
  • 网络private kitchen;private home cuisine;Private Cuisine
  1. 近来,私房菜开始在北京悄悄流行起来。

    Recently , private home cuisine is becoming popular in Beijing .

  2. 内容包括健康、私房菜、美容等。

    Including health , private kitchens , beauty and so on .

  3. 周二,克里斯汀斯图尔特停下工作回到在洛杉矶卢斯费利斯社区(好莱坞名人聚居区)的私房菜餐厅吃午餐。

    Kristen Stewart stopped for lunch at Home restaurant in the Los Feliz neighborhood of LA on Tuesday .

  4. 在这样的环境下品尝老板的私房菜,别有一番滋味!

    Putting yourself in such a space and tasting the home-dishes prepared by the owner is a fancy experience .

  5. 另一个原因使得不易定义美国菜是因为它们之中很多已经发展为私房菜,而不再是高级的料理了。

    Another factor that makes defining American cuisine difficult is that most of it developed as home cooking rather than haute cuisine .

  6. 菜品主要在传统及新派高档粤菜,加入湘、川和私房菜特色独现京城,提倡健康与美味并存,所有食材的选用以最新鲜、高质量为原则。

    They promote the coexistence of healthy and delicious , the choice of all ingredients to be used is based on the principle of the most fresh , high quality .