
  • 网络time travel dramas;time-travel drama;time-travel TV series;time-travel TV drama;Wear the shaoxing opera
  1. 就在去年,“穿越剧”达到了鼎盛时期。

    Last year saw their popularity peak . Eye candy

  2. 穿越剧在影视艺术学界尚属一个新话题。

    Scholars in the visual arts through TV play with space ‐ time penetration is still a new topic .

  3. 当被问及“穿越剧”为何如此吸引人时,有21%的受访者回答:“极具魅力的人物角色。”

    When asked about what 's so appealing about time travel TV series , 21 percent of respondents answered : " Those attractive characters . "

  4. 《步步惊心》制片人蔡艺侬认为,“穿越剧”将古代和现代连接起来,为观众提供了更多的想象空间。

    Time travel series connect both today and the past , thus offering room for imagination , said Cai Yinong , the producer of Startling by Each Step .

  5. 穿越剧审美文化穿越剧的审美文化呼唤精神内核的回归,这个魂,是唤醒被物质迷惑而疏于聆听自己内心的声音的观众,于纷杂中重寻自我的力量。

    Through the theater through the drama of aesthetic and cultural spirit of the aesthetic and cultural core of the return call , the soul is awakened by physical confusion and neglect listening to your inner voice of the audience , in the confused re ‐ invent themselves in power .

  6. 吴奇隆和刘诗诗是在2011年经典穿越大剧《步步惊心》的拍摄期间相识的。

    Wu and Liu met back in 2011 during the filming of hit time-travel TV series ' Scarlet Heart . '

  7. 研究穿越题材电视剧的叙事内容及其结构特性,能充实穿越剧题材的特征构建。

    Research on the narrative content and structure characteristics of time-travel TV series can enrich its characteristic build .

  8. 穿越类影视剧是对穿越时空这一类型题材的影视作品的统称。

    Through the category of television drama is through time and space this type subject matter referred to as .

  9. 穿越类影视剧是近两年快速发展起来并充斥于影视的荧屏和荧幕的一种新兴类型剧。

    Through the kind of film and television drama is nearly two years of rapid development and floods in the television screen and screen of a new type of drama .

  10. 穿越电影、穿越电视剧、穿越小说等共同的特点,是人物会不断地往来于不同的时空。

    Through films , through television dramas , through novels and other common characteristics of the people will continue to travel between different time .

  11. 2001年,电视剧《寻秦记》获得的巨大成功使得电视剧制作公司纷纷收购类似穿越题材剧本。就在去年,穿越剧达到了鼎盛时期。

    The big success of the TV series adapted from A Step Into the Past in 2001 has inspired TV production companies to buy up similar time travel tales . Last year saw their popularity peak .