
  • 网络alteration of bill
  1. 试析票据变造的风险责任负担

    An Analysis of the Risk - Bearing on an Altered Negotiable Instrument

  2. 犯罪分子利用复印机印制非法传单、匿名信,伪造合同、票据,变造各类重要文件。

    Criminals use digital photocopiers to photocopy illegal leaflets and anonymous letters , forge contracts and bills , and falsify important files .

  3. 票据伪造、票据变造是典型的票据瑕疵问题。

    Forgery and alternation of bills are two kind of typical negotiable instruments flaws .

  4. 司法实践中,应注意区分票据伪造与票据变造和票据涂销的不同。

    The distinct between bill forgeries , change and erasion should be noticed in practice .

  5. 票据的伪造、变造问题研究

    Research on Forgery and Alternation of Bills

  6. 论票据的伪造与变造

    On Forgery and Change of Bills

  7. 因此,本文首先对票据伪造、票据变造等票据瑕疵的概念和构成要件进行了诠释并加以确认统一。

    Therefore , this article firstly defines and unifies the bill forgeries and bill change and other concepts concerning bill defects .

  8. 随之而来的票据伪造、票据变造等案件也呈上升趋势,严重影响着票据当事人的权利义务。

    Cases of bill forgeries and change are also increasing meanwhile , which jeopardizes the rights and obligations of the party to the bill .

  9. 票据伪造和票据变造,会给票据的持票人、付款人以及伪造、变造票据的行为人带来相应的法律后果,使该票据关系的相关主体承担极大的风险。

    Forgery and alternation of bills are two kind of typical negotiable instruments flaws . Forgery and alternation of bills brings about not only corresponding legal aftereffect to the bearer , payer and wrongdoer , but also great risks to the relevant subjects .