
lí àn jī jīn
  • offshore fund
  1. 余义表示,过去几年,台湾的零售销售稳步增长,离岸基金销售表现强劲,可转让证券集合投资计划(ucits)基金的认购情况也相当不错。

    Over the years , retail sales have been growing steadily in Taiwan , offshore fund sales have been strong , and there has been a good take up of UCITS funds , according to Mr EU .

  2. 此举旨在提高分销过程的透明度,因为离岸基金管理公司向银行支付的佣金一直高于在岸基金。

    That move was aimed at improving the transparency of distribution because offshore fund managers had been paying higher commission to banks than onshore fund managers .

  3. 任何有关涉足离岸基金的消息都会带来政治包袱。

    Any whiff of offshore funds has become a political liability .

  4. 离岸基金指的是国际基金公司在台湾以外地区注册的产品。

    Offshore funds are products registered outside Taiwan by international fund companies .

  5. 在岸单位信托基金只能面向养老基金和慈善机构销售,而离岸基金则不受限制。

    Onshore unit trusts could only be sold to pension funds and charities . Offshore funds were not restricted .

  6. 与此同时,主要投资中国的离岸基金和较小型的独立本土基金等其他结构却兴盛起来。

    At the same time , alternative structures such as offshore China-focused funds and smaller independent local funds are flourishing .

  7. 除了取消遗产税外,我们亦已于去年实施豁免离岸基金缴付利得税。

    Apart from the abolition of estate duty , we have exempted offshore funds from profits tax since last year .

  8. 取消遗产税和豁免离岸基金缴交利得税,就是吸引投资者和离岸基金的措施。

    To attract more investors and offshore funds to Hong kong , measures have been taken to abolish estate duty and exempt offshore funds from profits tax .

  9. 业内人士称,在岸基金通常向银行支付相当于销售额1.5%的佣金,而离岸基金最高支付3%。

    Onshore funds have typically offered 1.5 per cent in commission , while offshore funds have offered as much as 3 per cent , according to industry sources .

  10. 海外私人股本集团一直难以进入中国市场,部分原因在于,中国在使用美元离岸基金收购当地资产方面有着严格的监管规定。

    Overseas private equity groups have struggled to make inroads into China , partly because of strict regulations governing the use of dollar-based offshore funds to acquire local assets .

  11. 在台湾,购买离岸基金的费用与香港相同,银行分销占基金销售的比例仅为30%。

    In Taiwan , where banks account for only 30 per cent of funds sold , the fees charged for offshore funds are the same as in Hong Kong .

  12. 之所以会存在佣金方面的差异,是因为离岸基金公司的业务成本更低,它们不需要在台湾建设基础设施来销售基金。

    The disparity in commission fees is made possible by the lower business costs incurred by offshore fund managers , which do not need to build infrastructure in Taiwan to sell their funds .

  13. 余义表示,“在实现全面披露与完全透明后”,离岸基金将面临下调佣金的压力,进而可能会影响到销售。

    " With that full disclosure and full transparency " there will be pressure to ease up on commission fees , according to Mr EU , which would in turn potentially affect sales .

  14. 此外,鉴于正在筹集人民币中国基金的西方私人股本集团同时也拥有在华投资的美元离岸基金,人们不太清楚它们将如何选择用哪一类基金投资哪些交易。

    Furthermore , as many of the western private equity groups raising local currency China funds also have US dollar off-shore funds investing in the country , it is not clear how they will choose which funds to invest in which deals .

  15. 这给了离岸对冲基金充分发展的机会。

    That gave offshore hedge funds a chance to establish themselves .

  16. 其中许多基金都聘用了国际基金公司提供投资咨询,而投资标的通常是已有的离岸共同基金。

    Many of these funds appointed international fund managers to help advise on the underlying investments , which were often established offshore mutual funds .

  17. 离岸企业(包括基金管理公司)现在可以开设人民币账户。

    Companies , including fund managers , can now open renminbi accounts .

  18. 施罗德集团采取了另一种路线,它发现提供一类在泽西以外离岸运作的透明基金,可以创造一个拓宽市场的巨大机遇。

    Schroders took an alternative route , seeing a big opportunity to widen the market by offering the sort of transparent vehicles that had worked onshore from Jersey .

  19. 克莱森斯表示,通过交换支付给律师和私人银行家的费用、离岸财产和对冲基金回报等方面的详细信息,该社交团体的会员或许可以降低各项成本,提高其投资组合的个人回报率。

    By swapping details on fees paid to lawyers and private bankers , offshore holdings , and returns on hedge funds , members of the group may be able to lower costs and boost personal returns on their own portfolios , Claessens claims .