
  • 网络space velocity
  1. 在本章中,我们首先从四能级激光系统空间速率方程理论出发,得到了阈值泵浦功率、输出功率和斜效率的表达式。

    Based on the rate-equation theory of four-level system , the expressions of threshold pump power , output power and slope efficiency are given .

  2. 据此,采用Fischer图解法,求取了其可容空间变化速率曲线。

    The accommodation change curves of the terrigenous sequences were obtained by using Fischer diagram .

  3. 济阳坳陷永921地区沙四段可容空间变化速率与储层特征的关系

    Relationship between reservoir quality and creative accommodation rate in the fourth member of Shahejie formation of Lower Tertiary in Yong 921 area of Jiyang Depression

  4. 受沉积物供给速率、可容空间增长速率及盆缘断裂产状等因素控制可划分出退积型、加积型、前积型、陡坡型和缓坡型5种扇三角洲类型。

    Controlled by sediment flux rate , available accommodation expansion rate and basin-bounded fault , fan deltaic depositional system style can be generally divided into five types , i.

  5. 一种基于子空间的多速率DS-CDMA盲多用户检测器

    A Blind Multiuser Detector Based on Subspace for Multirate DS-CDMA System

  6. 狭长受限空间火场传播速率的影响因素研究

    Long and narrow space limited by the impact of the fire spread rate factors

  7. 结果表明,硅油冷却低密度聚乙烯的空间电荷消散速率最快,阈值场强最大,电荷视在迁移率最高。

    The LDPE cooled in silicon oil has the highest threshold stresses , the highest apparent mobility of charge and the greatest rate of dissipation .

  8. 地面沉降具有较好的继承性发展特征,其影响空间随着变形速率的增大而不断地扩展;

    The land subsidence also possesses a feature of successive development , and the area affected may expand gradually with the change of the speed ;

  9. 20世纪100年,人类空间变迁的速率及深刻程度远远超过了以往1000年!

    In the 100 years of 20th Century , the changing velocity and profundity of human 's space exceeded those of the past 1000 years greatly !

  10. 历史数据库部分采用二进制方式来读写磁盘,并对历史数据的磁盘空间、读取速率和备份操作等方面进行了优化。

    The part of historical database uses the binary mode to read and write disks , and optimizes the disk space , read speed and backup operations and so on .

  11. 实验结果表明,节点的缓存空间、感知速率不影响整个网络的吞吐率,网络吞吐率随摆渡节点移动速度的加快而提高。

    Experimental results show that network throughput does not affected by ferry speed and memory capacity of nodes , the greater speed of ferry is , the more network throughput is .

  12. 由于空间目标旋转速率和雷达采样周期的不确定,雷达回波数据与模板数据存在着采样率不一致,影响匹配效果。

    Considering the uncertain for rotating velocity of spatial target and sample period of radar observation , there exists sampling rate variance between radar returns and template data , which decreases the degree of matching .

  13. 粒度分析表明,碎屑颗粒的分选性除了与沉积环境有关外,还明显受海平面升降、容纳空间的增长速率以及沉积物供给速率控制。

    It is shown by analysing the grain size of the rocks that the well sorting of elastic grain , depending on the sedimentary environment , is evidently controlled by the eustasy , the growth rate of accommodation space as well as the supply rate of deposits .

  14. 当Dg→0时,空间气相反应速率为0,气相处于冻结状态;

    As D g → 0 , the reaction rate of the gas phase is zero , so the gas is in the phase of frozen .

  15. 配合物的空间构型对反应速率有较大影响,具有四面体结构的配合物更有利于PNPP的水解。

    In addition , the complexes with tetrahedral structure would accelerate the hydrolysis of PNPP .

  16. 关于空间、时间和速率的每一个常识性概念统统都不适合了。

    Every common-sense notion about space , time , and speed becomes totally inappropriate .

  17. 文章建议根据火源释热率、火灾发生后的逃生时间、烟气层的控制高度合理确定大空间的机械排烟速率。

    Therefore the article recommends that according to fire heat release rate , escape time and control height of smoke layer , the rate of mechanical smoke extraction should be reasonably decided .

  18. 为了满足临床诊断的需要,进一步全面提高系统的性能,包括探查深度、空间分辨率、成像速率,灵敏度等指标一直还是工程开发人员致力研究的目标。

    In order to meet the needs of the clinical diagnosis and improve the system performance further and comprehensively , some indicators such as the exploration depth , spatial resolution , imaging speed and sensitivity are the research objectives of the engineer .

  19. 研究得出以下结论:①运用可容空间与沉积物供应速率的关系对坳陷湖盆进行层序分析是完全可行的,理论与实际吻合度高;

    Through studying some conclusions are obtained as follows : ① it is fully feasible to carry out the sequence analysis of the downwarped lake basin in consideration of the relation between volumetric space and sedimentary velocity and the theory is highly coincident with practice ;

  20. 结果表明,热老化使低密度聚乙烯内积聚更多的空间电荷,并降低低密度聚乙烯在短路状态下的空间电荷消散速率;水热老化比干热老化对聚乙烯空间电荷的积聚消散影响更大。

    The results showed that thermal aging made LDPE accumulate more space charge , and decreasing the dissipation rate of space charge after the removal of the applied voltage . The influence of space charge accumulation and dissipation of PE under hydrothermal condition was greater than that under dry-thermal condition .

  21. 初步总结了受限空间油池火燃烧的特性及其规律,给出了在实验条件下油池火在受限空间和开放空间燃烧速率以及燃料吸收热量的差异。

    We quantitative explain the burning-speed and the difference of caloric absorbed by the fuel , when the oil-pool-fire be put in enclosed space and in open space .