
  1. 灾害教育&图书馆社会教育功能的审视

    Disaster Education & Examining the Social Educational Function of the Library

  2. 积极发挥美术馆展示与社会教育功能。

    Actively exerts its function of museum display and social education .

  3. 科技馆的社会教育功能

    Discussion on the Social Educational Function of the Sci-tech Hall

  4. 试论音乐的社会教育功能

    On the Social Educational Functions of Music

  5. 反过来,正是社会教育功能推动了博物馆事业的发展。

    In reverse order , it is the social educational function that propels the museum undertakings forward .

  6. 高校博物馆作为博物馆界重要一员,担负着一种特殊的社会教育功能。

    Museums at institutions of higher learning , as a member of the field of museums , perform a special social educational function .

  7. 京剧文化具有一定的社会教育功能。在保存和传播中国传统文化方面,京剧发挥了重要的作用。

    Peking opera culture takes on the function of social education , and Peking opera plays an important role in retaining and spreading the traditional Chinese culture .

  8. 作为电视传媒,中国的电视英语节目同样具备其基本功能,即新闻传播功能、社会教育功能、文化娱乐功能,以及信息服务功能。

    As mass media , Chinese English TV programs have got the basic functions , including news report , social education , cultural entertainment , and information service .

  9. 随着学校由应试教育向素质教育的转变,博物馆应力求进一步充分发挥其社会教育功能、体现其社会存在价值。

    With the change from exam-oriented education to quality education in school , the museum should bring into play its social educational function and realize the social value of its existence .

  10. 博物馆的展陈设计是博物馆一项十分重要的工作,是博物馆事业发展和实现传播文化及社会教育功能至关重要的一环。

    The display design is a very important work of the museum , and also a crucial aspect for the development of museum enterprise . It is essential for achieving function of cultural dissemination and social education .

  11. 图书馆事业是一种产业,但图书馆具有公益性、文化性和社会教育功能,图书馆的文献信息资源主要集中于公共性、基础性、学术性领域,因而其不能实行产业化;

    Library profession belongs to the industry , but library has public welfare , culture and social education function . The documentary information resources of library are centralized in public , basic and academic nature fields , so industrialization cannot be put into practice .

  12. 承载着知识服务和社会教育的功能,被誉为没有墙的大学,知识的殿堂,精神的家园。

    Public library carries the function of knowledge services and social education , known as the university without walls , the halls of knowledge , spiritual home .

  13. 在农村,随着人口不断外出打工,家庭结构发生了实质性变化,特别是年轻的父母外出的家庭,家庭社会资本教育功能和养老功能逐渐弱化。

    Family structures have been greatly changed . Especially , the educational and support functions of family social capital have been weaken currently because many young parents go out to seek for jobs .

  14. 它背离了图书馆公益性、文化性和社会教育的功能,也背离了市场经济的等价交换、公平竞争、知识产权等基本原则。

    Since it deviates from the functions of public benefit and social education of library as well as deviates from the principles of equal value exchange , fair competition and intellectual property of market economy .

  15. 博物馆具备社会教育的功能,其中具备了丰富的社会教育资源,在为青少年提供社会教育上有其相当大的优势,开发与利用博物馆面向青少年的社会教育资源有着重要的意义。

    Museums have the function of social education . They contain plentiful social education resources , and they have many advantages on supplying social education to teenagers , so teenagers should accept museums ' social education in extracurricular time .

  16. 大众传媒在当今社会教育中的功能和作用

    Function and Effect of Mass Media in Now Social Education

  17. 美国社会资源的教育功能开发研究&赴美考察报告之一

    The Study on the Development of Educational Functions of Social Resources in America

  18. 知识社会的高等教育功能观

    Some Opinions on Higher Education Function in Knowledge Society

  19. 网络技术对大众文化的有力传播加强了个人社会化的教育功能;

    Network helps the diffusion of the mass culture , which enforces the education of individual socialization ;

  20. 但网站在利用体育赛事吸金的同时,却忽视了自己作为传播媒介的社会教育和引导功能。

    However when network uses the sport events to make money , it ignore its social education and guidance function .

  21. 正由于其具有双重身份,决定了他的文献传播内容及其文献传播具有社会功能和教育功能的作用。

    Because of his dual roles , Liang 's documents propagation not only has social function , but educational function .

  22. 书院祭祀的社会影响和教育功能是多方面的,尤以对生徒的道德影响为最。

    The social impact and the educational function of the academy sacrifice lie in many ways , especially in the moral impact on students .

  23. 浅析道真仡佬族哭嫁民俗的民族社会伦理道德教育功能弘扬中华民族优良传统道德&培育青年学生伟大民族精神

    Ethnic , Social , Ethical and Educational Functions of the Gelos Folk Custom " Kujia "( Crying at Wedding ) in Daozhen ; Develop the traditional morality of the Chinese nation Train the great national spirit of the young students

  24. 人的社会化与教育伦理功能

    People 's Socialization and the Educational Ethical Function

  25. 研究认为,认识军事体能训练功能的过程是一个从单一的生物功能,逐渐向多元功能即生物、社会、教育等多功能的认识转变过程。

    Understanding the processes of the functions of military physical fitness training are the conversions from a single biological functions to multi-functions , including biology , society and education 's functions .

  26. 当前城建档案馆利用馆藏城建档案所内蕴的教育资源,可以面向学校和社会展现如下文化教育功能:传统文化与爱国主义教育、科学素养教育、人文素养教育、创新教育等。

    Today , urban construction archives can show such cultural education functions to schools and societies as followings : education of traditional culture and patriotism , science accomplishment , humanistic accomplishment and creation accomplishment etc.

  27. 为此,要强化政府的调控功能、发挥社会组织的桥梁作用、发挥社会教育功能,正确处理公众利益矛盾。

    Thus , the government must enhance its function of adjustment , the social organizations should play the role of a bridge , the society must play the role of educating the citizens , and the contradiction of the public benefits must be fairly treated .

  28. 随着我国旅游事业的进一步发展和社会主义和谐社会精神文明建设的深入,旅游所蕴含的社会教育功能日益受到业内外人士的关注和挖掘。

    With the further development of tourism and the depth of building a socialist harmonious society in our country , social education function which tourism contains is paid more attention by outside the industry and mining .

  29. 根据大学生社会化的特点以及社会对大学生社会化的目标要求,高校思想政治教育应突出其社会政治教育功能、社会经济服务功能、社会文化引导功能。

    According to the socialized characteristics and objectivity of university students , the ideological and political education in university should focus on the education function of social politics , the service function of social economy and the guide function of social cultures .