
jī shuǐ
  • ponding;hydrops
积水 [jī shuǐ]
  • (1) [ponding]∶指由于堵塞或未能排除而积聚的水

  • (2) [hydrops]∶空腔器官内积聚液体而膨胀

积水[jī shuǐ]
  1. 在采空积水区下采煤的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Coal Mining Under Adopting the Empty Ponding District

  2. 地表积水条件下滴灌入渗特性研究

    The Characteristic Pattern of Drip Irrigation Infiltration Under Surface Ponding

  3. 我们都噗噗地踩着一摊摊的积水。

    We all sloshed around in the puddles .

  4. 由于场地积水太多比赛被取消了。

    The match is off because of a waterlogged pitch .

  5. 连续两天的滂沱大雨致使首都积水成灾,据信至少已有150人死亡。

    At least 150 people are believed to have died after two days of torrential rain deluged the capital .

  6. 雨后路面到处是一坑坑的积水。

    The road was filled with puddles from the rain .

  7. 积水成海,积沙成塔。

    Little drops of water make an ocean .

  8. 当心不要让田里积水太多,不然的话,秧苗要烂坏的。

    You must see to it that there isn 't too much water in the fields , otherwise the seedlings might damp off .

  9. 饮水、做饭、洗澡等都只用瓶装水、沸水或处理过的水。避免驾车经过灾区和积水区,6英寸高的水就能让你失去对车的控制。

    Use only bottled , boiled , or treated water for drinking , cooking , bathing , etc. Avoid driving through flooded areas and standing9 water . As little as six inches of water can cause you to lose control of your vehicle .

  10. 外部性脑积水CT诊断及与新生儿窒息的关系

    The Relationship Between CT Diagnoses of External Hydrocephalus and Neonatal Asphyxia

  11. 外部性脑积水CT诊断价值的研究

    The Exterior Brain Accumulates Water CT Research in Examine a Patient the Value

  12. E组:对照组,71个周期,输卵管阻塞无积水。

    E : ( control group ) 71 cycles with salpingemphraxis , not hydrosalpinx .

  13. C臂血管减影机(DSA)引导经皮肾造瘘治疗癌性肾积水的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of DSA-guided Percutaneous Nephrostomy for Treating Hydronephrosis

  14. 积水性无脑畸形CT分型

    CT Type of Hydroanencephalus

  15. 儿童肾积水肾脏动态增强MRI检查

    Dynamic enhanced MRI in children with hydronephrosis

  16. 目的:了解动态增强MRI技术评价儿童肾积水肾脏形态及功能的价值。

    Aim : To evaluate renal morphology and function in children with hydronephrosis by dynamic enhanced MRI .

  17. 正常压力脑积水分流术前后CT表现及脑脊液动力学变化分析

    Analysis of the change of CT findings and cerebrospinal fluid flow dynamics before and after shunt surgery in normal pressure hydrocephalus

  18. 本文报道了经CT检查,确诊为蛛网膜下腔出血50例,其中并发脑积水16例。

    50 cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage diagnosed by CT were presented , in which there are 16 cases of secondary hydrocephalus .

  19. 尽管US检出了所有12例肿瘤所致的尿路积水,但仅2例诊断为输尿管肿瘤,4例提示输尿管狭窄。

    Although US detected hydronephrosis and hydroureter in all 12 cases tumors , only 2 patients were positively diagnosed with ureteral tumor and 4 cases were indicated ureteral stricture .

  20. Wistar系自发性脑积水大鼠的病理学及磁共振成像特征

    Characterization of Pathology and MR Image of Congenital Hydrocephalus in Wistar Rats

  21. 目的观察Wistar系自发性脑积水大鼠病理学及磁共振成像(MRI)特征。

    Objective To study the pathological and MR image characteristics of congenital hydrocephalus in Wistar rats .

  22. 目的获得婴幼儿脑积水的B超与CT测量相关性测量值,统一两种检查手段对婴幼儿脑积水的诊断标准。

    Objective To gain the correlative measurement values of infant hydrocephalus through ultrasound and CT is to unify the diagnosis criterion of two examination methods .

  23. 先天性肾积水EGF、TGF-β1表达的研究

    The expression of EGF and TGF - β _1 in congenital hydronephrosis

  24. 目的分析良性前列腺增生(BPH)患者出现肾积水的尿动力学机制。

    Objective To clarify the urodynamic mechanism of hydronephrosis due to BPH .

  25. 高龄患者创伤后脑积水的发生率明显增加(P0.01);

    Our study found a high incidence of post-traumatic hydrocephalus in the elderly patients ( P0.01 ) .

  26. 结果:CT对全部6只积水型肾作出诊断,而9只发育型肾中5只作出诊断,2例发育不全型中1例作出诊断。

    Results : All of 6 hydronephrotic , 5 out of 9 developmental and 1 out of 2 hypoplastic duplication of kidney were diagnosed on CT imaging .

  27. 本文对30例外部性脑积水(EH)和10例脑萎缩(CA)的CT表现作回顾性对照分析。

    The CT findings of30 cases of external hydrocephalus ( EH ) and10 cases of cerebral atrophy ( CA ) were retrospectively analysed .

  28. 瞬变电磁法(TEM)作为积水采空区的一种探测手段,有着独特优势和显著效果。

    Transient electromagnetic method ( TEM ) has special advantage and evident result as an approach for detection of water-accumulating gob .

  29. 肠系膜DT可导致肠梗阻、肠缺血、肾盂积水和瘘管。

    Mesenteric DT can cause obstruction and ischemia of intestine , hydronephrosis and fistula .

  30. 并发现CLi与肾积水程度呈负相关。

    We lithium is negative related with the degree of hydronephrosis .