
kōng sù
  • airspeed;air speed
空速 [kōng sù]
  • [air speed] 飞机相对于空气的速度,以区别于地速,即飞机对地面的速度

空速[kōng sù]
  1. 这个动作产生的结果就是出现了巨大的负G过载,因为这个时候飞机还是保留有一定的空速的。

    This usually results in a large negative-g force because I have some excess airspeed left .

  2. 车用催化转化器的CO空速特性

    CO Airspeed Performance of Vehicle Catalytic Converter

  3. 我们目前正在以每小时400英里的空速在33000英尺的高度飞行。

    We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33000 feet at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour .

  4. 液时体积空速0.6~0.8ml/ml·h;

    Liquid hourly space velocity is 0.6 ~ 0.8 ml / ml. h ;

  5. GPS速度法确定飞机空速系统位置误差

    Using GPS system to determine the position error of pitot static system

  6. 实验考察了反应温度、C4空速、溶剂用量及副产物对水合反应的影响。

    The effects of reaction temperature , space velocity , solvent amount , and by-products on hydration reaction are investigated .

  7. 反应压力及H2/CO2配比较低、空速较高时,易生成烯烃。

    Low pressure , low H_2 / CO_2 ratio and high space velocity favor the production of olefines .

  8. 基于MEMS压力传感器的微小型空速计

    Miniature airspeed meter based on MEMS pressure sensor

  9. 设计了水平空速归零测风方式,利用全球定位系统(GPS)测风,进行了微型无人驾驶飞机探测试验。

    And a zero horizontal wind measuring mode is worked out with the operation done by GPS ( global positioning system ) .

  10. 在壁面温度足够高的情况下,Pd催化剂能更好地适应较高的空速率。

    If the wall temperature is high enough , Pd can be better adapted to higher air velocity .

  11. 在高压连续流动微反色谱系统上研究了Ni-W-F/γ-Al2O3催化剂的吡啶加氢反应,考查了各种参数,即温度、压力、吡啶初始分压和空速的影响。

    The hydrogenation of pyridine on Ni-W-F / γ - Al_2O_3 catalyst was investigated in high-pressure continuous-flow micro-reactor-chromatograph system .

  12. 通过反应前后CO2含量的比较,得到较佳催化剂协同效应时的空速为1000mL/(g·h)。

    The better synergy effect of the bifunctional catalyst was obtained at the space velocity around 1000 mL / ( g · h ) .

  13. 介绍了一种采用微差压传感器、微型放大器、微功耗数字信号处理器(DSP)设计的新型微型飞行器空速计。

    A new technology of airspeed meter of micro air vehicle based on micro difference pressure senso , micro amplifier and DSP is introduced .

  14. 对FCC汽油进行降烯烃处理,考察温度、压力和体积空速对降烯烃效果的影响。

    Influences of temperature , pressure and space velocity on olefin-reducing result were investigated for treatment of FCC gasoline .

  15. 当飞机在遭遇Caution级风切变时,飞行员应注意保持空速和航迹。

    The pilot need to be more careful and need to maintain flight path when encountering caution level windshear .

  16. 考察了反应温度、氢分区、空速、氢油比等工艺参数以及原料油性质和循环氢中H2S浓度等操作条件对深度脱硫、脱芳烃效果的影响。

    The effects of the processing parameters on the degrees of desulfurization and aromatics reduction were investigated .

  17. 采用无碱脱臭Ⅱ型工艺,在较低的操作空速下对安庆催化裂解(DCC)汽油进行了脱臭试验。

    DCC gasoline of Anqing refinery was sweetened on caustic free sweetening experimental unit .

  18. 在固定床反应器中,研究用改性活性半焦来脱除烟气中SO2的动力学问题。考察半焦粒径、反应温度和空速对SO2转化率的影响,建立了本征动力学方程。

    The kinetics for removal of SO2 from flue gas using modified activated semi-coke was studied in a fixed bed reactor .

  19. 在保证高CO转化率的前提下,适当降低λ值,提高空速可提高催化剂的选择性。

    Therefore , under the premise of high CO conversion , decreasing the value of λ and increasing the space velocity is facilitated to improve the selectivity of the catalysts .

  20. 构建了基于MEMS技术的陀螺、加速度计、磁强计及空速计组合的微小型飞行器姿态测量系统。

    The attitude measurement system was constructed for micro aerial vehicles ( MAV ) based on the MEMS gyroscope , accelerometer , magnetometer and airspeed meter .

  21. 华北C4液化气的转化率都在97%以上,且随空速升高而逐渐增加;

    The conversions of C4 LPG were all above 97 % and increased with the increase of WHSV ;

  22. 研究了采用非贵金属催化剂进行C5/C6异构化的工艺,并考察了温度、压力、空速、氢/油比及原料中杂质对异构化反应的影响。

    The C_5 / C_6 isomerization process with non-noble metal catalyst and the effects of temperature . pressure , space velocity , hydrogen / oil ratio and impurities in feed - stock on the operation are studied .

  23. 除了Ni组分分布情况外,催化剂的颗粒度、活性组分Ni含量、反应温度及气体空速等因素均对CH4部分氧化反应进行有不同程度的影响。

    Besides nickel component distribution , catalyst particle size , nickel loadings , reaction temperature , and space velocity also affected the POM reactivity to some extent .

  24. 研究表明,反应温度、剂/油质量比(m(Catalyst)/m(Oil))、催化剂上焦炭沉积状况、反应质量空速和蒸汽注入量等操作参数对催化裂化过程中的骨架异构化反应均有影响。

    Operating parameters , such as reaction temperature , catalyst to oil mass ratio , coke deposition , mass hour space velocity ( MHSV ) and amount of atomizing steam all showed some influence on skeletal isomerization reaction .

  25. 在空速3000ml/(g·h)下积炭时,其烧炭动力学过程符合一级反应过程,烧炭活化能为1408kJ/mol。

    000 ml / ( g h ), the kinetics of coke combustion fits in first order reaction with respect to coke amount , and the corresponding activation energy is about 140 kJ / mol.

  26. 并在反应模型的基础上,加入SCR反应速率方程。计算分析了不同温度、空速、不同NH3/NO对催化器转化速率的影响。

    With addition of reaction rate equation , dependence of NO conversion efficiency on temperature , space velocity and different NH3 / NO rate are studied .

  27. 提高原料气中CO2与CH4摩尔比,气体空速,反应温度可以提高催化剂稳定性,减缓催化剂的失括速度。

    In order to improve stability of catalyst , some process methods , such as increasing CO_2 and CH_4 molar ratio , gas space velocity , and reaction temperature , were adopted .

  28. 研究结果表明增加空速降低了H2和CO的转化率,但提高了低碳醇的产率,空速增加,甲醇在总醇中的含量也随之增加。

    It was found that conversion rates of H2 and CO decrease with space velocity , while generate more higher alcohols , the content of methanol in total alcohol was also improved .

  29. 液体体积空速(LHSV)70~100h-1;

    Liquid space velocity ( LHSV ), 70 ~ 100h - 1 ;

  30. 利用担载型双金属活性组分催化剂,考察了反应温度、压力、进料空速和V(空气)∶V(H2O)(体积比)等反应条件对催化湿式氧化处理某农药废水效果的影响。

    The wastewater in pesticide plants on the supported bimetallic catalyst is treated and the operation conditions of CWO including temperature , pressure , space velocity and the ratio of air / water are investigated .