
kōnɡ zhōnɡ zǒu lánɡ
  • air corridor;lane;air corridor in and out of a country;air lane
  1. 大跨度钢结构空中走廊的风振分析

    Wind Vibration Analysis on the Large-span Steel Frame as Air Corridor

  2. 通知中央指挥部打开空中走廊。

    Call CENTCOM right away , get that air corridor open now .

  3. 第十四条机场飞行空域应当划设在航路和空中走廊以外。

    Article14Aerodrome flight airspace shall be established off airways and air corridors .

  4. 我们要回到空中走廊里。

    We 're going back in through the airlock .

  5. 剩下的空中走廊也被撤除了。

    The remaining aerial walkway was removed .

  6. 我们已经到达空中走廊北部了。

    We 've reached the North airlock .

  7. 大连空中走廊是形式新颖、技术先进的点支式玻璃幕墙刚性支承的大跨度空间钢结构。

    Dalian Air Corridor is a large-span steel frame of spidery glass curtain with novel design and advanced technology .

  8. 相反,锯齿形的边境线正是故意为英国设计,使约旦和沙特阿拉伯之间形成一条不间断的空中走廊。

    Instead , the zigzag shape was actually deliberately designed to give Britain an uninterrupted air corridor between Jordan and Iraq .

  9. 这里由欧木板铺装而成的空中走廊,是连接上下层空间的功能过渡。

    Here air corridor built by pavement of European wood board becomes function transition joining up two spaces of upper and lower floors .

  10. 他们借着建造观光空中走廊与发展邻近地区,重新开始自己的生活,开创后代的未来。

    By developing the Skywalk and the surrounding area for tourists , the Hualapai are reclaiming their lives and the future of their children .

  11. 空域管理和飞行任务需要的,可以划设空中走廊、空中放油区和临时飞行空域。

    Air corridors , fuel dumping areas and temporary flight airspace may be established when necessary for the need of airspace management and flight missions .

  12. 军方把民用飞机限制在一个狭小而拥挤的、贯穿全国的空中走廊里,而空军指挥官们突然而秘密的决定,就可能让很多航班成为受害者。

    The military authorities confine commercial aircraft to narrow and congested corridors across the country and flights can fall victim to sudden and secret decisions by air-force commanders .

  13. 该网站是被分成三个新的空中走廊与包含的三大功能,购物设施,写字楼和酒店不同的区域。

    The site was thus divided into new air corridors with three distinct zones that contain the three major functions , shopping facilities , offices and a hotel .

  14. 空中走廊的划设应当明确走向、宽度和飞行高度,并兼顾航空器进离场的便利。

    The orientation , width and flight altitudes shall be clearly defined in the establishment of air corridors with due consideration to the easy access for inbound and outbound aircraft .

  15. 两架波音707的密封舱将他们隔离在稀薄寒冷的空气之外,国际空中走廊的严格划分使他们免于相撞的危险。

    They were protected from the thin , cold air by the pressurized cabins of two Boeing707s , and from the risk of collision by the prudent arrangement of the international air corridors .

  16. 广泛用于公园、护栏、桥梁、大厦、楼体轮廓、跨街空中走廊、广告招牌等,是城市亮化工程的首选产品。

    Comprehensive used for park , fencing wall , bridge , edifice , floor body adumbration , step street air corridor , ad brand and so on , city bright change the first choice of construction product .

  17. “此时此刻我要说,他就是最好的篮球运动员。”太阳主教练金特里宣称。湖人刚刚在空中走廊中心以一场111-103的胜利结束了系列赛。

    " I 'm saying at this time , right now , he 's the best player in basketball ," Suns Coach Alvin Gentry declared after the Lakers closed out the series with a111-103 victory at US Airways Center .

  18. 相关航空公司预计每天至少损失2亿美元。面对这些航空公司施加的越来越大的压力,欧盟各国交通部长表示,他们计划开始开放一些空中走廊,让几十万因火山爆发而受困的旅客回家。

    Amid mounting pressure from airlines , estimated to be losing at least $ 200m a day , European Union transport ministers said they planned to start opening air corridors to bring home some of the hundreds of thousands of travellers caught up in the disruption .

  19. 由于大中城市的空中输电走廊的限制和不断发展的城市负荷,纯交流线路的城市配电网络已经越来越不能满足社会和经济发展的需求。

    Due to the air transmission corridor constraints of large cities and the sustained rapid growth of city load , pure AC lines can no longer meet the needs of social and economic development .

  20. 运送原材料的空中运输车;空中缆车;建筑之间的空中走廊。

    Aerial conveyers for transporting raw materials ; aerial cable cars ; an aerial walkway between the buildings .