
  • 网络dispersion;Measures of Dispersion;Coefficient of variation
  1. R原虫DNA含量分布的离散程度明显低于N原虫。

    The dispersion degree of distribution of DNA content in P. R.

  2. 用局部半径d描述溶洞介质在大尺度上的离散程度,用溶洞面积p描述在各个溶洞分布区中溶洞介质的面积。

    Using the local radius d to describe the dispersion degree of the random cavity medium on large scale and using the cavity area p to describe the area of the cavity medium in each cavity distribution area .

  3. 采用局部半径R描述溶洞介质在大尺度上的离散程度,采用局部密度p描述溶洞介质在各溶洞分布区中的局部空间密度。

    The local radius R described the dispersion degree of the random cave medium on large scale and the local density p described the local space density of the cave medium in each cave distribution area .

  4. 每组检测对象晨尿GH浓度变异系数均大于30%,离散程度大。

    The coefficients of variation of HGH_U in all group were higher than 30 % , which indicated a low dispersion degree .

  5. 由于事故率和车速离散程度有关,当全部车辆采用强制型ISA后,事故率可望下降近25%。

    Since accident rate is determined mostly by deviation of speed , accident rate may decrease about 25 % if all vehicles adopt ISA .

  6. 熵权优属度向量模型是以信息熵理论为基础,引入Theil不均衡指数,按照评价数据的离散程度来确定各评价指标的权重。

    Based on the entropy fundamentals , Theil index and the method of the best solution model of optimal membership degree vector were introduced .

  7. 利用特性阻抗ZC、传播常数γ以及同时利用二者分别得到了三个确定电介质材料复介电常数的公式,其解的离散程度反映出测量误差大小。

    Three different equations for determination of permittivity of dielectric materials had been derived using characteristic impedance and propagation constant and both of them , respectively .

  8. Goodwin模型的数值模拟以及对相振子模型的解析发现自振荡周期是与耦合强度的离散程度呈反比的。

    The numerical results from Goodwin model and the analytical results from phase model show that the free running period is in contrast to the dispersion of coupling strength .

  9. 通过对文献[1]的试验数据的重新整理发现三种不同直径芯样强度的离散程度很接近,因此φ55mm芯样可靠性并不比大直径芯样差。

    With the re-analysis on the tests data presented in reference ( 1 ), it is discovered that the variation coefficients of core specimens of three different diameters have no obvious difference , so the reliability of φ 55mm core specimen is not worse than those of larger core specimens .

  10. 研究区景观离散程度增加、破碎化加剧、景观多样性加大。

    Fragmentation , diversity and dispersion degree of the landscape increased .

  11. 最后,按照特征本身的离散程度对其进行规范化处理。

    According to the degree of dispersion , the features are normalized .

  12. 度量模糊标志值离散程度的变异系数

    Computation of the Dispersion Coefficient of Fuzzy-valued Data Mark Design

  13. 粒径较大的岩块,其动态参数的离散程度也较大。

    The dynamic parameters of block with larger grains have great dispersion .

  14. 随机变量离散程度的另一个数字特征&绝对差的探讨

    On Ano the r Numerical Characteristic of the Random Variable : Absolute Deviation

  15. 价格离散程度的收敛与扩张;

    Convergence and expansion of price dispersion ;

  16. 模糊熵可作为安全等级隶属度向量离散程度的评价指标。

    Fuzzy entropy can be assessment standard of dispersed extent of subordinated vector of safety grades .

  17. 炎症反应可能通过心室重构或其他机制影响复极离散程度。

    Inflammatory reaction may contribute to the prolonged QT dispersion through cardiac ventricular remodeling or other mechanisms .

  18. 结论:快速心房刺激能引起心房传导时间延长,非均质电活动的离散程度增加。

    Conclusions Rapid atrial pacing can increase atrial conduction time , as well as regional electrical heterogeneity .

  19. 区域化探中评价元素离散程度及找矿意义的方法讨论

    Method discussing on evaluating element discrete extend and the significance for finding mineral in region geochemical exploration

  20. 结论缺锌可明显降低骨形成,延迟骨矿化,破坏骨的空间结构,并使骨小梁连接性减弱,离散程度增加。

    Conclusion : Zinc deficiency reduces velocity of bone formation and prolongs bone mineralization and destroys bone structure .

  21. 其中图像复杂度评价的信息容量是像元值分布不确定性的一种度量,通过统计临近像元值之间的离散程度,可以反映地表地物分布的空间复杂度。

    The image information capacity of complexity evaluation is an uncertainty measurement of the digital image pixel value distributions .

  22. 结果表明,液相中加入气泡后增加了壁面切应力数据的离散程度。

    It was found that the discrete degree of WSS data increased due to introducing bubbles into the liquid .

  23. 结果表明,线性江流模型能够同时给出出流过程的均值及其对均值的离散程度。

    Case study shows that the present model can obtain the mean value of outflow process and its discrete degree .

  24. 在统计工作中,平均数(均值)和标准差是描述数据资料集中趋势和离散程度的两个最重要的测度值。

    Average number and criterion deviation are the most important values to symbolize centralizing trend and discrete limit of data material .

  25. 这种方法避免了单纯依靠期望划分等级,而未考虑偏差离散程度的情况。

    The method avoids relying solely on expectations of a hierarchy , and giving a large degree of deviation of dispersion .

  26. 第二,根据属性熵的定义,对每个属性集合的每一属性判别其离散程度;

    Second , the dispersed degree of each attribute is computed in subspace based on the definition of the attribute entropy .

  27. 方法运用图论的方法对山西各地区小城镇的分布规律及与中心位置的离散程度进行估算和分析。

    Methods The distribution of small cities and scattering from the core center are calculated and analyzed by the graph math .

  28. 分析了测量方法的质量、测量结果的离散程度,并找到主要的不确定度来源。

    By analyzing the quality of measurement methods , the dispersion of measurement results , the main source of uncertainty was ascertained .

  29. 结果表明,从科到属和种,植物多样性和区系分化强度的数据集离散程度均呈递增趋势。

    The results indicated that the discreteness of datasets of plant diversity and flora differentiation increased from families to genera and species .

  30. 该量是标度因数离散程度的一个有效的量度。就这个量来说,也要求正态性假定。

    For this quantity to be a meaningful measure of dispersion of the scale factors , the assumption of normality is again required .