
kōnɡ ɡǎnɡ
  • airport
  1. 因此,一个空港经理必须既是一个计谋家,又是一个能应付各种情况的行政管理家。

    This was why an airport manager needed to be a tactician as well as versatile administrator .

  2. 该消息也佐证了一个日益明显的迹象,即中国人在英国的商业影响力正变得越来越大——中国人在希思罗机场(Heathrow)、曼彻斯特机场“空港城”以及泰晤士水务(ThamesWater)都拥有权益。

    It also supports growing evidence that the Chinese are becoming a stronger business influence in the UK , with stakes in Heathrow , Manchester 's " Airport City " and in Thames Water .

  3. 〔方法〕对民航空港X射线行李货物检查系统的放射防护水平进行检测,按照国家放射卫生标准进行评价。

    Methods The safeguard level of X-ray baggage and goods inspection system was tested according to National Radiation Sanitation Standard .

  4. 他也不在哪个地方久待,只管生活在超空间飞船船舱那与世隔绝,半明半暗的世界里,在里头吃,在里头喝,在里头睡觉看电影,在空港干的就只是捐献DNA,好坐上下一艘远程飞船。

    He settled nowhere , but only existed in the hermetic , twilight world of the cabins of hyperspatial starships , eating , drinking , sleeping , watching movies , only stopping at spaceports to donate more DNA and catch the next long-haul ship out .

  5. NHXX空港工业区,与您携手共创美好未来!

    NHXX Airport Industrial Zone joins hands with you for a better future .

  6. 立足发展开拓创新打造空港新形象

    Seek Development and Make Innovations to Build New Image of Airports

  7. 空港进出口农产品物流体系建设研究

    Logistics System Study of Import & Export Agricultural Products in Airport

  8. 空港建筑中公共大空间照明的实施对策与分析

    Analysis and Implementing Measures of Public Large Space in Airport Building

  9. 福州空港口岸偷渡遣返人员梅毒监测结果分析

    Analysis on Syphilis Serology among the Repatriated Stowaways at Fuzhou Airport

  10. 在空港经理的工作中,有人提意见是家常便饭。

    Complaints were a stock-in-trade of an airport manager 's job .

  11. 不是吗?不过,既然缺少好空港……”

    Still , in the absence of a decent spaceport ... "

  12. 那个红色电话是打给空港火警值班主任的。

    The red phone was to the airport 's duty fire chief .

  13. 上海浦东空港物流园区规划研究

    Research on planning for Pudong airport logistics park in Shanghai

  14. 用模糊综合评判方法分析北京天竺空港物流园区

    Analysis on Beijing Tianzhu Terminal Logistics Park with Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluating Method

  15. 空港的建立远在居民区之先。

    The airport had been established long before the community .

  16. 空港物流产业的发展离不开完善基础配套设施的支持。

    Airport Logistics industry development is inseparable from perfect the supporting infrastructure support .

  17. 欧洲区域航空公司组织北京天竺空港工业区

    European Regional Airlines Organization Beijing Tianzhu Airport Industrial Zone

  18. 空港物流信息平台框架研究

    Research on the Structure of Airport Logistics Information Platform

  19. 空港物流的产业效应分析&以广州白云机场为例

    Analysis on the Industrial Effect Caused by Airport Logistics

  20. 空港物流加工区五星级酒店规划及建筑设计

    Airport Industrial Park five-star hotel planning and architecture design

  21. 重庆空港体育馆铝合金穹顶结构分析

    Structure Analysis Study on Aluminum Alloy Dome of Chong Qing Kong Gang Stadium

  22. 布里斯本航空港,澳大利亚

    Brisbane Airport , Brisbane , Australia , 1988

  23. 青岛空港口岸鼠密度较低,鼠种构成简单。

    There was low rodent density and simply rodent species composing in Qingdao airport .

  24. 携手打造中国现代化空港&第二届中国机场峰会特别报道

    Join Hands to Build Modern Airports in China

  25. 承接世界各空港的货运代理业务,只要货备齐,手续齐备。

    Sending the cargo to all the other ports in the world by air .

  26. 空港区域海关监管仓库的增值服务研究

    The Research on the Value-added Service for the Customs Supervised Warehouses in Air-port Region

  27. 据此,对大连空港物流业基础设施的建设需求情况进行了实际的分析阐述。

    Accordingly , the actual analysis illustrates the Dalian Airport Logistics industry infrastructure demand .

  28. 天津空港物流加工区城市设计

    Urban Design of the Tianjing Freightage Transport District

  29. 因此,无锡发展空港物流园是一个必要之举。

    Therefore , Wuxi airport logistics park development is a necessary thing to do .

  30. 大多数人心目中的空港无非就是航空公司和飞机。

    Most people who thought about airports did so in terms of airlines and airplanes .