
  • 网络Gender;social gender
  1. 至关重要的社会性别&21世纪如何开展全球化和社会变迁研究

    Gender Matters : Studying Globalization and Social Change in the 21st Century

  2. 对广播广告中社会性别定型的批评性话语分析

    Critical Discourse Analysis of Gender Stereotyping in Radio Advertising

  3. 社会性别(gender)是一个政治发明,它具有权力效应。

    Gender is an invention of the politics with the effect of power .

  4. 艾滋病(IDS)传播是一个与社会性别密切相关的问题。

    The spread of AIDS is a gender problem .

  5. 随着女性主义研究的发展,研究者越来越意识到单独的女性视角的局限性,由此他/她们提出一个新的视角&社会性别视角(GenderPerspective),社会性别理论(GenderStudies)由此形成。

    With the development of feminism studies , the researchers pay much more attention to the limitation of female perspective , so they proposed a new perspective – Gender Perspective , from which Gender Studies is generated .

  6. 社会性别(Gender)理论为我们拨开迷雾,直抵现象的本质:女性形象作为男权中心欲望的对象,在市场经济下不断被强化。

    The theory of gender has pushed aside a dense fog for us and directly disclosed an essence of the phenomenon : as objects of desire of male dominance , female figures have been more and more emphasized in the market economy .

  7. 社会性别概念辨析

    On the Differentiation and Analysis of the Concept of Social Sex

  8. 中国农村家庭卫生支出的社会性别分析

    Gender Analysis on Household Health Expenditure in Rural Areas of China

  9. 第四章是关于先秦文化中的社会性别观念。

    Chapter four discusses the social gender concept in Pre-Qin era .

  10. 社会性别平等与社会主义和谐社会的构建

    Social Sexual Equality and the Construction of the Socialist Harmonious Society

  11. 社会性别是女性主义国际关系理论的核心概念。

    Gender is a core concept in feminist international politics theory .

  12. 社会性别&妇女心理咨询中一个有效的分析视点

    Gender & an effective analytical perspective in psychological consultation for women

  13. 对女性主义社会性别概念的哲学透视

    Examining the Gender Concept of Feminism from the Perspective of Philosophy

  14. 语言学转向为传播学研究中社会性别问题探讨所提供的理论视野

    Gender Problem in Communication Studies in Perspectives after the Linguistic Turn

  15. 当代白族家庭关系的社会性别透视

    Gender Perspective of the Relationship in Contemporary Dali Bai Families

  16. 第一部分是社会性别&一个重要的分析范畴。

    The first part is a social gender - important analysis category .

  17. 社会性别分析的思想意义和实践价值

    Ideological Significance and Practical Values : Analysis of Social Gender

  18. 社会性别与女性平等权的法理思考

    Jurisprudential reflection on social gender and women 's equal rights

  19. 社会性别论:传播与性别研究的基础理论

    Social Gender : a Basic theory for Communication and the Gender Studies

  20. 社会性别、人口流动与艾滋病风险

    Research on Gender , Migration and the Risk of HIV / AIDS

  21. 社会性别视角下的我国妇女干部选拔政策研究

    Chinese Woman Cadre Selecting Policy from the Social Gender Perspective

  22. 语言与社会性别&俄语研究的新方向

    Language and gender : the new direction in Russian linguistics

  23. 初论社会性别反应预算及其在中国的推广

    On the Gender Responsive Budgets and the Promotion in China

  24. 社会性别视角下的农村妇女参政研究

    Study on rural women participation in political affairs with social sex culture

  25. 战争与和平:社会性别视角的剖析

    War and Peace : An Analysis from the Gender Angle

  26. 情境化的探讨:对社会性别与环境互动的研究

    The Context : Study on the interaction of gender and the environment

  27. 将社会性别纳入林业项目的探讨&参与式培训与性别平等主流化

    On Bringing Gender into Forestry Projects : Participatory Training and Gender Mainstreaming

  28. 生育保险作为性别特征尤为明显的公共政策,具有特殊的社会性别意义。

    Maternity insurance is a public policy with special significance of gender .

  29. 中国传统社会性别理念的近代转换

    Modern Transition of the Traditional Chinese Sociological Theory of Gender

  30. 社会性别视野下的传统家庭伦理

    Traditional Family Ethic Concepts under the Social - Gender Theory