
  • 网络phyletic evolution;phylogenesis
  1. 在此基础上,将J19株NSP4和NSP5的蛋白序列与其他轮状病毒蛋白序列进行比较分析和种系进化分析。

    Ammo acid sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis of NSP4 and NSP5 of J19 were made with the known proteins of other rotaviruses .

  2. 脑与认知科学的最新研究结果表明,数学认知是一个多成分、多系统的复杂认知系统,既有种系进化的基础,也与个体发展与学习有关。

    The latest brain and cognitive research have shown that mathematical cognition is a system with multiple components and subsystems .

  3. 我国广东、福建地区2000~2001年手足口病肠道病毒71型分离株的种系进化分析

    Phylogenetic analysis of enterovirus 71 isolated from patients with hand , foot and mouth disease in Guangdong and Fujian provinces , 2000-2001

  4. 其次,种系进化树明显地指出昆虫纲与甲壳纲亲缘关系近,甲壳纲分为两大分支,另外一支靠近倍足纲。

    Secondly , the phylogenetic trees obviously point out the evolutionary position of Insecta adjacent to Crustacea , and the members of Crustacea are divided into two clades with the other branch closed to Diplopoda .

  5. 固有免疫是机体在长期种系发育与进化过程中逐渐形成的一种天然免疫防御功能。

    Inherent immunity has innate immune defense function , which forms gradually in germ-line development and evolution of the long-term .