
  • 网络Mobile phone service;Mobile telephone service;NAMPS
  1. 本文就中国移动电话业务资费的制定及历次调整情况作了介绍和解释,并肯定了资费政策对业务发展所起的推动和促进作用。

    This paper introduces and explains the mobile telephone service tariff making and adjustment conditions of China Telecom .

  2. 移动电话业务实际上是他的主业。

    The mobile phone business was actually his bread and butter .

  3. 周二晚,西班牙电信表示公司已达成最终协议,要把O2出售给和记黄埔。和记黄埔打算把O2与它自己的英国移动电话业务Three进行合并。

    On Tuesday evening , Telef ó nica said that it reached a definitive agreement to sell O2 to Hutchison Whampoa , which plans to combine the company with Three , its British cellphone business .

  4. 摩托罗拉(Motorola)昨日取得出乎预料的成功,它招聘到一位得到很高评价的经理人执掌其移动电话业务,该项业务明年将被分拆出这家美国电子集团。

    Motorola scored a coup yesterday with the recruitment of a highly rated executive to head its mobile phone business , which will be spun out of the US electronics group next year .

  5. 中国电信移动电话业务与资费的变迁

    Overview of Mobile Telephone Services and Tariff of China Telecom

  6. 两家公司都没有获得提供移动电话业务的许可证。

    Neither company is licensed to offer mobile phone services .

  7. 我总部设在伦敦,也保持在巴基斯坦的移动电话业务。

    I am based in London , also maintain a mobile phone business in Pakistan .

  8. 中国电信移动电话业务发展迅速是令人瞩目的,资费政策发挥了重要的价格杠杆调节作用。

    The tariff policy has played an important price-leverage role in the development of the mobile telephone services .

  9. 自1987年中国开办移动电话业务以来,我国的移动用户一直保持着迅速上升趋势。

    Since 1987 , there is a rapid increase of the numbers of the mobile users in China .

  10. 目前移动电话业务无论在用户数量上还是在通话量上都超过了固定电话业务的增长。

    Mobile phone business surpasses the increase of the hand-free telephone business both in the user 's number and in call minutes .

  11. 其次,发展中国家的人口数量众多,因此对于移动电话业务的需求也多。

    The population in the developing countries is large , contributing to the great demand in the service of the mobile phone .

  12. 中国电信昨日表示,其目标是在明年2月份之前启动移动电话业务的商业运营,在2010年年底前实现盈利。

    China Telecom said yesterday it aimed to launch its mobile business commercially by next February and turn the operation profitable by 2010 .

  13. 重组的另一个目的,是为中国电信与中国网通提供一个含有移动电话业务的未来,以弥补消费者对固话服务兴趣日益减退的影响。

    Another goal of restructuring is to provide China Telecom and Netcom with a wireless future to make up for declining consumer interest in fixed-line services .

  14. 中国移动电话业务的发展经历了开拓、发展、普及三个阶段,在这三个阶段中,资费政策直接影响着业务的发展,发挥了十分重要的价格杠杆调节作用。

    The development of mobile communication in china has passed through the following three stages : exploiting , developing , and popularizing . And rates policy of mobile communication has great effect on adjusting price during the three developing stages .

  15. 目前,无线通信中的移动电话业务、数据业务、多媒体业务迅速发展,未来无线网络将承担更多的高质量的业务,因此对信息速率等系统性能提出了更高的要求。

    Currently , the mobile telephone services , data services , and multimedia services in wireless communications are developing very fast . The future wireless network will provide more high quality services , and this requires a more fast information transmission rate .

  16. 通过对神州电信移动视频电话业务的商业模式设计,最终得出结论:神州电信的CDMA(码分多址)数据网络是其有别于中国移动的优势所在。

    Base on the business model design for mobile video service of Shenzhou Telecom , author drew the following conclusion : CDMA data network is the differentiate advantage with China Mobile , the market dominator in the mobile market .

  17. 移动会议电话业务由于其不同于以往的业务特征而得到了日渐广泛的应用。

    Mobile conferencing call service is popular for its unique function .

  18. 该计划的一部分将通过对移动电话及其业务进行改进来实现。

    Some of that will come through beefed-up cellular phones and services .

  19. 移动电话综合业务管理系统的关键技术研究

    The Key Technologies for the Integrated Service Management System of Mobile Telephone

  20. 移动电话上网业务试开办

    Mobile Date Trial Service Operations

  21. 移动电话背景音业务的技术实现

    Technical Implementation of Mobile Phone Coloring Background Voice Service

  22. 本地、长途和移动电话网间业务收入结算的两种方式(续)

    Two Settlement Methods for Service Revenue among Local , Long - Distance and Mobile Telephone Networks ( Continued )

  23. 中国电信南北分拆以后,将在固定电话和移动电话两个业务领域形成新一轮双寡头垄断竞争格局。

    Since the north-south division of China Telecom , a new round of competitive pattern - " Two-oligopoly " - has been formed in the two business spheres of the fixed telephone and the mobile telecom .

  24. 呼之欲出的第三代(3G)移动通信不仅能提供现有的各种移动电话业务,还能提供高速率的宽带视频业务,支持高质量的话音、分组数据业务以及实时的视频传输。

    The incoming 3G could not only support the existing mobile operations , but also broad band video operations high quality voice packet data transmission and real time video communication .

  25. 随着越来越多的移动互联网应用成熟并走向商用,固定电话、移动电话、数据报业务、数字电视将结合、演进成一体。

    With more and more mobile internet applications becoming mature and commercial , fixed telephone , mobile phone , data reporting services , digital TV will combine and evolve into one product .

  26. 而移动业务的高利润回报使固定电话运营商和一些有实力的大企业专网也纷纷加入其中,撇脂移动电话业务市场。

    The immobile telecom enterprises and powerful special network enterprise began to join the competition for high profit in mobile telecommunication market .