
lì tǐ tú xínɡ
  • solid;three-dimensional picture;hologram
  1. 立方体是一种立体图形。

    A cube is a solid figure .

  2. AutoCAD下平面和空间立体图形信息的提取

    The Acquisition of Graphics ' Data Information Under AutoCAD

  3. 主要讲述了在Powerpoint中利用绘图工具的一些基本操作和三维设置以及图片工具中基本操作三方面的问题,并介绍了结合动画设置制作立体图形的方法和技巧。

    In this article , we mainly give some ways by using basic drawing tools , 3-dimensional setting , picture tool in Power Point and cartoon setting to make space graphs in Advanced Maths .

  4. 本文主要介绍了AutoCAD中立体图形的绘制及各种方法绘制出来的立体图形的区别。

    This paper introduce the way of drawing solid figure with AutoCAD and the difference of the various figure .

  5. 例如,前一篇文章通过创建一个正方形Face对象,并使用参数-9调用pushpull方法,形成了一个盒状立体图形。

    For example , the previous article formed a box by creating a square Face object and calling the pushpull method with an argument of-9 .

  6. 通过对电镀锌层的形貌控制,能够实现ZnO纳米阵列的立体图形化制备。

    By varying the parameters of electroplating , the morphology of the Zn plating layer could be controlled , thus , the fabricating of patterned ZnO nanowire arrays in 3-dimensional are also can be achieved . 2 .

  7. 主控机操作界面的设计采用了绘图软件制作立体图形嵌入VB中的软件处理方法,使屏幕显示贴近库房实际,达到直观形象的效果。

    The design of central operating interface adopts a process of graphic software to have the cubic graphs embedded in VB , which brings the images on the screen more closely in appearance to the reality , producing consequently an intuitive effect .

  8. 本文的主要创新点1、采用AutoCAD所提供的混流式水轮机叶片二维截面木模图,将其导入Pro/E生成三维立体图形,数据之间传递较为方便,表达准确直观。

    The main innovations of this paper : 1 . AutoCAD provides two-dimensional section of a Francis turbine blade wooden model diagram , to import Pro / E generates three-dimensional graphics , data transfer between the more convenient , accurate and intuitive expression . 2 .

  9. 然后利用现有的CFD(Fluent)软件对三维立体图形进行数值模拟,主要是采用湍流模型和离散格式对短叶片不同长度及不同偏置位置的叶轮内部流动进行计算。

    Using PRO / ENGINEER software design impellers , using CFD software ( Fluent ) carry through numerical simulation . Using turbulence model and discrete format calculate the flow field of the centrifugal pump at conditions of short-blade of different length and different offset position .

  10. 对比学生在接受图学教育前后的MCT得分情况,表明:画法几何部分的教学效果与MCT得分成正相关,学生从平面图形到三维立体图形的空间认知能力有明显提高;

    The MCT average mark of fore-and-after graphics education shows that the effect of teaching descriptive geometry has a strong correlation with MCT test and students ' space cognitive abilities from 2D drawing to 3D model have been improved obviously .

  11. 三维地质数据的神经网络处理及立体图形显示

    Nerve network processing and stereographic display of 3 D geologic data

  12. 基于面向对象的线画图立体图形的实体模型设计

    Solid model design of wireframe object based on object - oriented design

  13. 用Origin6.0绘制波函数立体图形

    Three dimensional graphs of the wave functions in Origin 6.0

  14. 关于空间物体立体图形表示的研究&电子计算机图形处理之二

    Study on Stereopicture Representation of Objects in Space & Graphic Computerization ⅱ

  15. 由多个多面形或平面限定的立体图形。

    A solid figure bounded by plane polygons or faces .

  16. 桩基钻孔测量仪立体图形显示的实现

    The Realization of Three-dimensional Displaying for Shaft Measuring Instrument

  17. 就得到整个立体图形体积的一个估计值。

    That gives us an estimate of a volume .

  18. 试着去求这个立体图形的体积。

    And , we 'll try to compute the volume of this solid here .

  19. 消去隐藏线的直线立体图形绘制

    Draw Line Stereograph of Eliminating Hidden - Line

  20. 你怎样能确定你的立体图形旋转以后还是不同的?

    How can you make sure that your cuboids are not the same if rotated ?

  21. 空间管道立体图形的绘制

    How to Draw the 3D Conduit

  22. 正方体是立体图形。

    A cube is a solid .

  23. 扇面扫描前列腺超声图像三维重构后立体图形的消隐

    A method to the hidden line for three dimensional reconstruction from sector scanning ultrasonic image of prostate

  24. 在一般情况下,不需要人工干预,即可得到精确的三维数组与立体图形。

    It is possible to obtain an exact three-dimensional matrix and view without human interference using this method .

  25. 目的:研究脑内对具有冲突信息的立体图形及平面图形处理的机制。

    Objective : To study the processing mechanism of the conflicting stereo and plane visual shapes in human brain .

  26. 对立体图形周长怎么计算(用什么函数)?要求实现运行时的多态性。

    How to calculate the circumference of the three-dimensional graphics ( what function )? Required to achieve runtime polymorphism .

  27. 我画方块,把它们仔细地画成立体图形,然后在每个角画上一个小圆圈。

    I draw boxes . I draw them carefully in 3D and then put a little circle at each corner .

  28. 本文主要研究设计了将材料微观结构的系列截面图形连接形成立体图形的计算机程序。

    The computer program for joining serial sections of material microstructure into stereo-picture have been studied and developed in this article .

  29. 这种计算方法的特点是精度高,所建立的立体图形简洁明快、灵活多变、适应性强。

    Higher accuracy is characteristic of this method and cubic figures built in the method show a lucid , flexible and adaptable character .

  30. 但国对阅读障碍人群的视觉认知能力的研究较少,且采用的实验材料均为平面材料,从未对立体图形的认知进行研究。

    There were a few researches on dyslexia people 's visual cognitive ability in China , moreover , they all used plane material , not stereogram .