
  • 【航天】discretization technique
  1. 离散化技术在离心泵设计上的应用

    Application of discrete numerical technology in the designing of centrifugal pump

  2. 利用离散化技术,将恢复控制这一整体问题分解为每一时步的子问题。

    The whole restorative control problem was discretized as a series of optimization problem in each time step .

  3. 其结果对发展新的离散化技术或为特定应用选择合适算法都有参考价值。

    The results are helpful for both developing new technologies for data discretization and applying proper algorithms to specific applications .

  4. 论述了采用离散化技术进行离心泵叶轮轴面投影图设计的两种方法。

    Two methods of designing wheel axial projection draw of centrifugal pump based on discrete numerical technology are dealt with .

  5. 基于电极位移、动态电阻信号监测特征向量集合,采用数据离散化技术实现点焊过程特征向量集的数据削减与泛化,通过利用较高层次数据概念替换低层次概念,建立表征不同焊接过程的模式。

    The data reduction and generalization of factors vector , which is based on resistance and displacement signals , can be accomplished through data discrete technology .

  6. 本文针对传统的离散化技术所造成的信息丢失问题,提出了利用直觉模糊粗糙集合理论来进行属性约简的方法。

    The technology of attribute reduction based on the intuitionistic fuzzy rough set theory is described as to the problem of information loss in the process of discretization .

  7. 根据维吾尔手写文字的特点提出了预处理,特征提取和向量离散化的相关技术,以及它们的优点和缺点。

    According to characteristics of Uyghur handwriting letters bring forward relative techniques of preprocessing , feature extraction , vector quantization with Excellencies as well as disadvantages .

  8. 基于断点辨别力的粗糙集离散化算法连续属性的频数监督断点离散化技术

    Continuous attributes discretization algorithm based on cut 's discriminability in rough set Frequency-supervised-breakpoint based discretization algorithm