家利益,并保证在议会中给予政府支持。

    The Samajwadi Party says the nuclear pact is in national interest and has promised to extend parliament support to the government .

  20. 只不过是一种圈套,暗示这是什么社会党或者秘密团体干的,企图把警察引入歧途罢了。

    it was simply a blind intended to put the police upon a wrong track , by suggesting Socialism and secret societies .

  21. 法国执政党社会党在法国选举欧洲议会成员时遭到了选民的严厉指责。

    France 's ruling socialist party has received a sharp rebuke from voters as the country selects its members for the European Parliament .

  22. 票数很接近,78票对83票,伊达尔戈的社会党城市顾问对阵中右翼和环保主义党派。

    The vote was close , 78 to 83 , pitting Ms. Hidalgo 's Socialist city councilors against those from the center right and the environmentalist parties .

  23. 但该选区很受欢迎的社会党政治人士奥利维尔-法洛尔尼成为她的竞争对手,并在上周日的选举中获得29%的选票。

    But Olivier Falorni , a popular local Socialist politician in La Rochelle , is standing against her and achieved 29 percent of the vote last Sunday .

  24. 法国社会党政府发言人表示,简化离婚程序使训练有素的法院职员能处理简单的离婚案件,同时使法官能空出来去解决复杂的离婚案件。

    A spokesman for France 's socialist government says simplifying the process will let highly-trained court clerks to handle easy divorces while freeing up judges for difficult breakups .

  25. 如今,曾经在2007年成为社会党总统候选人的罗雅尔正竞选国民大会的一席。罗雅尔还曾在社会党政府中担任过部长。

    Now Ms Royal , herself a former Socialist government minister who stood for the presidency in 2007 , is standing for a place in the National Assembly .

  26. 现在,法国需要我们与他们并肩。朗德总统——也是我们的姐妹党法国社会党的党首——正请求我们的帮助。

    Now , France wants us to stand with them and President Hollande - the leader of our sister socialist party - has asked for our assistance and help .

  27. 隶属社会党的巴黎市长力争将巴黎打造为“世界自行车之都”,其中一项计划是到2020年,巴黎的自行车道长度将是目前的两倍。

    Paris is to double the number of cyclinglanes by 2020 as part of its Socialist mayor 's push to turn the city into " the world 's bike capital . "

  28. 法国另一位在离任前向全国发表告别电视讲话的总统是瓦勒里·季斯卡·德斯坦,他于1981年5月19日向社会党的佛朗哥·密特朗总统移交政权之前发表了电视讲话。

    The only other president to issue a televised farewell to the nation was Valery Giscard d'Estaing , on May 19 , 1981 , before turning over power to Socialist President Francois Mitterrand .

  29. 但是,经过一个星期密集的政治斡旋之后,国大党获得了前竞争对手印度社会党的支持。

    But after a week of hectic political maneuvering , the Congress Party has won crucial support for the deal from a former adversary - a regional party known as the Samajwadi Party .

  30. 容克对德国具有影响力的社会党人和法国政府的强硬反对感到沮丧,他呼吁28个成员国在下月的峰会上重申它们对该协定的承诺。

    Frustrated by hardening opposition from Germany 's influential socialists and the French government , Mr Juncker has called for the 28 member states to reconfirm their commitment to the deal at a summit next month .