
  1. 在东芝,他们的对策是粉饰报表,帮助老板隐藏2008年金融危机和2011年福岛地震造成的损失。

    At Toshiba , they responded by cooking the books , helping the bosses to hide the damage done by the 2008 financial crisis and the 2011 Fukushima earthquake .

  2. 创作这幅百米长卷的灵感源自福岛地震,目的是令人忆起600年前日本僧人为那些饱受地震、洪灾或战争折磨的人所作的画卷。

    Inspired by Fukushima , this 100-metre painting is designed to suggest the scrolls painted by Japanese monks over 600 years ago for those who had to endure earthquakes , floods or war .

  3. 此外,在面对汶川地震、南方洪水、日本福岛地震海啸等一些突发性的重大事件时,我国所表现出来的态度和行为,也时常成为国际舆论评判中国的重要依据。

    What ' more , when some accidents happened such as earthquake of Wenchuan , southern flood and the latest earthquake in Japan , national images are often produced according to Chinese attitude and behavior .

  4. 日本福岛发生地震及随后海啸时推特的服务成为了日本重要的替代通讯平台

    During the earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Fukushima , Japan that our service would be a great alternative communication platform

  5. 自2011年3月日本福岛大地震以来,这个能源匮乏的国家被迫进口更多替代化石燃料,日元疲软让这些进口变得更为昂贵。

    Since the Fukushima nuclear disaster of March 2011 , the energy-poor nation has been forced to increase imports of fossil fuels as a substitute , and the weak yen has made them more costly .

  6. 而福岛Daiichi事件是地震和海啸造成的,一些应对失误和某些核工程师所说的设计上的失误让局面更加复杂。

    Possible missteps and what some nuclear engineers say are design faults may have compounded the situation .

  7. 人们担心福岛核电站在地震后会发生严重核泄漏事故。

    A meltdown was feared at its Fukushima nuclear plant after it was rocked by the quake .