
kōnɡ xū ɡǎn
  • void;sense of emptiness
  1. 他母亲死后留下的空虚感永远没能填补上。

    The void left by his mother 's death was never filled .

  2. 他心中有悲痛的空虚感.

    There was an aching void in his heart .

  3. 她的内心有一种隐隐作痛的空虚感。

    There was an aching emptiness in her heart .

  4. 时间的流逝带来了一丝空虚感。

    The passing of time brought a sense of emptiness

  5. 巨大的空虚感汹涌袭来。

    The sense of space and emptiness is overwhelming .

  6. 之后对生活产生的影响可能会是空虚感和沮丧感。

    The result later in life may be feelings of emptiness and depression .

  7. 非条件Logistic回归分析表明,军校学员抑郁情绪与乐观、空虚感、社会活动等有关。

    Logistic regression analysis showed depression was related to optimism , vacuity and social activities .

  8. 所引出的空虚感使人感到了现实的嘈杂。

    The resulting emptiness makes one feel the clamour of reality .

  9. 她孩子死后留下的痛苦的空虚感。

    An aching void left by the death of her child .

  10. 你只剩下这种麻木的空虚感了。

    You are left with this sort of numb emptiness .

  11. 我还找不到答案,空虚感也仍然存在。

    Answers I can 't yet find , and the emptiness inside remains .

  12. 泪水注满我迷途的心中的空虚感

    The tears fills the void in my heart astray

  13. 她丈夫的去世留下一种难以忍受的空虚感。

    Her husband 's death left a terrible void .

  14. 这样的空虚感似曾相识,唯一能够摆脱它们的方法就是工作。

    Voids like these were familiar , and the only way across them was work .

  15. 我百感交集,心中充满沮丧、失落和空虚感。

    I felt a mix of emotions such as depression , loss , and emptiness .

  16. 面对这一切,亨利所获得的只是幻灭感、迷惘感和空虚感。

    Face it all , Henry won just disillusioned feeling , confusion feeling and emptiness .

  17. 老人的狗死了,这在他心中留下了痛苦的空虚感。

    The death of his dog left an aching void in the old man 's heart .

  18. 你是否感到一种空虚感,向往更多,一种表达自我的渴望?

    Do you feel a sense of emptiness , longing for more , a desire to express yourself ?

  19. 但我也感到一种不寒而栗的空虚感,我将来的路是怎么样的?

    But I also felt a chilling sense of emptiness , the way the future is how I like ?

  20. 逆某简单说就是个人所具有的一种空虚感,福尔斯在精神分析学和存在哲学的基础上阐发了他的逆某思想。

    Nemo means individual sense of vacancy , Fowles expounds his nemo thought on the base of psychoanalysis and existentialism .

  21. 她盯著萤幕看似乎是很快乐的,但是实际上她试图自杀的行为透露出她的空虚感。

    She seems to be happy staring at the screens but actually attempts to commit suicide , revealing her emptiness .

  22. 伍尔夫正是通过这些嗓音的交相组合,向读者生动地展示了当时西方社会人们的悲观意识以及空虚感和幻灭感。

    Combining these voices together , Woolf exposes the pessimism , emptiness and sense of loss in the modern western society .

  23. 要想弥补这种空虚感,多做些计划和同事一起每周享受一次欢乐时光,和女性朋友们一起吃早午餐。

    To fill the void , make more plans-organize a weekly happy hour with coworkers and brunch dates with your girls .

  24. 他们觉得已经耗尽了全部的精力,而获得的回报却只是一种空虚感。

    They feel as if they have expended all their energy and all they get in return is a sense of emptiness .

  25. 他们觉得似乎耗尽了所有精力,换来的只有空虚感。

    They feel as if they have expended all their energy and all they get in return is a sense of emptiness 。

  26. 怕其他人、未来,怕失败,还有内心的空虚感

    frightened of other people , of the future , of failure and of the emptiness that I felt was within me .

  27. 因为喝了酒,我对第二天的记忆很模糊,我试图扼制住一种空虚感。

    I have vague memories of the next day : the after effects of drinking , a certain hollowness that I tried to stifle .

  28. 可是,我总觉得缺了些什么,慢慢地,我心里产生了一种阴暗的空虚感,它开始吞噬我的幸福。

    And yet , something was missing . Slowly , a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat away at my happiness .

  29. 无处不在的忧患意识和弥漫在一些中产阶层心中的空虚感使得他们与社会所期待的脊梁目标相距甚远。

    Ubiquitous suffering consciousness and hollow sense of filling the air in the minds of some middle classes make them remote from backbone goal that the society expects .

  30. 这座城市的夜晚显得模糊和虚假,比白天更缺乏真实性,从而加强了人们在日间所感受到的空虚感。

    At night , the city , shows even less authenticity ; it appears fuzzy and false , thus reinforcing the impression of emptiness which one feels once returned to the daylight .