
lì shì zuàn chuánɡ
  • upright drill;vertical drill
  1. 简单介绍了对原立式钻床Z5030A进行的机械改进和电气改进,详细阐述了利用PLC给工件自动定位的方法。

    The mechanical and electrical improvement to Z5030A upright drill press is introduced in brief and the way how to realize automatic orientation by PLC is also illustrated in details .

  2. 本文给出了用可编程控制器(PLC)将普通立式钻床改造成可批量加工的专用自动钻床的控制方法。

    In this paper , the controlling system to improve ordinary vertical drill to automatic drilling machine based on PLC is introduced , and the automatic drill is suitable for batch production .

  3. 新系列方柱立式钻床孤立障碍物柱形浮标

    New series vertical drilling machines with square colum isolated danger pole buoy

  4. 新系列方柱立式钻床

    New series vertical drilling machines with square colum

  5. 十字工作台立式钻床

    Vertical drilling machine with cross table

  6. GB/T4018.2-1997圆柱立式钻床精度检验第2部分:工作精度检验

    Pillar type vertical drilling machines Testing of the accuracy Part 2 : Testing of the working accuracy

  7. 十字工作台立式钻床提高单柱立车液压自动转位刀台的可靠性

    Vertical drilling machine with cross table Improving Reliability of Hydraulic Automatic Indexing Tool Post of Single Column Vertical Boring Turning Mill

  8. Z30130X31型摇臂钻床属于大型立式钻床,其传统的控制方式是利用继电器接触器原理控制。

    Z30130X31-arm drilling is a large vertical drilling , the traditional control method is the use of relay contacts Principle control .

  9. 钻床也许被分为三种一般类型:立式钻床、多轴钻床和摇臂式钻床。

    The drilling machines may be classified into three general type : Vertical spindle , Multiple Spindle , and Radial Spindle machines .

  10. 立式振动钻床上麻花钻切削性能的研究

    A Research on Drilling on vibrating upright Drilling Machine with Twist Drill