
  • 网络discrete source
  1. 离散信源率失真函数的计算方法

    The Calculating Method of Discrete Source of the Distortion - Rate Function

  2. 本文把汉字识别归结为无记忆信道对离散信源的信息传输模型。

    In this paper , Chinese Character Recognition is concluded as information carry model of discrete source in zero memory channel .

  3. 具有gλ分布离散信源的信息熵及其应用

    Information Entropy of Discrete Information Source with g λ Distribution and Their Application

  4. 及一个对离散信源普遍成立的强偏差定理。

    And a strong deviation theorem of discrete information sources is obtained .

  5. 得出了若干任意信源、m阶马氏信源、无记忆信源的渐进均匀分割性定理,并将已有的关于离散信源的结果进行了推广。

    As corollaries , some Shannon-Mcmillan theorems for arbitrary information source , m-order Markov information source are obtained and some results for the discrete information source are extended .

  6. 本文从信源编码、信道编码和离散信源特点等方面,论述了在高等数学教学中开设适当的数学实验的必要性。

    This paper mainly demonstrates the necessity to constructing suitable mathematics experiments on higher mathematics through information source coding 、 information channel coding and characteristics of discrete information source .

  7. 本文利用相对于无记忆信源熵密度偏差的概念,研究任意离散信源相对熵密度的极限性质,得到了一个用不等式表示的强极限定理(称之为强偏差定理)。

    In this paper a strong deviation theorem on arbitrary discrete information sources is established by using the notion of relative entropy deviation with respect to information sources of no memory .

  8. 离散有限信源序列的编码定理

    Source Coding Theorems for Discrete Finite Source Sequence

  9. 本文在文献[1]所发展的序列模型的基础上,利用文献[2]的结果进一步解决了一股离散有限信源序列的信源编码问题。

    In this paper , we have solved completely the source coding problem for discrete finite source sequence .

  10. 一般离散序列模型信源编码定理

    Source coding theorems for general sequence model

  11. 本文对离散无记忆信源给出了一种编码方法,它使编码后信源输出有着最好的平衡性,即0与1的数目最大程度地接近。

    This paper gives a method of balanced coding for discrete memoryless sources such that the output sequence of the source has best balance , i. e. , the probabilities of the appearance of 0 and 1 are almost the same .

  12. 本文研究以下情况时的保密增强,存在一个二元离散无记忆广播信源以非常高的速率广播随机比特串,并已知敌手的存储容量有限、计算能力无限。

    It not only possesses merits of the BAM , but also relaxes the continuity assumption for reliable recalls and significantly improves the storage capacity and error correcting capability of the BAM .