
Risk Analysis of CAPM Model Based Financing Tenancy of Project
The Risks and the Protection System of Ship Financing Lease
Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model of Aircraft Financial Lease Risks
Protection Control for Rental Risk of Building Machinery
Study on Risk Characteristic of Financial Leasing and its Management & Based on Behavioral Finance
Information Asymmetry and Lease Risk Evaluation
Finally , summarize preceding part of the text , guard against real estate lease financing risk with legal rick .
Based on the results of the analysis , proposed the suggestions for the risk control in international financial leasing .
Part 3 expounds how to use the Discount Rate of Risk Adjustment in the risk analysis of international finance lease .
At the same time , the finance lease risk management has increasingly become an important aspect for the finance leasing companies to improve profitability and competitiveness .
Using the ICBC Financial Leasing Company to analyze . Chapter ⅴ: The suggestions for improving the risk control in international financial leasing of Mainland commercial banks .
Using this method , we need to establish the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model , and to establish model the first need to do is bringing together risk factors of finance leases .
Next , the paper designs the system index of risk appraise considering the practices of financial leasing , and on the basis of appraise criterion , the paper establishes the model .
Part 1 reviews historical origins of international finance lease , its meaning and its main pattern , and presents the meanings of risks and risk management of international finance lease , also its risk discernment .
Presently , the research about risk system of financial leasing companies has just a start , therefore how to effectively forecast and control the risks has become the keys of fast and healthy development of financial leasing .
In Chapter 4 , the risk assessment model of shipping finance leasing project is set up through the BP neural network which has been used maturely .
By the conclusion of positive study using Logistic Model , the credit risk discriminant of domestic financial leasing is gained , and we can use this template to progress our risk management .
Approaches to Enhance Financial Lessors ' Risk Management Measures in China
Risk Research of Project Financing Lease in Urban Infrastructure
On Risk Control Mechanism of Finance Lease
Last , the paper studies the measures on risk precautions and control of financial leasing .
The risk management for financial leasing project is one of the business operation focuses in the financial leasing companies .
In the part of conclusion , shortcomings existing and outlook of shipping finance leasing project research in this paper are elaborated .
Secondly , this paper studies the risk producing system and risk types of financial leasing on the basis of risks and relative theories .
The financing risks of enterprises are mainly bank loan , stock , bond , tenancy , joint operation , importment of foreign fund and so on .
This paper gives preliminary analysis of arising and component parts of the risk of financial lease and puts forward several ways to control and remove it .
On the basis of the identification of finance leasing enterprise risk in the second chapter , the third chapter focuses on the establishment of the risk evaluation index system of finance lease enterprise .
Meanwhile , the article regards the credit and market risk as the most importation risk factors in railway financing leasing business by investigating railway financing leasing risks and risk control measures from the perspective of the lessee and lessor .
Finally , using the information asymmetry theory , the economies of scope and scale theory , the vulnerability of credit theory to explain the risk of financial leasing . Chapter ⅳ: The risk control in international financial leasing of Mainland commercial banks and empirical study .
Research on the Risk Management of Grid Project Financial Leasing in Operation Period