
  • 网络seeding people
种民 [zhòng mín]
  • [tenant farmer] 佃民,租田种的人

  • 疆土之新辟者,移种民以居之。--清. 洪亮吉《治平篇》

  1. 民间年画艺术本身也是一种民,民俗是民间艺术得以创作和欣赏的文化源泉。

    Folk art itself is a public New Year , folk is the creation and appreciation of folk art to the cultural source .

  2. 看哪,有一种民从北方而来,并有一大国和许多君王被激动,从地极来到。

    Behold , a people shall come from the north , and a great nation , and many kings shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth .

  3. 一种官民二重的结构模式&社会转型时期的第三部门分析

    A Structure Promoted by both the Governmental and Non-governmental Force : Analyses on the Third Sector in the Era of Social Change

  4. 民本思想是一种重民、爱民的思想,是中国古代政治思想中的最精彩部分。

    Human-centered idea is an important part of China 's ancient political thoughts because of its idea of respecting and loving people .

  5. 融资租赁是一种兼有民商事和金融性质的行为,是商业信用和银行信用的复合体。

    Finance leasing is an activity that is of civil , commercial and finance nature , and is a combination of business credit and bank credit .

  6. 当民族精神,历史传统和常民文化以及世俗生活有机结合在一起,形成一种常民意识,形成特定的习俗,这些观念就会形成作为民间艺术创作的基本主题范围。

    When the national spirit , history , culture and tradition and secular life of ordinary people combine together to form a sense of ordinary people , the formation of specific practices , these concepts as a folk art will form the basic subject areas .

  7. 如果当事人之间达成的和解协议不具有法律效力,则意味着任何一方当事人都可以随时废弃协议,这样无疑会大大限制调解作为一种国际民商事争议解决机制的发展。

    If the settlement agreement reached by the parties does not have legal bindings , which means either party can abandon the agreement at any time , it will greatly limit the development of the mediation as a kind of settlement mechanism of international civil and commercial disputes .

  8. 在对BOT特许协议属国际契约还是国内契约是行政合同还是民商事合同进行论证的基础上,提出了BOT特许协议属国内契约,是一种特殊的民商事合同。

    On the problem that whether BOT charter agreement is domestic contract , commercial contract or the administrative contract on the basis of the argument , the thesis puts forward the BOT concession agreement of domestic contracts is a special type of contract in civil law .

  9. 票据权利是一种重要的民商事权利,这种权利随着商品经济的发展而产生。

    The right of instalments is an important kind of civil and commercial right , and emerges accompanying the development of commercial economy .

  10. 从法律性质上分析,我国管理层收购是一种特殊的民商事法律行为,受民法和经济法双重调整,且带有浓厚的行政色彩。

    MBO in China is a special civil legal action , which is adjusted by civil law and economic law , with thick administrative color .

  11. 他决定,是时候提出一种新的民权利法律来确保黑人在公共场所和工作中能得到平等对待。

    He decided it was time to propose a new civil rights law that would guarantee equal treatment for blacks in public places and jobs .

  12. 捕捞权则宜解为自然资源使用权,将海域使用权作为用益物权之一种规定进民法典物权编中,捕捞权作为自然资源使用权,主要受渔业法调整。

    Real Right of the Civil Law ; Then the fishing right should be comprehended to the right of using the natural resources , adjusted primarily by the Fishery Law .

  13. 这一理念已明显不同于西周以来政治与伦理合一并以伦理规范维护宗法分封政治等级秩序的政治伦理观,它反映了一种新的民本思想。

    This concept has been significantly different from those political ethics that had been formed since Western Zhou Dynasty which was mixed politics with ethics and with it to maintain the unity and the political patriarchal feudal order society .

  14. 早期维新派是一些爱国重民的思想家,他们在洋务运动和中国资本主义发生时期所提出的变法自强的主张中,贯穿了一种与传统民本思想有别的新的重民思想。

    The early reform-group are some patriotic and value-people thinkers . There appeared a kind of new value-people thought which different from traditional basic-people thinking in their claims about political reform and self-renewal , when the foreign-movement and Chinese capitalism took place .

  15. 其主要来源可分为2种情况:民和、乐都县有玉米种植的部分乡镇,初侵染来源主要是玉米根茬和秸秆上产生的子囊壳和子囊孢子;

    Its main source could be divided into two kinds of states : in partly villages and towns of Minghe and Ledu counties with corn planting , the sources mainly were the procreant perithecium and ascospore on the corn stubbles and ones stalks ;

  16. 使得马克思国家理论在拥有了现时代的时代精神以后,能够更好的为这个时代服务,同时也不断的完善自身,成为一种与时俱进的理论,成为一种服务于民的,服务于国的理论。

    Make Marx state theory in The Times spirit of the era with after this age can better for services , but also constantly perfect self , become a kind of theory of keeping abreast of The Times , become a kind of service for people , serving kingdom theory .