
  • 网络bill defense
  1. 最后,完善票据抗辩制度,以弥补票据制度之不足。

    Finally , improve the negotiable instruments defense system , in order to make up for lack of the negotiable instrument system .

  2. 票据抗辩权初探

    A Preliminary Probe into the Right to Defense in Commercial Instrument Law

  3. 票据抗辩限制制度研究

    A Study on the System of Restriction on Defenses of Negotiable Instruments

  4. 论票据抗辩

    A New Theory on Tax Arrears On the Bill Counterargument

  5. 票据抗辩可以分为物的抗辩和人的抗辩两种。

    Bill demurrer can be classified into things'demurrer and persons'demurrer .

  6. 票据抗辩源于民法抗辩,但有许多特殊之处。

    Bill demurrer originates from civil demurrer , but it has many specialties .

  7. 票据抗辩是与一个国家的经济发展水平分不开的。

    Negotiable instruments counterplea has a tight binding with a nation 's economic development .

  8. 试论票据抗辩的分类

    An Analysis of the Classification of Bill Exception

  9. 票据抗辩事由的有效性评析

    The Effectiveness of Counterpleas in Negotiable Instruments

  10. 票据抗辩限制新探

    A new study of check defense restriction

  11. 论票据抗辩然后,对代理行和分行进行经济学分析。

    On the Bill Counterargument Then , there is an economics analysis about agencies and branches .

  12. 票据抗辩的法律探讨

    On Negotiable Instrument Counterplea

  13. 联合国《国际汇票及本票公约》中的票据抗辩

    On Negotiable Instrument Counterplea in the United Nations Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes

  14. 传统票据抗辩分类理论将其分为物的抗辩和人的抗辩两大类,但事实上还存在其它抗辩事由。

    The dominant theory concerning the bill plea classification divides bill plea into two types , real plea and personal plea .

  15. 票据抗辩是对票据无因性缺陷的补救,票据抗辩愈多,愈利于债务人。

    The bill defense is a kind of defect remedy to abstraction of negotiable instrument , more defenses , more benefit to the debtor .

  16. 票据抗辩,是指受票据持票人请求之人,依一定的事由依法对抗或拒绝持票人请求付款的行为。

    Negotiable instruments counterplea means the behavior that the party who is consigned by holder of bills requests for payment against drawer 's antagonizing or protesting payment according to specific situation .

  17. 票据抗辩是票据法中的重要内容,在保障票据流通安全,促进商业信用发展方面起着重要作用。本文详细介绍了有关票据抗辩制度的各个方面的内容。

    Bill-plea system plays an important role in the law of negotiable instruments , considering that it helps to guarantee the safety of the circulation of bill and promote the development commercial credit .

  18. 票据抗辩制度是从保护票据安全出发进行考虑的,从静态安全出发规定成立抗辩事由就得以抗辩;

    The system of counterpleas in negotiable instruments is for the safety of negotiable instruments , provides that reasons of counterplea exists in the view of motionless safety , the counterplea could be made .

  19. 本文在澄清票据抗辩权和相关概念的含义及区别之基础上,从比较法的角度,分析了票据抗辩权的特征;

    From the view of comparative jurisprudence , the paper analyses the features of the right to defense in commercial instrument law on the basis of clarifying its implication and the differences between it and some relevant conceptions .

  20. 对人抗辩主要有票据原因的抗辩、票据行为瑕疵的抗辩、票据权利瑕疵的抗辩。

    In defense to people , there are defense to the reason , defects of act and the right of bill .

  21. 票据法规定的票据抗辩权制度蕴涵着丰富的法哲学理念,这些理念集中体现为安全与效率、公平与公正,体现为追求正义的价值取向和利益最大化的目标。

    Negotiable instrument opposition right regulated by Negotiable Instrument Law contains plenty of legal philosophical conceptions which embody safety , efficiency , equity and justice , at the same time , indicates the pursuit of the value of justice and maximum interests .

  22. 在票据制度体系中,票据抗辩对实现票据法权利体系的内在平衡具有重要作用。

    In the system of bill policy , bill demurrer plays an important role in keeping the inner balance of the bill law .

  23. 传统票据理论上,把票据的抗辩分为物的抗辩与人的抗辩,这种分类是不全面的。

    In traditional check theories , the defense of check is divided into material defense and human defense but this classification is not complete .

  24. 为此,只有加强票据法的学习宣传,强力推进票据抗辩限制制度,完善我国票据立法,才能保证票据的安全流通。

    Thus , we must strengthen the publicity of the law for bill of exchange , develop the counterplea limitation system and perfect the legislation of bill of exchange to ensure the circulation security of bills .

  25. 为全面理解票据对价制度,本章主要阐述票据对价的外延关系,即票据对价与票据无因性、票据权利以及票据抗辩限制等的关系。

    In order to understand the negotiable instruments consideration overall , it systemically discusses the relationship between the negotiable instruments consideration and other systems , including no-cause character of instruments , instruments right and restriction on defenses of negotiable instruments .

  26. 因此,票据法的宗旨是保障票据安全而高效的流通,其各项制度就是依此来设计的,如票据权利的短时效、票据的无因性、票据抗辩的切断、票据保证等。

    So every regulation in the negotiable instrument law is designed to ensure that the note can be circulated safely and high-efficiently . Many systems of the negotiable instrument , such as short limitation of the negotiable instrument , guarantee of the note , are established based on this tenet .