
  1. 这句口号和后来的社会达尔文主义种族观几有遥相呼应之势。

    It struck powerful echoes in a time of social Darwinist racism .

  2. 他创作的第一阶段主要受赫伯特·斯宾塞及其他社会达尔文主义者的影响。

    The first period witnessed the influence from Herbert Spencer and other Social Darwinists .

  3. 社会达尔文主义在《嘉莉妹妹》中的反映

    Social Darwinism as Seen in Sister Carrie

  4. 他受相面法和­社会达尔文主义的理论影响甚深。

    His works were deeply influenced by physiognomy and other theories elaborated by social darwinism .

  5. 社会达尔文主义者相信我们可以拿人类社会比作动物世界。

    Social Darwinists believe that we can compare our human society to the animal world .

  6. 在这一过程中,严复及其引进的社会达尔文主义思想起了最主要的作用。

    Yan Fu and his introduction of social Darwinism played a leading role during this course .

  7. 威尔斯小说反映出的社会达尔文主义思想体现出了深刻的哲理,推断和见解。

    Social Darwinism thoughts in Wells ' fiction reflect his profound philosophy , speculation and insights .

  8. 这种矛盾是社会达尔文主义与伦理道德为本位的中国传统文化的矛盾反映,是进化论的先进成分和中国伦理道德积极方面结合的困难和曲折表现。

    This kind of contradiction is the reflection of the contradiction between social Darwinism and China 's traditional culture .

  9. 随着人们对达尔文理论的研究,许多学者引出了社会达尔文主义的概念。

    As people studied the theories of Charles Darwin , many scholars led to the concept of Social Darwinism .

  10. 强调生存竞争的社会达尔文主义、激进的种族主义等思潮成为了欧洲社会的主流思潮,促使了国际环境的恶化,同时也深入的影响了中国的思想界。

    Social Darwinism and racialism had been mainstream ideological trend , which lead to the deterioration of international environment .

  11. 正文分为四个部分:第一章,社会达尔文主义的产生和在美国的传播。

    The thesis has four parts : Part one , Social Darwinism , the Birth and its spreading in America .

  12. 社会达尔文主义,它为近代日本军国主义思想的进一步发展提供了新的理论支持,等等。

    Social Darwinism , which has provided a new theory support for further development of the modern Japan militarism ideology .

  13. 里根总统从一开始就告诉我们,他信奉某种社会达尔文主义,适者生存。

    President Reagan told us from the beginning that he believed in a kind of social Darwinism , survival of the fittest .

  14. 黄祸论滥觞于美国自然主义文学之中,与当时流行的社会达尔文主义同出一源;

    Yellow peril gets widest propaganda in American naturalism literature , which is in line with social Darwinism prevalent at that time ;

  15. 他既相信马克思的社会主义理论,又相信斯宾塞的社会达尔文主义,还对尼采的超人学说信奉不疑。

    While embracing Karl Marx 's Socialism , he also believes in Herbert Spencer 's Social Darwinism and Nietzsche 's Superman Ideology .

  16. 第二章是理论介绍,包括达尔文进化理论、社会达尔文主义和达尔文文学批评理论。

    It is also necessary to clarify some conceptions in the second chapter , including Darwinian evolutionary theory , social Darwinism and the Darwinian Literary Criticism .

  17. 分析认为,国际军国主义的影响;社会达尔文主义;拒俄运动是军国民教育思潮兴起的主要原因,而国际联盟提倡和平使军国民教育思潮衰败。

    It was analysed that the main reasons of the rising of militarism education are the influence of international militarism , social Darwinism , anti-russia movement .

  18. 在给定经济学制度演化分析的研究任务的基础上,对基于生物学类比的社会达尔文主义、社会进化论,以及经济学演化思维的理论成果做了扼要的比较评价。

    Based on the established task of Institution Analysis , the paper makes comments on Social Darwinism , Social Evolutionism and academic thoughts on evolvement of economics .

  19. 把达尔文当作主张弱肉强食的社会达尔文主义者是对达尔文的一大误解。

    It is the great misunderstanding to Darwin to regard Darwin as the person who maintains social Darwinism that the weak are the prey of the strong .

  20. 人类成为简单的个别经济单位的群体,唯一的区别只是经济上的成功,这是信奉社会达尔文主义的国家的必然结果。

    Mankind becomes simply a mass of individual economic units and the only thing separating them is economic success , the natural result of the Darwinian state .

  21. 通过分析《南洋时事》一书,可以看出,危机意识与社会达尔文主义对促进志贺重昂国粹主义思想的萌生具有重要的影响。

    The influence of the crisis consciousness and social Darwinism which affected Shigetaka Shiga 's Nationalism will be discussed below by analyzing his work The South Seas Current News .

  22. 社会达尔文主义由赫伯特·斯宾塞创立,其基本理论包括:社会有机体论、社会进化论和同等自由法则。

    The theory of social Darwinism was founded by Herbert Spencer . Its basic theory includes : the social organism , social evolution and the law of equal freedom .

  23. 杰克·伦敦是一个思想意识非常复杂的作家,但在创作思想上对杰克·伦敦影响最大的却是赫伯特·斯宾塞的社会达尔文主义和尼采的超人哲学。

    Jack London 's ideology is complicated . However , the ideas guiding his literary creation are deeply influenced by Social Darwinism of Herbert Spencer and Superman of Friedrieh Nietzsche .

  24. “物”作为人类学的研究对象,始于社会达尔文主义把物作为社会发展阶段的标识来分析社会演进的阶序。

    The objects , as an anthropological object of study , began in Social Darwinism as a social development phase of analyzing the identity of the order of social evolution sequence .

  25. 达尔文的情况则更加矛盾,他持有右翼的社会达尔文主义观点,

    Darwin 's position was more paradoxical still . Whether for hereditary or other reasons , he held the right-wing views of a Social Darwinist , taking a dim view of the welfare state .

  26. 社会达尔文主义传入后,“生存竞争”、“优胜劣汰”等观念激起了国民的民族危机感,为军国民教育提供了理论基础。

    After the social Darwinism were introduced into china , concepts like competition for existence and survival of the fittest aroused people 's sense of national crisis , laying the theoretical foundation for the militarism education .

  27. 社会达尔文主义是社会生物学的一个领域,它是研究社会制度和构成以何种方式影响个体和集体间的竞争、淘汰和生存的。

    It is in the field of social biology , and to the investigation of the manner in which social institutions and doctrines influence the competition , elimination , survival of individuals and groups of individuals .

  28. 他抨击国际关系中狭隘的国家主义和社会达尔文主义,提出了一致论,即在国际关系中奉行待人如己、相互尊重的伦理原则。

    He attacked narrow nationalism and Social Darwinism in international relations , and put forward the theory of Consistency , that is the ethical principle of treating others as treating yourself and mutual respect in international relations .

  29. 尽管特曼与同时代的大多数人相比较为温和,但他信奉社会达尔文主义1930年,美国24个州通过了绝育法并期待他的工作具有潜在的社会效益。

    Although more moderate than many of his contemporaries , Terman adhered to the social Darwinism of his time in 1930 , 24 US states had sterilisation laws and he had hopes for the social potential of his work .

  30. 中国传统文化所倡扬的忍让之道完全不能适应以社会达尔文主义为行为规范的现代国际社会,非但不能博得理解和称道,反而被认为是软弱无能而招致欺凌。

    The appeasement approach boasted by traditional Chinese culture has been out of step with the international norms characterized by Social Darwinism , wherein tolerance and forgiveness are seen not as virtues but as a weakness , inviting pressure from other nations .