
  • 网络suddenness;burst;bursty;burstiness;Onset
  1. 目的:探讨突发性致死性哮喘SFA的临床特点及其危险因素。

    Objective : To study the clinical characteristic and Risk factor in sudden - onset fatal asthma ( SFA ) .

  2. 我国新疆地区经常发生冰川阻塞湖引起的突发性洪水灾害。

    Xinjiang region is prone to rapid onset flood disaster due to glacier-dammed lake .

  3. 当然是。帕里斯曾患有突发性心脏衰竭。

    It certainly was . Paris had suffered a sudden heart failure .

  4. "在这种情况下,大多数人都无法存活。是我的团队救了我的命。"专家说帕里斯是对的:对于突发性心力衰竭来说,唯一最好的生存机会就是让附近的人介入并迅速进行心肺复苏。

    " Most people don 't survive this . My team saved my life . " Experts say Paris is right : For a sudden heart failure , the single best chance for survival is having someone nearby step in and do CPR quickly .

  5. 总的来说,研究结果似乎显示了长期的压力与因意外打击引发的突发性心碎综合征之间的关联。

    Overall , the findings appeared to link long-term stress and the dramatic takotsubo response to a sudden shock .

  6. 半正交3次B样条小波包变换在机组突发性振动故障分析中的应用

    The Application of 3B-spline Wavelet Packet Translation to Abrupt Vibration Fault of Turbo-generator Unit

  7. 该任务分配机制针对多Agent协作工作时面临的突发性事件,能有效地提高系统的实时处理能力和工作效率。

    The multi-agent system 's real-time processing capability is improved by using this mechanism .

  8. 血小板、蛋白激酶C、脂蛋白(a)检测在老年突发性聋诊断中的价值

    Value of blood platelet , protein kinase C and lipoprotein a test on the diagnosis of senile sudden deafness

  9. 结果表明,该算法能真实地反映IP流的时间特性,又能容忍IP流短时间内的突发性。

    This algorithm can tolerate the short-term burst of IP flows as well as reflecting the flows ' temporal-behavior .

  10. 该模型特别适用于处理突发性高速数据流,也适用于Reactive系统设计。

    ECDF model is also suited for the Reactive systems design , and high-speed burst-data flow processing especially .

  11. 突发性聋不同证型之间耳鸣的发生率无显著性差异(P0.05)。

    The incidence of tinnitus between different syndromes occurs has no significant difference ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  12. 为了适应IP业务的突发性要求,提高带宽的利用率,近年来光轨网络应运而生。

    In order to enable IP burst service and increase bandwidth utilization rate , a new solution called light-trails network is proposed .

  13. 突发性聋患者血浆vWF、GMP-140水平的变化

    The serum levels of vWF and GMP-140 in patients with idiopathic sudden deafness

  14. 用冲击强度测定渗碳钢的S-N曲线及突发性断裂强度

    Determination of S-N Curves and Instant Fracture Strength of Cemented Steel by Impact Strength

  15. VBR视频的数据率会在一个相当宽的区间内波动,对网络带来瞬间的压力,这种突发性对于网络和应用程序的设计提出了新的挑战。

    The vibration of data rate of VBR video may put traffic bursts on networks .

  16. 目的利用Meta分析方法对葛根素注射液治疗突发性耳聋的临床试验进行分析,评价其治疗效果。

    OBJECTIVE : To conduct a meta-analysis on the clinical trails of kakkonein injection for sudden hearing loss and to evaluate its outcome .

  17. 结果突发性聋伴眩晕78例,治疗有效率为59.0%,不伴眩晕患者139例,治疗有效率为87.77%(P<0.05);

    Results The effective rate of treatment was 59 . 0 % in 78 cases of sudden deafness with vertigo and the effective rate was 87.77 % , 139 cases of sudden deafness without vertigo ( P < 0.05 ) .

  18. 结论:对儿童时期发生的不明原因的感音神经性听力损失或(和)突发性聋,应行高分辨率CT扫描,以了解是否存在不伴耳蜗畸形的大前庭水管综合征。

    Conclusion : It is important to identify followed by high-resolution computer tomography whether a large vestibular aqueduct syndrome when a causal uncertain sensorineural hearing loss or / and a sudden deafness onset in childhood is represented .

  19. 因此,突发性地质灾害的实时、准确监测对发现灾害体的变形和及时预防至关重要,这就需要GPS监测应具有实时或准实时的动态监测功能。

    Therefore , the Real-time , accurate monitoring of paroxysmal geological disasters has vital impact on finding the deformation and timely disaster prevention , which requires GPS monitoring should have real-time or quasi real-time dynamic monitoring capabilities .

  20. 对MPEG视频业务的建模的仿真结果表明,TES模型能够很好地表征网络业务流的突发性。

    The simulation results on modeling of MPEG-compressed video traffic demonstrate that TES models are able to characterize the burstiness of network traffic streams .

  21. 仿真结果表明,定时的Rejuvenation策略能有效地避免软件老化带来的突发性失效,从而减少程序的执行时间。

    The experimental results show that the periodic rejuvenation can effectively avoid the sudden system outage due to aging , thus the program execution time is significantly reduced .

  22. 目的观察东菱迪芙(DF-521)对突发性耳聋的临床疗效;

    Objective To observe the efficiency of Batroxobin ( DF - 521 ) in sudden deafness .

  23. 但在拥塞发生在信源处或对突发性业务进行控制的情况下,添加开环控制的ABR拥塞控制可以获得比闭环控制更佳的作用。

    However , in case the connection is source bottlenecked or the service is burst , ABR congest control plus open loop control can do a better job than close loop control .

  24. 整合出了旅游容量、旅游LAC、突发性灾害防御系统和护林防火系统相结合的旅游地生态环境保育措施。

    It also settled and synthesized the tourism capacity , tourism LAC , and the preserving measures for ecological environments which might both defend against sudden accidents and avoid forest fire .

  25. 在DARPA上的测试结果表明,该方法不仅能够发现网络中存在的突发性流量攻击,还能够确定异常发生的位置。

    Result shows the proposed approach can detect the possible presence of not only an anomaly , but also its location on data set .

  26. 本文主要分析了F3断层突发性涌水机理,介绍了F3断层突涌水的治理措施。

    The analysis is made of mechanisation for burst water on Fault F3 and an introduction is given to treatment measures for the gushed water in this paper .

  27. 帧中继(FR)作为一种快速分组交换技术,能够按需动态分配带宽,适于突发性,高速率和大流量的数据传输。

    As a king of fast packet exchange network , Frame Relay ( FR ) can distribute bandwidth on demand , which is fit for paroxysmal , high speed and huge flux data transportation .

  28. 进入21世纪以来,我国SARS、H1N1等突发性公共卫生事件爆发频繁,不同地区以及城乡之间公共卫生服务提供水平和覆盖面存在巨大差异,这些问题都与公共卫生支出的绩效密切相关。

    In the 21st century , SARS , H1N1 and other sudden epidemics broke out in our country frequently . There is a huge difference in public health service delivery level and coverage in different regions and between urban and rural .

  29. 用Brugger试验方法测试渗碳钢的S-N曲线及评价渗碳齿轮抗突发性断裂强度进行了讨论和评述。

    The application of Brugger impact method in testing of S-N curves of cemented steels and evaluating of instant fracture strength of cemented gears has been discussed and investigated .

  30. 这个比值与一次断裂突发性垂直位错量(19m)与水平位错量(52m)的比值基本吻合。

    The ratio of vertical slip rate to horizontal slip rate is about 1 / 3 , which is about the same as the ratio between the vertical and horizontal displacement in an event .